Nanchang 南昌


Chinese Name: 南昌

English Name: Nanchang

Other Name: Hongcheng洪城;Hongdu洪都;Yuzhang豫章

Abbreviation: 昌 Chang

Zip Code: 33 00 00

Population: 6.437 million

Nanchang 南昌
Nanchang 南昌

Brief Introduction

Nanchang 南昌 is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Jiangxi Province 江西省, the provincial capital, an important central city in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River 长江 and the central city of Poyang Lake 潘阳湖 ecological economic zone approved by the State Council.

Nanchang is located in East China, north of central Jiangxi, downstream of Ganjiang River and Fuhe River, and on the southwest bank of Poyang Lake. It is the political, economic, cultural, scientific, educational, and transportation center of Jiangxi Province. It is the only provincial capital city in China adjacent to the Yangtze River Delta长江三角洲, Pearl River Delta珠江三角洲, and the Economic Zone on the West Bank of the Strait海峡西岸经济区. It is also one of the important central cities in East China and one of the central cities of the urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River.

By 2020, the city has jurisdiction over 6 districts and 3 counties, with a total area of 7195 square kilometers; By the end of 2021, the permanent resident population was 6.4375 million. In 2021, the city’s GDP will reach 665.053 billion yuan.

Famous Attractions in Nanchang

Nanchang has more than 600 cultural sites, 18 cultural landscapes, and 26 natural landscapes. It is an excellent tourist city in China. Among them, the Nanchang Tengwangge tourist area is among the national 5A tourist attractions. In 1986, the State Council named Nanchang a national historical and cultural city. There are more than 50 world-class, national, provincial, and municipal key cultural relics protection units in the city.

Nanchang 南昌
Tengwangge 滕王阁

Ten scenic spots in Nanchang

  • Tengwangge 滕王阁
  • Poyang Lake 鄱阳湖
  • Meiling 梅岭
  • Rope pagoda 绳金塔
  • Bayi Square 八一广场
  • Nanchang star 南昌之星
  • BaiHuaZhou 百花洲
  • Yao Lake 瑶湖
  • Qingyun spectrum 青云谱
  • Nanchang Bayi Uprising Memorial Hal 南昌八一起义纪念馆

Famous Universities in Nanchang

By 2018, Nanchang has 53 colleges and universities, 75 ordinary high schools, 17 vocational high schools, 8 special schools, and 934 kindergartens.

Nanchang 南昌
Nanchang university 南昌大学

List of universities and colleges in Nanchang

  • Nanchang University 南昌大学
  • PLA Army Infantry College 中国人民解放军陆军步兵学院
  • Jiangxi Normal University 江西师范大学
  • Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics 江西财经大学
  • Jiangxi Agricultural University 江西农业大学
  • The Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine 江西中医药大学
  • East China Jiaotong University 华东交通大学
  • The East China University of Technology 东华理工大学
  • Nanchang Hangkong University 南昌航空大学
  • Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University 江西科技师范大学
  • Nanchang Institute of Technology 南昌工程学院
  • Nanchang Normal University 南昌师范学院
  • Jiangxi Police College 江西警察学院
  • Nanchang Medical College 南昌医学院
  • Gan Dong college 赣东学院
  • Yuzhang Normal University 豫章师范学院

Diet of Nanchang

Nanchang’s Jiangxi cuisine 赣菜 is mainly spicy and fresh. The record of Yuzhang 豫章记 in the book of the later Han Dynasty 后汉书 says that Jiangxi is “good at delicious vegetables and refined rice, good at taste in all directions”嘉蔬精稻,擅味八方. At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, Wang Bo went to the grand banquet held in Tengwang Pavilion. Excited, he praised Jiangxi for its “colorful things, Heavenly Treasures and outstanding people”. Yuan Mei’s “Suiyuan food list” in the Qing dynasty recorded that Jiangxi’s famous dish was “steamed meat with flour”. Today’s Gan cuisine is a “hometown cuisine” with a strong local flavor developed on the basis of inheriting the “literati cuisine” of previous dynasties.

Nanchang 南昌
Nanchang Rice noodles 南昌米粉

List of Specialty dishes in Shijiazhuang

  • Nanchang rice noodles 南昌米粉
  • Nanchang crock soup 南昌瓦罐汤
  • Steamed pork with rice flour 粉蒸肉
  • Fried bacon with artemisia quinoa 藜蒿炒腊肉
  • Nanchang white sugar cake 南昌白糖糕
  • Yu zhang crispy duck 豫章酥鸭
  • Whitebait of Poyang Lake 鄱阳湖银鱼
  • Stone Street twist 石头街麻花
  • Junshan Lake hairy crab 军山湖大闸蟹
  • Gregory powder 葛粉
  • Gold wire hoist 金线吊葫芦
  • Li Du wine 李渡酒

Transportation in Nanchang

Aviation: Nanchang only has one airport, Nanchang Changbei International Airport 南昌昌北国际机场 is China’s important hub trunk airport, international passenger and freight hub.

railway station: There are 3 main stations in Nanchang: Nanchang West Station (high-speed railway passenger station), Nanchang Station, and Nanchang East Station (under construction).

The shipping 航运: The waterway in Nanchang can reach the towns along the Ganjiang River赣江, Fuhe River抚河, Jinjiang River 锦江, and Poyang Lake 鄱阳湖 as well as the important ports on the Yangtze River (Wuhan, Chongqing, Shanghai, Nanjing). Set up 18 sightseeing ferry terminals. Construction and operation of 6 large transfer terminals: Tengwangge Nanchang Port, Qiushui Square wharf, Zhongshan Bridge wharf, Shengmi National Sports Center wharf, Changnan New City wharf, Yangming Park (Bayi Bridge) wharf.

The largest city in Jiangxi Province-Nanchang City

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