
Education News in China



    15:41 Author:Wallace

    May 12, Clarivate Analytics released the latest ESI data for May 2022. ESI (Essential Science Indicators) is one of the most important evaluation indicators used to evaluate the international academic level and influence of universities, academic institutions, countries or regions worldwide. A total of 378 universities on the Chinese mainland have disciplines in the top 1% of the world.Original link


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  • Intl. Students Issues and Pak-China Higher Education Agreement

    12:02 Author:alpha

    The Chinese Foreign Minister and State Councilor Wang Yi and Foreign Minister of Pakistan Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi jointly signed an Agreement on Higher Education. Charge d’Affaires of the Embassy and Executive Director of the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC, PAKISTAN), jointly signed an agreement on mutual recognition of Higher Education Degrees and the Degrees between the Higher Education Commission of Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Ministry of Education People’s Republic of China. In previous years, China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and the Belt and Road Initiative have strengthened and promoted the deep cooperation and development of the Higher Education system. The two countries also developed the Punjab Tianjin University of Technology (PTUT) to train the students in different fields of technology. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor University Alliance has reinforced the system and mechanism of Higher Education for the promotion of research culture and educational activities, common educational progress, and personnel training. In Islamabad, Wang also attended the 48th session of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Council of Foreign Ministers (OIC-CFM) as a special guest at the invitation of Mr. Qureshi. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pakistan's Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi and China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi…

    Intl. Students Issues and Pak-China Higher Education Agreement

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  • Thai Students’ Returned to China, Some Pakistani Students Also Received Visas

    15:32 Author:alpha

    Twitter is abuzz with news that some Thai students have successfully returned to China after almost two years of being locked out. China International Student Union (CISU) tweeted that a group of approved students on the Thai government list have reportedly been granted entry to Shanghai. At the time of writing, there have been no official announcements made by the Chinese authorities on the matter. “We have received some reliable information that students from Thailand have arrived in Shanghai and are in quarantine,” tweeted CISU. “They are not able to speak out publicly for obvious reasons.” CISU is an independent representative body of international students enrolled at universities and institutions in China. Chinese Ambassador to Thailand Han Zhiqiang indicated last October that Thai students would be among the first to return to China. “If the Chinese government is ready to allow hundreds of thousands of international students to return, Thai students will be among the first,” he was quoted saying by the Bangkok Post. He added that the embassy has been in talks with Chinese agencies in charge of COVID-19 prevention measures along with education authorities in China in regards to the matter. Thai students have been among those petitioning…Original link

    Thai Students’ Returned to China, Some Pakistani Students Also Received Visas

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  • China top two academic institutions CAS and CAE Add 149 New Academicians 2021

    18:57 Author:Wallace

    On November 18, China's top two academic institutions, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), announced the enrollment of 149 new members, including 45 foreign experts. Membership of the CAS and CAE is China's highest academic title in science and engineering, respectively, and is a lifelong honor. New members are selected every two years. The CAS welcomed 65 new academicians, including five female scientists. Among them are 25 foreigners from 11 countries. The experts are engaged in fields including mathematical physics, chemistry, life sciences and medicine, earth science, IT science and technoscience. The average age of the newly elected CAS academicians is 57.4, with the youngest aged 45 and the eldest aged 68. Notably, 76.9 percent of them are under 60 years old.Original link

    China top two academic institutions CAS and CAE Add 149 New Academicians 2021

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  • Blind Int’l student shares what challenges of online class

    20:26 Author:alpha

    For Celine Lean Yew-lin, taking law classes online at the University of Cambridge requires almost superhuman multitasking: jotting notes as she listens to the teacher, checking that she is working on the correct document, and finding the unmute button when she wants to speak. Lean, a blind 23-year-old Malaysian student at Cambridge University’s law school, lost her vision at the age of four after a battle with leukaemia. The cancer and her chemotherapy treatments resulted in her retina – a thin layer of tissue at the back of the eye – detaching. While some visually impaired people can see some colours, Lean cannot see anything at all. “I’m as blind as you can get,” she said. She relies on her other senses – hearing, touchin g and smelling to navigate her surroundings and develop spatial awareness. She uses echolocation, which is a way to detect objects by making sounds and sensing the echoes. Lean has overcome countless obstacles and now attends one of the world’s most prestigious law schools, but it was not an easy journey. Celine Lean has received a full scholarship from the Yayasan Khazanah foundation for her studies at the University of Cambridge. Photo: Shutterstock Growing up…Original link

