Xiamen 厦门


Chinese Name: 厦门

English Name: Xiamen; Amoy

Other Name: Ludao鹭岛;Jiaheyu嘉禾屿;Simingzhou思明州

Abbreviation: 厦 Xia

Zip Code: 35 02 00

Population: 5.28 million

Xiamen 厦门
Xiamen 厦门

Brief Introduction

Xiamen 厦门, also known as Egret Island 鹭岛, is a prefecture-level city, deputy provincial city, and separately listed city in Fujian Province. China’s special economic zones and important central cities, ports, and scenic tourist cities along the southeast coast were approved by The State Council.

Xiamen is located in east China and southeast Fujian. It consists of Xiamen Island, the outlying Island Gulangyu island 鼓浪屿, Haicang Peninsula on the west coast 西岸海沧半岛, Jimei Peninsula on the north coast, Xiang An Peninsula on the East Coast东岸翔安半岛, Da Deng Island, Xiao Deng Island, Inland Tongan, Jiulong River and so on.

By 2021, Xiamen will have jurisdiction over six districts, covering a total area of 1,700,61 square kilometers, with a permanent population of 5.28 million and a regional GDP of 703,389 billion yuan.

Famous Attractions in Xiamen

Xiamen is known as the garden city, it has a bustling metropolis, and also has a common small-town quiet comfortable; It belongs to the subtropical maritime monsoon climate 亚热带海洋性季风气候, mild and rainy, with an average annual temperature of about 21℃. There is no severe cold in winter and no hot summer, and the climate like spring all year round is the icing on the local tourism industry.

Xiamen can be divided into Xiamen island and Gulangyu in two parts, Xiamen Island can be roughly divided into five tourist areas, respectively, the South Putuo tourism area 南普陀旅游区 and Jimei tourism area, Tongan tourism area, Wanshishan tourism area, and Haicang tourism area, these places are favored by many tourists.

Xiamen 厦门
Gulangyu island 鼓浪屿

Gulangyu 鼓浪屿 is a national 5A-level scenic spot and is rated as “the first of the five most beautiful urban areas in China” by National Geographic magazine. It is also known as the “Garden on the Sea”. The island is well preserved with many buildings of Both Chinese and foreign architectural styles and has the reputation of “International architecture Exposition” 万国建筑博览会. The main tourist attractions are Sunlight Rock, Shuzhuang Garden, Bathing beach, Zheng Cheng Gong Memorial Hall, and so on.

List of some tourist attractions in Xiamen

  • Gulangyu 鼓浪屿
  • Hulishan Fort 胡里山炮台
  • South Putuo temple 南普陀寺
  • Zeng Cuo An 曾厝垵
  • Roundabout way 环岛路
  • Tong An Film and Television City 同安影视城
  • Beichen mountain 北辰山
  • Jin Guang Hu 金光湖
  • Tianzhu Mountain Forest Park 天竺山森林公园
  • Qing Qiao ci ji Palace 青礁慈济祖宫
  • Xiamen Garden Botanical Garden 厦门园林植物园
  • Xiamen Garden Expo Garden 厦门园林博览苑
  • Xiamen Bridge Museum 厦门桥梁博物馆

Famous Universities in Xiamen

By the end of 2021, Xiamen had 1,500 full-time schools of various types, 16 regular institutions of higher learning, 136 regular middle schools, 297 primary schools, 1,044 kindergartens, and 7 special education schools. In 2021, Xiamen City and Xiamen University were identified by the Ministry of Education as the second batch of pilot cities and units for ai-assisted teacher-team 人工智能助推教师队伍 construction.

Xiamen 厦门
Xiamen University 厦门大学

List of universities and colleges in Xiamen

  • Xiamen University 厦门大学
  • Huaqiao University (Xiamen Campus) 华侨大学(厦门校区)
  • The Xiamen University of Technology 厦门理工学院
  • College of Chinese Language and Literature, Huaqiao University 华侨大学华文学院
  • Jimei university 集美大学
  • Xiamen College of Arts and Crafts, Fuzhou University 福州大学厦门工艺美术学院
  • Xiamen Medical College 厦门医学院
  • Chengyi College of Jimei University 集美大学诚毅学院
  • Xiamen Institute of Technology 厦门工学院
  • Xiamen Huasha College 厦门华厦学院
  • Xiamen National Accounting College 厦门国家会计学院
  • Xiamen Marine Vocational and Technical College 厦门海洋职业技术学院
  • Xiamen City Vocational College 厦门城市职业学院
  • Xiamen Vocational Academy for Performing Arts 厦门演艺职业学院

Religious culture in Xiamen

Xiamen’s religions are Buddhism, Christianity, Catholicism, and Islam, with Buddhism as the main religion. Minnan Ancient temples are South Putuo Temple, Minnan Buddhist College; Christian New Street Chapel is known as the “First Church of China”中华第一圣堂; The Catholic Diocese of Xiamen, located on Gulangyu island, is the center of Catholic foreign exchange in southern Fujian.

Xiamen 厦门
South Putuo temple 南普陀寺

Diet of Xiamen

Xiamen is rich in seafood throughout the year, with a wide variety of lobster, abalone, crab, shrimp, snails, shellfish, and so on. The special snacks are noodle paste 面线糊, satay tea noodles 沙茶面, Sipunculid worm jelly 土笋冻, oyster fried, fried five-spice, peanut soup, fried pork zongzi, and so on.

Xiamen 厦门
Sipunculid worm jelly 土笋冻

Traffic in Xiamen

Aviation: Xiamen will have two airports, one is Gaoqi International Airport, located in Gaoqi, Huli District of Xiamen city; The other is Xiamen Xiang ‘an International Airport (under construction), located in Da Deng Street, in Xiang An District of Xiamen city.

Railway station: There are two railway stations in Xiamen: Xiamen Station and Xiamen North Station.

Metro: Xiamen Metro is an urban rail transit system serving Xiamen city. As of September 2021, Xiamen Metro has 3 lines in operation, including Line 1, Line 2, and Line 3.

Xiamen Bus: Also known as Xiamen BRT, it is an urban rapid public transit system serving Xiamen city. It is the first rapid public transit system in Fujian Province and the first rapid public transit system in China to adopt a viaduct mode. Xiamen BRT has a total of 8 routes in operation, including 5 regular routes and 3 rush-hour routes, with 45 stations.

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