Xikou-Tengtou Scenic Area 溪口滕头


Chinese Name: 溪口滕头风景区

English Name: Xikou-Tengtou Scenic Area; Xikou-Tengtou

Location: Ningbo, Zhejiang

Type: Ancient culture and art

Rating Level: AAAAA (5A)

Website: https://www.xikoutourism.com/

Xikou-Tengtou Scenic Area 溪口滕头
Xikou-Tengtou Scenic Area 溪口滕头

Brief Introduction

Xikou-Tengtou Scenic Area, Ningbo 宁波, a national AAAAA tourist attraction, covers an area of 140 square kilometers and is located in Xikou Town 溪口, Fenghua 奉化, Ningbo. It has a long history, beautiful mountains and rivers, and a profound cultural heritage. During the Republic of China, it became famous because of Chiang Kai-Shek 蒋中正 and Chiang Ching-Kuo’s 蒋经国 father and son, and also because of the profound Buddhist culture.

Xikou-Tengtou Scenic Area 溪口滕头
Xikou-Tengtou Scenic Area 溪口滕头

Xikou-Tengtou Scenic Area is located 20 kilometers southwest of Ningbo City, bordering Wuling 武岭 in the east, Yanxi 剡溪 in the south, and Xuedou Mountain 雪窦山 in the north, surrounded by water and mountains, with beautiful scenery. It is a tourist area integrating the essence of humanity, the beauty of mountains and waters, and the solemnity of Buddhism. It enjoys great fame at home and abroad.

Teng Tou Village 滕头村 is located 6 kilometers north of Fenghua City, 27 kilometers away from Ningbo, and 15 kilometers away from the airport. It is 12 kilometers away from Xikou. With the greening projects of “ecological agriculture”, “three-dimensional agriculture” and “clear water and blue sky”, it has formed a unique ecotourism area, which enjoys a high reputation at home and abroad.

Xikou-Tengtou Scenic Area 溪口滕头
Teng Tou Village 滕头村

What are worth visiting and seeing?


Wushan Temple 武山庙, Xikou-Tengtou Scenic Area is located at the south foot of Wushan Mountain, Xikou-Tengtou Scenic Area. There is no record of the age of the temple. In 1790, funds were raised for construction. In 1796 (the first year of Jiaqing 嘉靖), corridors, pavilions, and mountain gates were built and later repaired. In the 1920s, it was Wushan School, where Jiang Jingguo studied.

From March 1986 to October 1987, the government allocated funds for renovation. There are two entrances, two side corridors, a stage in the courtyard, and two stone columns in the main hall, which were removed from the hexagonal temple in Daqiao Town. The cornices and brackets have the characteristics of Jiangnan temples in the Qing Dynasty. Xikou Museum was established in February 1988, with unearthed cultural relics and ancient crafts on display.

Xikou-Tengtou Scenic Area 溪口滕头
Wushan Temple 武山庙

The Wuling Gate 武岭门 of the Xikou-Tengtou Scenic Area is located at Wuling Nunnery with a tea pavilion. In 1929, the antique city building was demolished and built. There were three rooms on two floors in Wuling Park, with eaves rising high. The words “Wuling” written on the forehead are written by Yu Youren 于右任 in the east and by Chiang Kai-shek in the west.

Xikou-Tengtou Scenic Area 溪口滕头
The Wuling Gate 武岭门

Wenchang Pavilion 文昌阁 of the Xikou-Tengtou Scenic Area is located south end of Wushan Mountain, commonly known as Wulingtou 武岭头. It was built in 1731 (the ninth year of Yongzheng’s reign in the Qing Dynasty). Originally, it was a small pavilion with Wenchang Emperor’s seat inside. It is a place for sacrificing and holding ceremonies such as Xikou Wenchang Association 溪口文昌会, Wenwu Association 文武会, and Jinxi Study 锦溪书斋.

In the spring of 1924, when Chiang Kai-shek returned from Guangzhou and saw that he was about to collapse, he asked to rebuild the Wenchang Pavilion, which was completed in September of the next year.

Xikou-Tengtou Scenic Area 溪口滕头
Wenchang Pavilion 文昌阁

Wuling School 武岭学校 is on the right side of Wuling Gate. Chiang Kai-shek founded the school in 1929. The school building was designed by Weng Wentao and built by Shanghai Sun Yusheng Construction Factory. It was completed in December of the next year. Covering an area of more than 90 mu, there are more than 40 buildings, such as an auditorium, teaching building, dormitory building, gym, etc., with a building area of 14000 square meters. The layout is scattered and beautiful, and the greening is shady, including 4 ancient camphor trees, with a quiet environment. The unique auditorium has a grand appearance, exquisite decoration, and the architectural style of the Republic of China.

Xikou-Tengtou Scenic Area 溪口滕头
Wuling School 武岭学校

Practical Information

Train: Take a minibus from Hangzhou East Railway Station to Ningbo Railway Station.

Bus: Start from Hangzhou East Bus Station to Ningbo South Bus Station and take the minibus. The four shifts of 8:00, 9:00, 11:00, and 13:00 are fixed every day. There are extra buses on holidays. You can also take the minibus in the Fenghua direction at Ningbo South Bus Station to San Heng 三恒 and turn to Teng Tou.

Xikou-Tengtou Scenic Area 溪口滕头
Teng Tou Village 滕头村

All seasons are the best time to travel. Seasonal fresh fruit picking time: strawberry (at your own expense) (late December to early May), grape (late July to early September), Huanghua pear (mid-July to late August), peach (mid-July to late August), Tengtou native egg (all year round).

Xikou-Tengtou Scenic Area 溪口滕头
Night view of Teng Tou Village 滕头村夜景

VL#146 | Xikou | Ningbo | Zhejiang | China | Kabir Khan Afridi

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