Taiyuan 太原


Chinese Name: 太原

English Name: Taiyuan

Other Name: Bingzhou并州;Jinyang晋阳;Longcheng龙城

Abbreviation: 并 bing

Zip Code: 03 00 00

Population: 5.39 million

Taiyuan 太原
Taiyuan 太原

Brief Introduction

Taiyuan 太原 is an important central city in central China and an industrial base of energy and heavy chemical industry approved by The State Council and the provincial capital of Shanxi Province.

Taiyuan is located in central Shanxi Province and the northern Jinzhong Basin 晋中盆地. Taiyuan is surrounded by mountains on three sides north, east and west, with Zhoushan and Yunzhongshan in the north, Taihang in the east, Luliang in the west, Jinzhong Plain in the south, and Fengshui running through the whole territory from the north to south. In ancient times, there was the reputation of “the key point of Four forts and the capital of the five plains” 襟四塞之要冲,控五原之都邑.

By 2021, Taiyuan has jurisdiction over 6 districts, 3 counties, and 1 county-level city, with a total area of 6,988 square kilometers and a permanent population of 5.39 million. In 2021, Taiyuan’s GDP will reach 512,161 billion yuan.

Famous Attractions in Taiyuan

Taiyuan is an excellent tourist city in China, a national historical and cultural city, and will be selected as a tourist city in 2020. Among them, Taiyuan has 30 A-level tourist attractions, 38 national key cultural relics protection units, 28 provincial cultural relics protection units, and 143 municipal cultural relics protection units.

Taiyuan 太原
Longshan grottoes 龙山石窟

Some special scenic spots in Taiyuan

  • Jin temple 晋祠
  • Mengshan Buddha 蒙山大佛
  • Too mountain 太山
  • The twin towers temple 双塔寺
  • Longshan grottoes 龙山石窟
  • Jinyang Ancient City ruins 晋阳古城遗址
  • Ancient town of Taiyuan 太原古县城
  • Chang Jing Tower 唱经楼
  • Tongzi Temple ruins 童子寺遗址
  • Taiyuan temple 太原文庙
  • Shanxi Museum 山西博物院
  • Shanxi Geological Museum 山西地质博物馆
  • Taiyuan Zoo 太原动物园
  • China Coal Museum 中国煤炭博物馆
  • Taiyuan Forest Park 太原森林公园
  • Taiyuan Botanical Garden 太原植物园
  • Qinglong town 青龙古镇
  • Taiyuan Food Street 太原食品街
  • Taiyuan Museum 太原博物馆
  • Taiyuan Jin Shang Museum 太原晋商博物馆

Famous Universities in Taiyuan

Taiyuan collected 52% of the institutions of higher learning in Shanxi Province and 53% of scientific research institutes and has a group of national and provincial science and technology innovation platforms. Taiyuan has a total of 1,430 schools at all levels and of various types, including 5 municipal colleges and universities, 24 secondary vocational schools, 90 regular senior high schools, 137 regular junior high schools, 441 primary schools, 724 kindergartens, and 8 special education schools, and 1 work-study school.

Taiyuan 太原
Shanxi university 山西大学

List of universities and colleges in Taiyuan

  • Shanxi university 山西大学
  • Shanxi Medical University 山西医科大学
  • Shanxi University of Finance and Economics 山西财经大学
  • Taiyuan University of Science and Technology 太原科技大学
  • Shanxi Agricultural University 山西农业大学
  • Shanxi Normal University 山西师范大学
  • The Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine 山西中医药大学
  • Taiyuan Normal University 太原师范学院
  • Taiyuan Institute of Technology 太原工业学院
  • Shanxi Media College 山西传媒学院
  • Taiyuan institute of 太原学院

Diet of Taiyuan

The traditional dietary customs of Taiyuan people are based on pasta, and the non-staple food is vegetables and a small amount of meat, with a long-term emphasis on staple food and light non-staple food. Taiyuan pasta is rich in varieties and beautifully made, especially boiled pasta. There is a saying that “eat all kinds of food at the same time” 一面百样吃 and “eat all kinds of home-cooked food at the same time”七二样家常饭. Taiyuan pasta is a wonderful flower in Shanxi food culture. The variety of pasta and the essence of making make outsiders marvel at it.

Taiyuan 太原
Taiyuan oily meat 太原过油肉

List of Specialty dishes in Taiyuan

  • Taiyuan oily meat 太原过油肉
  • Taiyuan Knife-cut Noodles 太原刀削面
  • Slightly plum flowers 百花稍梅
  • Taiyuan oat noodles with a basket of Lao ye 太原莜面栲栳栳
  • Taiyuan sheep miscellaneous cutting 太原羊杂割
  • Tou nao 头脑
  • Mouse cave Yuanxiao 老鼠窟元宵
  • Taiyuan tofu 太原老豆腐
  • Bucknoodle enema 荞面灌肠

Transportation in Taiyuan

Aviation: Taiyuan has two airports, respectively, Taiyuan Wushu International Airport 太原武宿国际机场and Taiyuan Yaocheng General Airport 太原尧城通用机场; Taiyuan Wusu International Airport is a provincial capital trunk airport in China and the largest international airport in Shanxi Province. Taiyuan Airport has 151 passenger routes, 83 navigable cities, and 1 cargo route 货运航线. Taiyuan Yaocheng General Airport is located in Meng Feng Town, Qingxu County, Taiyuan City, covering an area of 1200 mu, intends to apply for an A3 general airport license.

The subway: Taiyuan city rail transit operation line a total of 1, Taiyuan Metro Line 2.

Railway: Taiyuan railway hub is an important hub of the north China railway transport network, the main railway stations in Taiyuan are Taiyuan Station, Taiyuan South Station, Taiyuan East Station, Fen He Station, Taiyuan North Station, and Taiyuan West Station, and so on.

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