Yantai 烟台


Chinese Name: 烟台

English Name: Yantai;Yentai;Chefoo

Other Name: Gangcheng港城;Dengzhou登州

Abbreviation: 港 Gang

Zip Code: 26 40 10

Population: 7.102 million

Yantai 烟台
Yantai 烟台

Brief Introduction

Yantai 烟台 is a prefectural city under the jurisdiction of Shandong Province, approved by The State Council as the central city of Shandong Peninsula, an important port city in the Bohai Rim region, and a national historical and cultural city.

Yantai is located in east China, northeast of Shandong Peninsula, east of Weihai, west of Weifang, Qingdao, south of the Yellow Sea, north of the Bohai Sea, Liaodong Peninsula confrontation, and Dalian across the sea, with a coastline of 909 kilometers, bordering the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea. Yantai has 63 islands. It is an important node city in the Bohai Economic Circle 环渤海经济圈and Jiaodong Economic circle胶东经济圈, one of the first 14 coastal open cities in China, a coastal city in China, and a key port city in the national strategy of “One Belt and One Road”.

By 2020, Yantai city under the jurisdiction of 5 districts, and the administration of 6 county-level cities. With a total area of 13,864.5 square kilometers, there are 7.102 million permanent residents in Yantai. In 2021, the GDP of Yantai is 871.175 billion yuan.

Famous Attractions in Yantai

By the end of 2018, Yantai has 2 national tourist resorts and 8 provincial tourist resorts. There are 92 A-level tourist attractions, including 3 5A level tourist attractions, 20 4A level tourist attractions, 52 3A level tourist attractions, and 17 2A level tourist attractions. There are 2 national resorts in Haiyang and Penglai 海阳和蓬莱, and 8 provincial resorts on Yangma Island 养马岛 and Jintan Beach 金沙滩.

Yantai 烟台
Penglai Pavilion scenic spot 蓬莱阁旅游景区

Some special scenic spots in Yantai

  • Penglai Pavilion scenic spot 蓬莱阁旅游景区
  • Eight Immortals Across the Sea Scenic Spot 八仙过海风景区
  • Sanxianshan Scenic Spot 三仙山风景区
  • Nanshan Scenic Spot 南山旅游风景区
  • Kunyu Mountain National Forest Park 昆嵛山国家森林公园
  • Yangma Island tourist resort 养马岛旅游度假区
  • Changyu Wine Culture Museum 张裕酒文化博物馆
  • Golden Beach Beach Park 金沙滩海滨公园
  • Penglai Polar Ocean World 蓬莱极地海洋世界
  • The MouShi manor 牟氏庄园
  • Changshan Islands National Geopark 长山列岛国家地质公园
  • Yantai Mountain Park 烟台山公园
  • Jiaodong Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery 胶东革命烈士陵园
  • Tian gu shan Scenic Area 天崮山旅游风景区
  • Fujian guildhall 福建会馆
  • The Zhi fu island 芝罘岛
  • Tashan Scenic Spot 塔山风景区

Famous Universities in Yantai

Yantai 烟台 has 9 institutions of higher learning and 1 military college with 146,000 students. There are 50 secondary vocational schools with 92,000 students. There are 299 regular middle schools with 371,000 students. There are 509 primary schools with 256,000 students. There are 9 special education schools with 930 students.

Yantai 烟台
Yantai university 烟台大学

List of universities and colleges in Yantai

  • Yantai university 烟台大学
  • Eastern university 鲁东大学
  • Shandong Institute of Business and Technology 山东工商学院
  • Binzhou Medical College (Yantai Campus) 滨州医学院(烟台校区)
  • China Agricultural University (Yantai Campus) 中国农业大学(烟台校区)
  • PLA Naval Aviation University 中国人民解放军海军航空大学
  • Yantai Nanshan College 烟台南山学院
  • Yantai Institute of Technology 烟台理工学院
  • Yantai Vocational College 烟台职业学院
  • Yantai Polytechnic of Engineering 烟台工程职业技术学院
  • Yantai Automotive Engineering Vocational College 烟台汽车工程职业学院
  • Yantai Preschool Teachers college science 烟台幼儿师范高等专科学校

Diet of Yantai

Yantai Fushun cuisine is one of the three pillars of Shandong cuisine 鲁菜, and Yantai Fushan city has been officially named the “Hometown of Shandong cuisine”, but also one of China’s famous “four culinary hometowns”四大烹饪之乡. Fukuyama cuisine 福山菜 is mainly made of seafood and is also famous for pasta and snacks. Yantai in addition to famous dishes, and pasta, there are many delicious special snacks; Penglai is rich in fruits, such as apples, grapes, pears, big cherries, and more than 20 kinds of fruit.

Yantai 烟台
Yantai cherry 烟台大樱桃

Some specialty snacks in Yantai

  • Yantai braised son 烟台焖子
  • Fukuyama ramen 福山拉面
  • Penglai small plane 蓬莱小面
  • Fresh fish dumplings 鲜鱼水饺
  • Flower steamed bread 开花馒头
  • Pancake 盘丝饼
  • The sugar crisp bar is on fire 糖酥杠子头火烧
  • Yantai cherry 烟台大樱桃
  • Maqu big sugar 麻渠大糖

Transportation in Yantai

Aviation: Yantai Penglai International Airport 烟台机场蓬莱国际is open to traffic with an annual passenger capacity of 10 million.

Shipping: Yantai has 10 ports, including Zhifu Bay Port芝罘湾港, Bajiao Port八角港, Longkou Port龙口港, Laizhou Port莱州港, Penglai East Port蓬莱东港, Haiyang Port海阳港and other 6 national first-class open ports, which have direct navigation with the more than 100 ports of more than 70 countries and regions.

Yantai, Shandong, China

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