Jinhua 金华


Chinese Name: 金华

English Name: Jinhua;Kinhwa;Tsin Ua

Other Name: Wuzhou 婺州

Abbreviation: 金 Jin

Zip Code: 32 10 00

Population: 7.12 million

Jinhua 金华
Jinhua 金华

Brief Introduction

Jinhua 金华 is a prefecture-level city of Zhejiang Province, one of the 27 cities in the central area of the Yangtze River Delta, and the central city of the G60 science and technology corridor G60科创走廊. Jinhua – Yiwu metropolitan area 金华-义乌都市区is identified as the fourth metropolitan area of Zhejiang Province.

Jinhua is located in the middle of Zhejiang Province, located in the east section of Jin Qu Basin金衢盆地, in the middle of Zhejiang hilly basin area, the terrain is high in the north and south, low in the middle. Surrounded by mountains on three sides and flanked by a river, the basin scattered with three rivers is the basic feature of the Jinhua landform. The rivers in the city are divided into the Qiantang River钱塘江, Oujiang River瓯江, and Jiaojiang river椒江. Jinhua has a history of more than 1800 years and splendid culture, is a national historical and cultural city.

Jinhua has jurisdiction over 2 districts, 3 counties, and 4 county-level cities with a total area of 10,942 square kilometers. By 2021, the permanent resident population of Jinhua is 7.12 million, and the GDP of Jinhua is 535.544 billion yuan.

Famous Attractions in Jinhua

Jinhua has 1 national nature reserve, 14 forest parks above the provincial level (including 2 national forest parks), and 6 Jinhua forest parks. Jinhua has a national scenic spot Shuanglongdong, wong Tai Sin Ancestral Palace is also located here. Hengdian World Studios横店影视城 has also become a blessing in the hearts of film and television workers and tourists.

Jinhua 金华
Hengdian World Studios 横店影视城

Some special scenic spots in Jinhua

  • Hengdian World Studios 横店影视城
  • Shuanglongdong Scenic Spot 双龙洞风景区
  • Wong Tai Sin Ancestral Palace 黄大仙祖宫
  • Xianyuan Lake Tourist resort 仙源湖旅游度假区
  • YongKangFangYan 永康方岩
  • Wuyi Guo hole 武义郭洞
  • Xian Hua Mountain 仙华山
  • Wu Theatre of China 中国婺剧院
  • Jinhua Sports Center 金华市体育中心
  • China Camellia Culture Garden 中国茶花文化园
  • Huangbinhong Park 黄宾虹公园
  • WuZhou park 婺州公园

Famous Universities in Jinhua

By the end of 2020, Jinhua had 1,927 full-time schools, 182 junior high schools, 78 regular senior high schools, 1,236 kindergartens, 9 special education schools, 27 secondary vocational schools, 9 full-time colleges, and 2 adult colleges and universities.

Jinhua 金华
Zhejiang Normal University 浙江师范大学

List of universities and colleges in Jinhua

  • Zhejiang Normal University 浙江师范大学
  • Zhejiang Normal University Xingzhi College 浙江师范大学行知学院
  • Zhejiang College, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics 上海财经大学浙江学院
  • College of Modern Science and Technology, China Jiliang University 中国计量大学现代科技学院
  • Zhejiang Guangsha Construction Vocational and Technical University 浙江广厦建设职业技术大学
  • Jinhua Vocational and Technical College 金华职业技术学院
  • Zhejiang Hengdian Film and Television Vocational College 浙江横店影视职业学院
  • Yiwu Industrial and Commercial Vocational And Technical College 义乌工商职业技术学院
  • Zhejiang Jinhua Polytechnic of Science and Trade 浙江金华科贸职业技术学院

Diet of Jinhua

Jinhua is a multi-ethnic city, with a unique geographical environment, long history and culture, and diversity of residents, through long-term historical accumulation, jointly creates Jinhua’s unique style, honesty, and long, its own characteristics, variety, and rich connotation of food culture.

Jinhua 金华
Jinhua ham 金华火腿

Some specialty snacks in Jinhua

  • Jinhua crisp cake 金华酥饼
  • Yiwu and date 义乌南枣
  • Gold silk glazed date 金丝蜜枣
  • Jinhua bergamot 金华佛手
  • XuanPing lotus seed 宣平莲子
  • Jinhua ham 金华火腿
  • Pujiang bean curd skin 浦江豆腐皮
  • Nosean oranges 方岩蜜桔
  • Wuyang Spring Rain tea 武阳春雨茶
  • Yiwu brown sugar 义乌红糖
  • Yiwu white character wine 义乌白字酒
  • Jinhua Chinese kiwi 金华中华猕猴桃
  • Jinhua bergamot 金华佛手

Transportation in Jinhua

Aviation: Yiwu Airport 义乌机场is the country’s second county (city) level medium-sized airport. It can take off and land airbus 300, Boeing 767, and other large and medium-sized aircraft. Yiwu Airport is 5.5 kilometers away from Yiwu city, which has reached the scale of a 4D level airport. The airport has perfect supporting facilities and has all-weather take-off and landing conditions.

Water transport: During the 12th Five-Year Plan period十二五期间, the waterway improvement project of the lower reaches of the Jinhua River (Lanxi Power Plant兰溪电厂 to Magong Beach马公滩) was implemented, meeting the navigable standard of 500 tons per ship. It will gradually become a comprehensive local port with loading and unloading, trade, storage, tourism, and passenger transport.

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