    Blind Int’l student shares what challenges of online class

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  • [Admission] Chinese Language Program, Spring Semester, 2022 Information Sheet

    14:47 Author:alpha

    Chinese Language Program, Spring Semester, 2022 Information Sheet Semester Start and End Dates Feb., 2022 – Jul.,2022(To be confirmed) Application Due Date Before Dec.10, 2021 Language Class Schedule All Chinese language classes take place Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 a.m. These classes require mandatory attendance in order to maintain student visa status. Failure to attend classes regularly will result in the termination of enrollment.   Fees: Application fee: 400 RMB Tuition fee: 7000 RMB/semester Books: Estimated 100-200 RMB Dormitory Fee: 1000-1200 RMB/month Insurance: 400/Semester (See table below fee breakdown.) Application Materials: 1、Application Form (Fill in online) 2、Clear photocopy of passport’s front page (Scan upload) 3、 Certification that you are currently enrolled in school, or a diploma, or a work certificate if you are working.(Scan upload) 4、Application fee of 400 RMB.(After the registration information is approved, the account will be sent by email to the registered email address.) Online application process: 1、Please log in the foreign student application system of Qingdao university within the registration opening time: register and truthfully fill in the information online. Please choose the right major according to your study plan when you apply. 2、After checking the registration information, please upload the proof of paying…

    [Admission] Chinese Language Program, Spring Semester, 2022 Information Sheet

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  • [Admission] Notice on 2022 Spring Recruitment of Chinese B.A Program for International Students

    14:25 Author:alpha

    Notice on 2022 Spring Recruitment of Chinese B.A Program for International Students 2021-10-09 16:53 Application Period: October 8 - December 10, 2021. Majors Available: Chinese B.A Program (from the first and the second year) and Chinese (Business Chinese, from the third year). For Major instruction please refer to: Fees: Tuition fee: RMB 20, 000/year; Application fee: RMB500 (one-time charge, application fee waiver for keep-on study students); Insurance fee: RMB 800/year (Students who are now outside Chinese Mainland are exempt). Application Method: Submit online application on the official platform before the due date. Application must be confirmed from the Admission Office of IIE via phone call or email to [email protected]. DocumentsRequired: 1. High School certificate and transcript (notarized Chinese or English version must be provided instead of other foreign languages). 2. For applicants of Chinese (Business Chinese from the third year): Scan copy ofNew HSK 5 Certificate with score 180 or above, and take part in the university entering examination; For applicants of Chinese B.A. Program (from the second year):Scan copy of New HSK 4 Certificate with score 180 or above, and take part in the university entering examination; For applicants of Chinese B.A. Program (from the first year):…Original link

    [Admission] Notice on 2022 Spring Recruitment of Chinese B.A Program for International Students

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  • Two 14-year-old Teens Enrolled at Tsinghua University

    10:36 Author:alpha

    What were you doing when you were 14 years old? At that age, Cheng Dazhuo and Li Xuanyou are joining the prestigious Tsinghua University — a university in China that most people can only dream of attending. △ Cheng Dazhuo (left), Li Xuanyou (right) And did we mention that Cheng Dazhuo is joining Tsinghua University doing a Double Major in Mathematics and Physics? Cheng Dazhuo, 14, is from Shenzhen, south China's Guangdong Province. He is very fond of mathematics and physics. His classmates and teachers noticed his talent in understanding physics as soon as he joined junior high school. In the second year of junior high school, he was selected to participate in a physics subject competition. During the competition, he came to realize that there are more advanced mathematical concepts that overlap with physics concepts but are not necessarily taught at school. So, he decided to teach himself those advanced maths concepts and to be precise, the ones we learn at colleges and universities. One of his teachers, Mr. Feng Tianfang, said that Cheng studies hard and plays hard. He added that Cheng was on the class' sports team and plays the piano very well. △ Cheng Dazhuo helping a classmate solve problems encountered during a physics experiment △ Li Xuanyou Li Xuanyou is adept at mathematics and is…

