Tangshan 唐山


Chinese Name: 唐山

English Name: Tangshan

Other Name: Fenghuangcheng 凤凰城

Abbreviation: 唐 Tang

Zip Code: 06 30 00

Population: 0.771million

Tangshan 唐山
Tangshan 唐山

Brief Introduction

Tangshan 唐山 is one of the central cities of Hebei Province approved by The State Council and a new industrialization base and port city in the Bohai Rim region环渤海地区.

Tangshan is located in the east of Hebei province and the northeast of the North China Plain, with the Bohai Sea in the south and Yanshan Mountains in the north, adjacent to Beijing and Tianjin, and located in the throat of north China and northeast channel, with a total area of 13,472 square kilometers, it is a part of China (Tangshan) Cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot Zone and China (Hebei) Pilot Free Trade Zone.

Tangshan is known as the “porcelain capital of the north” 北方瓷都. Here was born China’s first mechanized coal mine, the first standard gauge railway, the first steam locomotive, and the first barrel of machine-made cement. Tangshan is the birthplace of Pingju in China. Shadow play, Pingju, and Le Ting Dagu, known as the “three flowers of Eastern Hebei province”, are national intangible cultural heritage.

By 2020, Tangshan has jurisdiction over 7 municipal districts, 4 counties, and 3 county-level cities. As of midnight on November 1, 2020, the permanent population of Tangshan is a 0.771million, and the GDP of Tangshan in 2021 is 823.06 billion yuan.

Famous Attractions in Tangshan

Tangshan is an excellent tourist city in China, with its geographical pattern behind mountains and facing the sea, complex and diverse landforms, and unique local history and culture, it has created a variety of extremely distinctive tourist resources. Along the Northern, Great Wall features primitive simplicity, and original taste, gathering the essence of the Ming Great Wall明长城; The southern coastal line set seashore, island in one, the water is clear, the sand is soft, the tide is flat, the summer leisure, is fascinating.

Tangshan 唐山
Qing Dongling 清东陵

Some special scenic spots in Tangshan

  • Qing Dongling 清东陵
  • South lake wetland 南湖湿地
  • Kailuan National Mine Park 开滦国家矿山公园
  • Tang Jin Canal ecological tourism resort 唐津运河生态旅游度假景区
  • Caofeidian Wetland Park 曹妃甸湿地公园
  • Moon Tuo island 月坨岛
  • Tangshan Earthquake Memorial Hall 唐山抗震纪念馆
  • Tangshan Science and Technology Museum 唐山科技馆
  • Phoenix Mountain Park 凤凰山公园
  • The bodhi island 菩提岛
  • Repulse Bay Beach 浅水湾浴场
  • Xiangyun bay 祥云湾

Famous Universities in Tangshan

By 2020, There are 12 colleges and universities in Tangshan, with 173,000 students, including 4,189 postgraduates. This year, 68,000 new students will be enrolled, including 1,643 postgraduates. Secondary vocational schools have 59,000 students.

Tangshan 唐山
North China University of Science and Technology 华北理工大学

List of universities and colleges in Tangshan

  • North China University of Science and Technology 华北理工大学
  • Tangshan Normal University 唐山师范学院
  • Tangshan college 唐山学院
  • College of Light Industry, North China University of Science and Technology 华北理工大学轻工学院
  • Jidong College, North China University of Science and Technology 华北理工大学冀唐学院
  • Hebei Energy Vocational and Technical College 河北能源职业技术学院
  • Tangshan Vocational and Technical College 唐山职业技术学院
  • Tangshan Industrial Vocational technical College 唐山工业职业技术学院
  • Tangshan Vocational College of Science and Technology 唐山科技职业技术学院
  • Tangshan Preschool Teachers College 唐山幼儿师范高等专科学校

Diet of Tangshan

Tangshan cuisine belongs to Jingdong cuisine京东菜系, Tangshan cuisine belongs to the core of Jingdong coastal cuisine. In addition, Tangshan sea water and freshwater resources are extremely rich, and Tangshan’s seafood cooks fresh seafood raw materials. It is characterized by rich raw materials, delicate knife work, fresh taste, paying attention to clear oil and thickening, dishes with exquisite Tangshan porcelain containers, and unique style.

Tangshan 唐山
Tangshan Fried 唐山麻糖

Some specialty snacks in Tangshan

  • Tangshan Fried 唐山麻糖
  • Chess piece pancake 棋子烧饼
  • Braised chicken 万里香扒鸡
  • Big Ge Cha 大饹馇
  • Jingdong chestnut 京东板栗
  • Bai Gezhuang rice 柏各庄大米
  • Millstone persimmon 磨盘柿子
  • Tangshan lazy tofu 唐山懒豆腐
  • Shrimp sauce 虾油
  • Yutian Cabbage 玉田大白菜

Transportation in Tangshan

Aviation: Tangshan Sannvhe Airport 唐山三女河机场 is located in Tangshan Fengrun District, 20 kilometers away from Tangshan downtown area, is a 4C civil airport. The airport opened to traffic in 2010 and is the fourth passenger airport in Hebei province, following Shijiazhuang Zhengding, Handan, and Qinhuangdao Shanhaiguan.

Ports: Tangshan port 唐山港 is divided into Jingtang port area京唐港区, Caofeidian port area 曹妃甸港区和and Fengnan port area丰南港区, forming the overall development pattern of division of labor, cooperation, coordination and interaction, and the three ports flying together. The cargo throughput of Tangshan port ranks 10th in the world.

An aerial shot of Tangshan, Hebei province

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