Lanzhou 兰州


Chinese Name: 兰州

English Name: Lanzhou

Other Name: Jincheng 金城

Abbreviation: 兰 Lan

Zip Code: 73 00 00

Population: 4.384 million

Lanzhou 兰州
Lanzhou 兰州

Brief Introduction

Lanzhou 兰州 is a prefecture-level city and provincial capital of Gansu Province. Approved by The State Council, Lanzhou is an important industrial base and comprehensive transportation hub in northwest China, one of the important central cities in western China, and an important node city of the Silk Road Economic Belt.

Lanzhou, located in the northwest of China, China land territory of the geometric center, located in central Gansu province, Gansu is the political, cultural, economic and science and education center, a strategic platform for the country open to the west, the important engine of western development, scientific development demonstration area in northwest China, famous cultural city with a long history of Yellow River, the western region has the international influence of the modern central city, A modern and international metropolis facing the “Belt and Road”一带一路 initiative and radiating to Central Asia, West Asia, and South Asia.

By 2021, Lanzhou has jurisdiction over five districts and three counties, covering a total area of 13,100 square kilometers, with a permanent population of 4.3843 million and a GDP of 323.129 billion yuan.

Famous Attractions in Lanzhou

Lanzhou is a famous cultural city with a long history on the Yellow River 黄河文化名城and an important town on the ancient Silk Road 古丝绸之路重镇. By 2015, Lanzhou had 6 provincial-level cultural relics protected units, more than 50 cultural relics sites, 50 ancient sites, 12 ancient cities, and more than 15 ancient buildings.

Lanzhou 兰州
The Yellow River railway bridge 黄河铁桥

Some special scenic spots in Lanzhou

  • White Pagoda Mountain Park 白塔山公园
  • Eight Pan Xia tourist resorts 八盘峡旅游度假区
  • Tulugou Forest Park 吐鲁沟森林公园
  • Xinglong Mountain Park 兴隆山公园
  • Memorial hall of eighth Route Army office 八路军办事处纪念馆
  • Wuquan Mountain Park 五泉山公园
  • Gansu Provincial Museum 甘肃省博物馆
  • Qingcheng mountain town 青城古镇
  • Xu Jia Mountain 徐家山
  • Yellow River Mother Sculpture 黄河母亲雕塑
  • West solid park 西固公园
  • The Yellow River railway bridge 黄河铁桥
  • Dongfanghong Square 东方红广场

Famous Universities in Lanzhou

In 2021, Lanzhou will recruit 193,000 students for regular higher education, including 589,600 students and 154,200 graduates. Among them, 19,300 students are enrolled in graduate education, 53,800 graduate students, and 12,700 graduates. Regular junior high schools recruit 36,200 students, 106,800 students and 33,100 graduates. The enrollment rate of school-age children was 100 percent, the retention rate of nine-year compulsory education was 100 percent, and the enrollment rate of senior high school was 99.8 percent.

Lanzhou 兰州
Lanzhou university 兰州大学

List of universities and colleges in Lanzhou

  • Lanzhou university 兰州大学
  • Northwest Normal University 西北师范大学
  • The Lanzhou University of Technology 兰州理工大学
  • Lanzhou Jiaotong University 兰州交通大学
  • Gansu Agricultural University 甘肃农业大学
  • Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics 兰州财经大学
  • Northwest Minzu University 西北民族大学
  • The Gansu University of Political Science and Law 甘肃政法大学
  • Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 甘肃中医药大学
  • Lanzhou City University 兰州城市学院
  • Lanzhou Institute of Technology 兰州工业学院
  • Lanzhou University of Arts and Sciences 兰州文理学院
  • Zhixing College of Northwest Normal University 西北师范大学知行学院

Diet of Lanzhou

Lanzhou is a multi-ethnic city, with a unique geographical environment, long history and culture, and diversity of residents, through long-term historical accumulation, jointly creates Lanzhou’s unique style, honesty, and long, its own characteristics, variety, and rich connotation of food culture.

Lanzhou 兰州
Lanzhou Lamian 兰州拉面

Some specialty snacks in Lanzhou

  • Lanzhou Lamian 兰州拉面
  • Lanzhou NiangPiZi 兰州酿皮子
  • Lanzhou Dongguo pear 兰州冬果梨
  • Lanzhou black melon seeds 兰州黑瓜子
  • Lanzhou Brangua 兰州白兰瓜
  • Lanzhou lily 兰州百合
  • Lanzhou bitter Water rose 兰州苦水玫瑰

Transportation in Lanzhou

Aviation: Lanzhou Zhongchuan International Airport 兰州中川国际机场 is an important airport in northwest China, with a total of 116 navigable cities and 216 passenger routes (17 international routes and 1 regional route) opened in 2020. There are 7 cargo routes (4 international routes) and 39 airlines (including 4 cargo airlines).

The railway: Lanzhou is one of the important railway network hubs in China, where the Longhai Line陇海线, Bao-Lan line, Lan-Xin line, and Lan-Qing line converge. Lanzhou Railway Supervision Bureau, one of the seven regional railway supervision bureaus of the National Railway Administration of the Ministry of Transport, is established in Lanzhou.

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