    Two 14-year-old Teens Enrolled at Tsinghua University

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  • Foreign students return to Shenzhen GTSI for fall semester

    22:08 Author:alpha

    A GTSI staff member picking up arriving students at an airport in Shenzhen. More than 150 students from Hongkong, Taiwan, Chinese mainland, and foreign countries such as India and the United States have returned to register for the upcoming semester at the Nanshan campus of Georgia Tech Shenzhen Institute, Tianjin University. The institute also announced that this year became the first for it to officially recruit students from around the world who joined its four master's degree programs covering electrical and computer engineering, computer science, environmental engineering and analytics. GTSI is a cooperative education institution by Tianjin University and Georgia Institute of Technology, the campus has the same standards as Georgia Tech in terms of admission procedures, curriculum and class design, evaluation mode and academic degree rules. Wang Haoren, from Taipei, Taiwan Province, returned to the campus after working for HTC in Taipei for two years. “Georgia Tech’s classes are of high quality. I am sure that they will be conducted in Shenzhen the same way as in the US. Shenzhen is also close to Taiwan, so I chose to study in GTSI,” he said. This is also Wang's first visit to Shenzhen in which he says the city has left a deep impressed on him. "I hope to find a job in Shenzhen after graduation" he added. Alexander buddenbaum, from Texas, USA, posing for photos…Original link

    Foreign students return to Shenzhen GTSI for fall semester

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  • Tamar Kvlividze: China’s development is unique

    17:19 Author:alpha

    Tamar Kvlividze from Georgia came to China for the first time in 2015 to study the Chinese language. Fascinated by its development, she decided to pursue her higher studies here and deepen her understanding of China.Currently, she is a graduate student in the Institute of Education at Tsinghua University.To learn more about China, Tamar actively participated in several educational, cultural, and sports activities during her first year. One such activity was a cultural tour that took her to Shandong and Hubei Provinces, where she gained first-hand knowledge about China’s culture and history.“In the last few decades, China has been actively advancing, especially in developing its economy, infrastructure, and technology. As a result, China has already become a leading country in the world. However, what has impressed me most about China’s development is that it doesn’t forget its culture and tradition despite its innovations and growth,” she says. She lauds the Communist Party of China (CPC) for leading China’s rapid development. Under the leadership of the CPC and with the amazing power of the Chinese people, the country will reach even more remarkable successes, she says.Original link

    Tamar Kvlividze: China’s development is unique

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  • 2021 Academic Ranking of China Universities

    14:56 Author:alpha

    Tsinghua University, Peking University and Zhejiang University occupy the top three in the2021 Academic Ranking of World Universities. Shanghai Jiao Tong University ranked 4th, and Nanjing University ranked 5th in terms of comprehensive strength. Fudan University, University of Science and Technology of China, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan University and Sun Yat-sen University ranked 6th to 10th. Institution Total Score World Rank National Rank Tsinghua University 39.5 28 1 Peking University 34.5 45 2 Zhejiang University 32.3 52 3 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 30.9 59 4 University of Science and Technology of China 30.2 63 5 Fudan University 28.4 77 6 Sun Yat-sen University 26.9 89 7 Huazhong University of Science and Technology 101-150 8-10 Nanjing University 101-150 8-10 Xi'an Jiaotong University 101-150 8-10 Beijing Institute of Technology 151-200 11-24 Central South University 151-200 11-24 Harbin Institute of Technology 151-200 11-24 Jilin University 151-200 11-24 Northwestern Polytechnical University 151-200 11-24 Shandong University 151-200 11-24 Sichuan University 151-200 11-24 Soochow University (China) 151-200 11-24 South China University of Technology 151-200 11-24 Southeast University 151-200 11-24 Tianjin University 151-200 11-24 Tongji University 151-200 11-24 University of Electronic Science and Technology of China 151-200 11-24 Wuhan University 151-200 11-24 Beihang University…Original link

    2021 Academic Ranking of China Universities

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