Xianyang 咸阳


Chinese Name: 咸阳

English Name: Xianyang;Hsienyang

Other Name: 天下第一帝都

Abbreviation: 咸 Xian

Zip Code: 71 20 00

Population: 3.959 million

Xianyang 咸阳
Xianyang 咸阳

Brief Introduction

Xianyang 咸阳 is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Shaanxi 陕西Province. It is the location of China’s geodetic origin. Xianyang is a First-class Open city in China, a national historical and cultural city, one of the top ten Livable cities in China, and one of the first batch of China’s excellent tourist cities.

Xianyang is adjacent to The provincial capital Xi ‘an in the east, the state-level Yangling Agricultural High-tech Industry Demonstration Zone in the west, and Gansu in the northwest. Xianyang is China’s first feudal dynasty “Qin Empire”秦帝国 capital, located in Shaanxi Province 800 li Qinchuan hinterland. Xianyang, located at the beginning of the long history and culture of China, is an important birthplace of the Qin and Han cultures. Xianyang gave birth to China’s agricultural civilization, and agricultural ancestor Hou Ji 农业始祖后稷in this teaching people to farm harvest.

Xianyang city has jurisdiction over 3 districts, 2 cities, and 9 counties, with a total area of 10196 square kilometers. As of midnight on November 1, 2020, the permanent population of Xianyang city is 3.959 million; In 2021, the city’s GDP will reach 258.13 billion yuan.

Famous Attractions in Xianyang

Xianyang there are all kinds of managements in 4951, including 1037 ancient ruins, 1135 ancient tombs, ancient buildings, 247, 340 key cultural relics protection units at all levels, national bump unit 22 of 32 points, bump unit at the provincial level in 93, the most representative qin Xianyang city ruins秦咸阳城遗址, zheng ancient ruins郑国渠首遗址, the oasis of the western Han dynasty palace ruins西汉甘泉宫遗址, Shahe bridge site 沙河桥遗址and so on.

Xianyang 咸阳
Bin tower 彬塔

Some special scenic spots in Xianyang

  • Zhao Ling 昭陵
  • Hanyang mausoleum 汉阳陵
  • Mao Ling 茂陵
  • Qian Ling 乾陵
  • Ruins of Qincheng 秦城遗址
  • Sanyuan Town God Temple 三原城隍庙
  • Thousand-buddha Tower 千佛铁塔
  • Bin tower 彬塔
  • Great Buddhist temple 大佛寺
  • Xianyang Museum 咸阳博物馆

Famous Universities in Xianyang

By the end of 2018, Xianyang had 269 regular middle schools, 29 secondary vocational schools, 670 regular primary schools, and 803 kindergartens.

Xianyang 咸阳
Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 陕西中医药大学

List of universities and colleges in Xianyang

  • Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 陕西中医药大学
  • Xizang Minzu University 西藏民族大学
  • Haojing College, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology 陕西科技大学镐京学院
  • Xianyang Normal University 咸阳师范学院
  • Shaanxi Energy Vocational and Technical College 陕西能源职业技术学院
  • Xianyang Vocational and Technical College 咸阳职业技术学院
  • Shaanxi College of Finance and Economics 陕西财经职业技术学院
  • Shaanxi Industrial Vocational and Technical College 陕西工业职业技术学院
  • Shaanxi Post and Telecommunications Vocational Technical College 陕西邮电职业技术学院

Diet of Xianyang

Xianyang is located in the transition zone between the gully region of the Loess Plateau 黄土高原and the plain area of the Guanzhong Basin关中盆地. The crops are mainly wheat, corn, beans, and potatoes. People’s Daily diet takes wheat as the staple food, while corn, beans, potatoes, and cereals as miscellaneous food, supplemented by vegetables, melons, fruits, meat, eggs, and spices.

Xianyang 咸阳
Chunhua apple 淳化苹果

Some specialty snacks in Xianyang

  • Chunhua apple 淳化苹果
  • YongShou HuaiMi 永寿槐蜜
  • Binzhou pear 彬州梨
  • Smartweed take sugar 蓼花糖
  • Ganxin persimmon 乾县柿子
  • Bin County royal noodles 彬县御面
  • Puji roast chicken 普集烧鸡
  • Ganxin GuoKui 乾县锅盔
  • Biangbiang noodles biangbiang面
  • Jingyang Fu Brick Tea 泾阳茯砖茶
  • Big jin jujube 大晋枣
  • Xianyang flower buns 咸阳花馍

Xianyang Transportation

Railway: Xianyang car service section has jurisdiction over 20 stations on 163km Longhai Railway陇海铁路, Xiantong Railway咸铜铁路, and Xihu Branch Line西户支线.

Highway: Xianyang has a total of 16 passenger stations, including 1 first-level passenger station, 6 second-level passenger stations, and the rest are third-level and fourth-level passenger stations.

Aviation: Xi’an Xianyang International Airport 西安咸阳国际机场is a 4F civil international airport located in Weicheng District, Xianyang City, 25 kilometers away from Xi’an city.

Xianyang, Shaanxi

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