PRC Cradle Scenic Area 共和国摇篮景区


Chinese Name: 共和国摇篮景区

English Name: PRC Cradle Scenic Area; Ruijin PRC Cradle Scenic Area

Location: Ruijin, Jiangxi

Type: Ancient culture and art

Rating Level: AAAAA (5A)


PRC Cradle Scenic Area 共和国摇篮景区
PRC Cradle Scenic Area 共和国摇篮景区

Brief Introduction

PRC Cradle Scenic Area is located on Jindu Avenue 金都大道, Shazhouba Town 沙洲坝, Ruijin City 瑞金市, Jiangxi Province 江西省, covering an area of 4550 mu. It is composed of the Yeping Scenic Area 叶坪景区, Hongjing Scenic Area 红井景区, the Second Soviet Scenic Area 二苏大景区, and the Chinese Soviet Memorial Park 中华苏维埃纪念园.

The PRC Cradle Scenic Area not only retains the simplicity of “shape”, but also shows the “value” of connotation. Among them, Yeping Scenic Area includes the former residence of Mao Zedong and Zhu De, the former site of the temporary central government, the Red Army Square, the Red Army Review Platform, the Red Army Martyrs Memorial Pavilion, Bosheng Fort 博生堡, Gonglue Pavilion 公略亭, etc.

PRC Cradle Scenic Area 共和国摇篮景区
Ruijin 瑞金市

The Shazhouba Scenic Area includes the former site of the Central Government Auditorium, the former site of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions 中华全国总工会, the former site of the General Political Department of the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army 工农红军政治部, the former site of Hongjing, Lenin Primary School 列宁小学, etc. The scenic spots of the Second Soviet Union include the former site of the Central Bureau of the CPC and the former site of the auditorium of the Provisional Central Government of the Soviet Republic of China.

PRC Cradle Scenic Area 共和国摇篮景区
PRC Cradle Scenic Area 共和国摇篮景区

Ruijin Republic Cradle Scenic Area is one of the first national patriotism education demonstration bases announced by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, one of the classic red tourism scenic spots in China, an important base for Chinese tourism and cultivating patriotism and national spirit, and a marginal red tourism distribution center in Jiangxi and Fujian 福建. It was listed as a national 5A tourist attraction in July 2015.

What are worth visiting and seeing?


The former site of the Central Printing Factory 中央印刷厂旧址 is located in Yeping Scenic Area, which is Xie’s house. The Central Printing Factory was established in Yeping in November of the 20th year of the Republic of China (1931). The factory director was Chen Xiangsheng 陈祥生, the deputy factory director was Yang Qixin 杨其鑫, the secretary of the Communist Youth League was Yang Shangkui 杨尚奎, and the chairman of the trade union was Zeng Qingxi 曾庆锡. At that time, there were more than 100 cadres and workers in the factory.

PRC Cradle Scenic Area 共和国摇篮景区
The former site of the Central Printing Factory 中央印刷厂旧址

The Red Army Reviewing Platform 红军检阅台 is located in the old revolutionary site group of Yeping, Ruijin. It was built on the eve of the First Soviet Congress. On the morning of November 7, the 20th year of the Republic of China (1931), when the First National Congress of the Chinese Workers, Peasants, Soldiers, and Soviets opened, Mao Zedong 毛泽东, Zhu De 朱德, government, and military leaders reviewed the Red Army and presented flags and decorations here.

PRC Cradle Scenic Area 共和国摇篮景区
Yeping Scenic Area 叶坪景区

Red Well 红井 is located in Shazhouba, Ruijin. The Shazhouba is a dry and water-scarce village. One day in September of the 22nd year of the Republic of China (1933), Mao Zedong led several Red Army soldiers to explore the water source dozens of meters in front of the village and broke the ground to start construction.

After the well was dug, it was built with pebbles. In 1950, the people of Ruijin repaired the well and named it “Red Well” to welcome the arrival of the delegation from the old central southern base. At the same time, they put up a wooden sign beside the well, which said, “Don’t forget the diggers when drinking water, and always miss Chairman Mao.” Later, the wooden sign was changed to a stone tablet.

PRC Cradle Scenic Area 共和国摇篮景区
Red Well 红井

The former site of the Central Bureau of the CPC 中国共产党中央局旧址 is located in Xiaxiao Village, PRC Cradle Scenic Area 共和国摇篮景区. In January of the 22nd year of the Republic of China (1933), the Provisional Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee moved from Shanghai to Ruijin, where it was stationed.

In April of the same year, the Central Bureau of the Soviet Area of the Communist Party of China also moved here from Yeping and merged with the former to be called the Central Bureau of the Communist Party of China. Bo Gu (Qin Bangxian 秦邦宪), Zhang Wentian 张闻天, and Chen Yun 陈云, members of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Li Weihan 李维汉, director of the Organization Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Deng Yingchao 邓颖超, secretary-general of the Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, have worked and lived here.

PRC Cradle Scenic Area 共和国摇篮景区
PRC Cradle Scenic Area 共和国摇篮景区

Honors of PRC Cradle Scenic Area

On May 25, 2015, the Cradle of Ruijin Republic Scenic Area was announced by the National Tourism Administration as one of the first “National Tourist Attractions with Reliable Prices” in China. In July, the Cradle of Ruijin Republic Scenic Area was listed as a national 5A tourist attraction.

PRC Cradle Scenic Area 共和国摇篮景区
Ruijin 瑞金

PRC Cradle Scenic Area, 5A scenic spot of China’s tourism

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