
Technology news in China


  • China’s space station looking forward to participation of foreign astronauts

    15:32 Author:alpha

    JIUQUAN, May 29 (Xinhua) -- China is looking forward to and welcomes the participation of foreign astronauts in the country's space station flight missions, said the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA). Lin Xiqiang, deputy director of the CMSA, made the remarks ahead of the launch of the Shenzhou-16 crewed spaceship, which is scheduled for 9:31 a.m. (Beijing Time) on Tuesday, and will take place at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China. During the development and construction of China's space station, the country has carried out various forms of exchanges and cooperation with many foreign space agencies and international organizations. "On the one hand, China is steadily pushing forward the planned cooperation projects with the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, the European Space Agency and other organizations. On the other hand, China has actively expanded exchanges with emerging space nations, focusing on in-orbit scientific experiments and applications, and joint flights for astronauts to the space station," Lin said. In addition, China has been actively engaged in discussions and the making of regulations pertaining to issues like space environment governance, space traffic management, and the development and utilization of space resources. These efforts have contributed to addressing common…Original link

    China’s space station looking forward to participation of foreign astronauts

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  • Shenzhou XIV mission blasts off

    11:46 Author:alpha

    China on Sunday launched the crewed spaceship Shenzhou-14, sending three astronauts to its space station combination for a six-month mission. The trio will cooperate with the ground team to complete the assembly and construction of the Tiangong space station, developing it from a single-module structure into a national space laboratory with three modules -- the core module Tianhe and two lab modules Wentian and Mengtian. The spaceship, atop a Long March-2F carrier rocket, was lift off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China, according to the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA). The crew will work with the ground team to complete the rendezvous, docking and transposition of the two lab modules with the core module, said Lin Xiqiang, deputy director of the CMSA, at a press conference Saturday. The Tianhe core module was launched in April 2021, and the Wentian lab module is set to be launched in July and Mengtian in October. The Shenzhou-14 crew will also witness, during their stay in orbit, the Tianzhou-5 cargo craft and Shenzhou-15 crewed spaceship dock with the core module. Then, they will live and work together with the Shenzhou-15 crew for multiple days before returning back to Earth in December.Original link

    Shenzhou XIV mission blasts off

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  • Hubei enterprises apply for international patents

    10:58 Author:alpha

    On May 5, the day that the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs took effect in China, three local enterprises filed applications for international design patents — Dongfeng Motor Group, Dongfeng Trucks, and Voyah Automobile. They were among more than 30 leading Chinese enterprises, such as Xiaomi, JD, TCL, Huawei, and Alibaba that used the agreement to apply for international design patents on that day. Dongfeng Motor Group applied for a design patent for its Aeolus Haoji, a new SUV which just made its debut in China last month. Dongfeng Trucks made an application related to its door mirror assembly. Voyah Automobile applied for two design patents for its second car model Voyah Dreamer, an electric MPV which was officially launched in China on May 7 and is planned to be exported to European countries such as Norway. The Hague Agreement is an important international treaty that deals with intellectual property rights administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and is dedicated to the protection of such rights for industrial designs.Original link

    Hubei enterprises apply for international patents

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  • Hubei Provincial Museum provides VR tour service

    15:12 Author:alpha

    Looking forward to visiting the Hubei Provincial Museum but struggling to make a successful reservation? An alternative is now offered to avid museum visitors. By clicking on the buttons of their smart phones, visitors can enjoy a virtual tour of the museum and its best treasures such as the Chime Bells of Marquis Yi of Zeng and the Sword of Guojian, King of Yue. Interested readers can log onto the WeChat account of the museum ("湖北省博物馆"), find the menu entry "Exhibition," and view three VR tour routes — a tour about the extension of the Hubei Provincial Museum, one about the old museum, and a collective exhibition tour of Zeng State bronze vessels. Each VR tour delivers a 720-degree panoramic viewing experience and allows visitors to zoom in for more details of the relics on display.

