Name: Principles of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Edition: 1st
Author: Rajesh Bardale
Subject: Forensic Medicine
Language: English

Brief Introduction
It is with great pleasure that I am presenting the book, Principles of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. The book is primarily designed for undergraduates and presented in a simple and lucid language. For ease of students, conventional pattern has been modified whenever feasible and the contents are presented in point-wise manner. About 337 tables and about 638 photographs and flow charts are added for easy understanding and learning. Keeping with contemporary period, recent advances are included. A new chapter, Forensic Osteology, is added and aimed to cater theoretical and practical need of students. Latest trends in management of poisoned patients have been included. While preparing this textbook, I have consulted various textbooks and journals and I am indebted to these authors.
I hope this book will serve the purpose and help students to learn the subject in easy way. The suggestions and healthy criticism will be of immense help for future improvement of this book.
-Rajesh Bardale
Section A: Forensic Medicine
- Legal Procedure
- Medical Jurisprudence
- Identification
- Forensic Osteology
- DNA Profiling
- Medicolegal Autopsy
- Death and Changes after Death
- Injury: General Considerations and Biophysics
- Mechanical Injury
- Firearm Injuries and Bomb Blast Injuries
- Regional Injuries
- Road Traffic Accidents
- Injury: Medicolegal Considerations
- Thermal Injuries
- Violent Asphyxia
- Virginity, sexual offenses and Perversions
- Impotence, Sterility and Sterilization
- Pregnancy and Delivery
- Abortion and Medical Termination of Pregnancy
- Infant Deaths and Female Feticide
- Legitimacy, Paternity and Medicolegal Aspects of Marriage Annulment
- Assisted Reproduction
- S tarvation
- Euthanasia
- Human Rights, Torture and Medical Ethics
- Medicolegal Aspects of AIDS
- Anesthetic and Operative Deaths
- Medicolegal Aspects of Embalming
- Forensic Psychiatry
- Trace Evidences
- Forensic Science Laboratory
Section B: Toxicology
- Toxicology: General Considerations
- Toxicology: Medicolegal Considerations
- Corrosive Poisons
- Inorganic Irritants: Non-metallic Poisons
- Inorganic Irritants: Metallic Poisons
- Organic Irritants: Plants and Vegetables
- Organic Irritants: Animal Bites and Stings
- Mechanical Irritants
- Pesticides
- Cardiac Poisons
- Somniferous Poisons
- Inebriant Poisons
- Deliriant Poisons
- Spinal Poisons
- Peripheral Nerve Poisons
- Asphyxiants
- Food Poisoning
- Drug Dependence and Abuse
- War Gases
Death is inevitable! From ages it has been mourned. The process and agony of death has attracted many philosophers, scholars, saints, and literary people to put their views and each one had tried to defi ne death in their own way. With evolution of scientifi c temperament and development of medical science, attempts were made to defi ne death. Thanatology (Greek, thanatos = death, logus = science) is branch of medical science that deals with the study of death. Physician’s concept of death is total stoppage of circulation of blood with consequent cessation of vital functions. Black’s law dictionary (1968 edition) defi ned death as “the cessation of life, the ceasing to exist, defi ned by physicians as total stoppage of circulation of blood and cessation of the animal and vital functions consequent thereupon such as respiration, pulsation etc”. Shapiro (1969) defi nes death as “the irreversible loss of the properties of living matter”. Rentoul and Smith (1973) defi ned death as “complete and persistent cessation of respiration and circulation”.
Page 132

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