    Hubei Provincial Museum provides VR tour service

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  • Shenzhen’s sales of homemade smartphones shoot up

    14:43 Author:alpha

    SHENZHEN has witnessed a surge in sales of electronic products such as mobile phones and computers, especially during the just concluded May Day holiday, reflecting the local economy’s great potential and resilience, a Shenzhen Special Zone Daily report said yesterday. Many electronic products shops across the city were delighted to see their sales pick up during the holiday, thanks to government consumption subsidies and the improving pandemic situation, the report said. Starting from May 1, the city has been providing 100 million yuan (US$14.9 million) in subsidies for consumer electronics and household appliance purchases to boost consumption. As many residents stayed put in Shenzhen for the holiday and got their subsidies, digital product sales of Shenzhen Century Huateng Information Technology Co. Ltd., which has 60 outlets across the city, sold 30% more products during the holiday than the same period last year, according to its vice manager Lyu Ming. The government’s subsidy package especially stimulated the sales of high-end mobile phones like the Honor series, whose sales made up 60% of the company’s total, he said. “The Magic4 Pro was sold at 5,999 yuan, and with 900 yuan of government subsidies, and the allowance offered by telecom operators and the…

    Shenzhen’s sales of homemade smartphones shoot up

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  • China sets up world’s highest automatic weather station!

    09:10 Author:alpha

    Once again, China has conquered the world's highest peak, Mount Qomolangma, which is also known as Mount Everest in the West, on Wednesday. Thirteen members of the Chinese Earth Summit Mission 2022 scientific expedition team successfully established an automatic meteorological monitoring station at an altitude of over 8,800 meters, the world's highest of its kind, on Mount Qomolangma on the China-Nepal border, achieving the milestone task of the country's second comprehensive survey to the roof of the world. The team of 13 warriors left their camp at the altitude 8,300 meters by 3 am on Wednesday and reached the designated height of 8,800 meters and established the automatic weather station by around 12:46 pm, according to China's state broadcaster China Central Television (CCTV), which covered their expedition live with a high resolution camera. All 13 team members finally reached the summit at 13:28 pm and displayed the Chinese national flag proudly. The team also measured the thickness of ice and snow on the summit for the first time with high-precision radar, collected ice and snow samples, and carried out experiments on the adaptation mechanism of the human body to extremely high altitudes. News of the Chinese expedition's successful ascent of…

    China sets up world’s highest automatic weather station!

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  • SZ’s NEV industry chain maintains strong growth

    14:36 Author:alpha

    SHENZHEN-BASED BYD sold 106,042 new energy vehicles (NEVs) in April, up 313.2% year on year, among which 105,475 were new energy passenger vehicles, representing an increase of 321.3% year on year, the company said Tuesday. Four months of booming sales underscored the widespread acceptance of BYD products, positioning the company as a dominant player in the NEV market. 图片 The headquarter office building of BYD in Pingshan District. File photo Shenzhen’s production and sales of NEVs maintained robust growth despite the negative effects from the epidemic in the first quarter (Q1) of the year and the industry chain remained steady and strong, which has become a new growth engine for local economic development, Shenzhen Special Zone Daily reported yesterday. The city’s Q1 production of NEVs and electric charging poles grew by 195.4% and 150.3% year on year, respectively, the Daily said. BYD’s Q1 report showed its operating revenue reached 66.8 billion yuan (US$10 billion), up 63% year on year, buoyed by the demand for battery-powered cars as it weathered supply chain kinks from an ongoing semiconductor chip shortage to more expensive raw materials. In Q1, BYD sold 286,300 NEVs, up 422.97% year on year. BYD said last month that it…

    SZ’s NEV industry chain maintains strong growth

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  • GZ to Launch First Commercial Driverless Taxi Service

    15:31 Author:alpha

    Tech company has been granted a taxi license and became the first self-driving taxi, also called robotaxi, company in China to get such license. The move will allow it to operate a fleet of the first planned 100 autonomous taxis commercially on the roads in Guangzhou's Nansha district from May. The company said on Sunday that the self-driving taxis will operate everyday from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. and fares will be the same as the city's taxi standards. Passengers can hail and pay for rides using mobile application. On the statement the company published the day before yesterday, it said that human drivers will still be operating behind wheels to take over when necessary. But the company added that it expects drivers will no longer be needed in a short to intermediate time frame that will be announced. The current operation will cover an entire area of 800 square kilometers in the district, which far surpasses the current trial fleet around cities in China that operates in less than 200 square kilometers. This announcement is a win for a host of startups that are spending billions of dollars into autonomous technology as it holds the future of…

    GZ to Launch First Commercial Driverless Taxi Service

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  • China Announces New Internet Regulations Against AI!

    10:56 Author:alpha

    China's top cyberspace regulator vowed to make on-site inspections on some internet companies and eliminate algorithm security risks, a campaign to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of netizens. The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) said it will hold an in-depth investigation and rectification of Internet enterprise platform algorithm security issues and correct algorithm application problems, according to the guideline released on Friday. Algorithms are mostly based on artificial intelligence and are used by businesses to promote their products and services. For example, an e-commerce application can recommend different products to individual users based on their preferences. In March of this year, the CAC said it would make crackdown on algorithm-induced information cocoons and algorithmic discrimination one of the 10 goals of its rectification programs in 2022. The watchdog said it had launched a regulation targeting algorithm recommendations, which took effect on March 1, to hold internet platform companies accountable and prompt the rectification of abnormalities based on improper application of algorithms. The regulation, jointly issued by the CAC and three other departments, prohibits algorithmic recommendation service providers from generating fake news or disseminating information from unauthorized sources. It states that algorithm technology shall not be used to influence online…Original link

    China Announces New Internet Regulations Against AI!

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  • Tianzhou-3 completes rendezvous, docking with China’s space station

    17:40 Author:alpha

    Tianzhou-3 cargo spacecraft, the second "delivery man" to bring cargo to China's space station and a prelude to the next group of Chinese taikonauts who are about to embark their six-months journey to space on the Shenzhou-13 mission, has conducted an ultra-fast yet smooth rendezvous and docking with the Tianhe core cabin on Monday evening, merely 6.5 hours after launch. The record rendezvous and docking of Tianzhou-3 with the Tianhe core cabin was delivered at 10:08 pm on Monday, around 6.5 hours after lift-off via a Long March-7 Y4 carrier rocket from Wenchang Space Launch Center located in South China's Hainan Province on Monday afternoon, the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) said in a statement sent to the Global Times. Docked at the rear of the Tianhe core cabin, the cargo spacecraft is carrying among its payload daily supplies, propellants and a space suit for space walk for the upcoming Shenzhou-13 manned mission, forming a combo with the in-orbit Tianhe and Tianzhou-2, CMSA revealed. As the fourth of 11 missions scheduled to build China's three-module space station, Tianzhou-3 mission came shortly after the historic Shenzhou-12 mission in which three taikonauts spent a record 90 days in China's space station core…Original link

    Tianzhou-3 completes rendezvous, docking with China’s space station

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  • China eyes manned lunar landing by 2030: Long March designer

    09:38 Author:alpha

    Leading Chinese rocket scientist Long Lehao has recently unveiled the country's ambitious manned lunar landing plan, which is expected to be carried out with two rocket launches by sending two taikonauts to the moon by around 2030. Long's comment offers a more detailed picture of the country's major breakthrough in space exploration. Long, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and chief designer of Long March rockets, made the remarks at the 35th China Adolescents Science and Technology Innovation Contest, and a video of his speech went viral on social media late on Sunday night. China is planning to use new variants of the Long March-5 launch vehicle - the strongest member of the Long March rocket family - to carry out the manned space launch missions, according to a slide Long used during his speech. The 57-meter-long Long March-5 launch vehicle weighs 870 tons at launch and has a thrust of 1,000 tons. It is a large, two-stage rocket, capable of carrying a payload of 25 tons, equivalent to the weight of 16 cars, to low Earth orbit. It can carry a payload of 14 tons to geostationary transfer orbit, eight tons to Earth-moon transfer orbit, or five…Original link

    China eyes manned lunar landing by 2030: Long March designer

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  • Airshow China 2021 to display latest achievements of space technology

    23:29 Author:alpha

    The upcoming 13th China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition, or known as the Airshow China 2021, is set to become another platform to showcase new advancements in China's space technology, as major program contractors are bringing a slew of new projects such as China's first solar probe satellite as well as models of new generation manned launch vehicles to debut at the show. The airshow is to be held in Zhuhai city, South China's Guangdong Province from September 28 to October 3. Global Times learned Tuesday from China's state-owned space giant China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) that the company will stage star projects including a 3D model of the China space station complex, and the Chang'e-5 lunar probe for the first time to the public at the event. Long Lehao, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and chief designer of Long March rockets, has recently revealed that China is planning to use new variants of the Long March-5 launch vehicle -- the strongest member of the Long March rocket family -- to carry out manned space launch missions around 2030. Long disclosed that the new variant as Long March-5 DY, which is initials for the Chinese…Original link

    Airshow China 2021 to display latest achievements of space technology

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