Liuzhou 柳州


Chinese Name: 柳州

English Name: Liuzhou;Liuchow

Other Name: Longcheng龙城;Hucheng壶城

Abbreviation: 柳 Liu

Zip Code: 54 50 00

Population: 4.158 million

Liuzhou 柳州
Liuzhou 柳州

Brief Introduction

Liuzhou 柳州 is a prefectural city of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region广西壮族自治区, an important central city in central Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and a sub-central city of Guangxi approved by The State Council, with a total area of 18,596 square kilometers.

Liuzhou, located in the northeast part of central Guangxi, is an important railway hub connecting southwest China with central and southern China, east and South China. Known as the “Commercial port of Guangxi”桂中商埠, Liuzhou is the processing trade base and logistics transit base of two-way products with ASEAN and the hub city of the southwest sea passage. It is the largest industrial base in Guangxi, a regional manufacturing city facing the southeast coast and Southeast Asia, and the only city in China that owns the whole vehicle production bases of four major automobile groups.

As of 2019, Liuzhou has jurisdiction over 5 municipal districts, 3 counties, and 2 autonomous counties, with a permanent population of 4.1579 million. In 2021, Liuzhou’s GDP will reach 305.724 billion yuan.

Famous Attractions in Liuzhou

Liuzhou is the second largest city in Guangxi with national A-level scenic spots, and the third in tourism population and income. Liuzhou is an important tourist destination in the region. There are many high-quality tourism resources in the urban area, and there are two national key park scenic spots — Liuhou Park and Dalongtan Scenic Area大龙潭风景区.

Liuzhou 柳州
Bin tower 彬塔

Some special scenic spots in Liuzhou

  • Longtan park 龙潭公园
  • Liuhou Park 柳侯公园
  • Rongshui Shuanglongdong Scenic spot 融水双龙洞景区
  • Baili Liujiang Scenic Spot 百里柳江旅游景区
  • Liuzhou Liuhang Cruise ship 柳州柳航游船
  • Liuzhou Karle Planet Happy World 柳州卡乐星球欢乐世界
  • Sanjiang drum tower 三江鼓楼
  • Chengyang Bazhai Scenic Spot 程阳八寨景区
  • Dan state city 丹洲古城
  • Rongshui Laojun Cave 融水老君洞
  • Longnv Ditch Scenic spot 龙女沟景区
  • Fish peak park 鱼峰公园
  • Immortal Mountain Scenic spot 仙人山景区
  • Rongshui Laozi Mountain 融水老子山

Famous Universities in Liuzhou

In 2019, Liuzhou city was identified by the Ministry of Education as the second batch of pilot units for ai-assisted teacher-team construction. There are 12 municipal secondary vocational and technical schools in Liuzhou, with 1434 full-time teachers and 41,000 students (including 32,200 full-time students).

Liuzhou 柳州
Guangxi University of Science and Technology 广西科技大学

List of universities and colleges in Liuzhou

  • Guangxi University of Science and Technology 广西科技大学
  • Liuzhou Institute of Technology 柳州工学院
  • Guangxi Ecological Engineering Vocational and Technical College 广西生态工程职业技术学院
  • Liuzhou City Vocational College 柳州城市职业学院
  • Liuzhou campus of Guangxi Normal University of Science and Technology 广西科技师范学院柳州校区
  • Liuzhou Railway Vocational and Technical College 柳州铁道职业技术学院
  • Liuzhou Polytechnic 柳州职业技术学院
  • Liuzhou First Vocational and Technical School 柳州市第一职业技术学校
  • Liuzhou Second Vocational technical School 柳州市第二职业技术学校
  • Liuzhou Traffic School 柳州市交通学校
  • Liuzhou Animal Husbandry and Veterinary School 柳州畜牧兽医学校
  • Guangxi Advanced Mechanical Technician School 广西机械高级技工学校
  • Guangxi Business School 广西商业学校
  • Liugang Senior Technical School 柳钢高级技工学校

Diet of Liuzhou

Liuzhou people love food, taste heavy, and spicy, and are good at absorbing all kinds of foreign flavors, forming their own unique food culture. There are many snacks in Liuzhou, most of which are fragrant, spicy, and sour, especially “snail noodles”螺狮粉.

Liuzhou 柳州
Liuzhou Luosifen 柳州螺蛳粉

Some specialty snacks in Liuzhou

  • Rongshui duck 融水香鸭
  • Carp in sanjiang rice field 三江稻田鲤鱼
  • Abatis honey orange 鹿寨蜜橙
  • Liujiang river lotus root 柳江莲藕
  • Rongshui rice pomelo 融水糯米柚
  • Sanjiang tea oil 三江茶油
  • Rong An kumquat 融安金桔
  • Liuzhou Luosifen 柳州螺蛳粉
  • Steamed pot with snail duck feet 螺蛳鸭脚煲

Liuzhou Transportation

Shipping: Liuzhou Port 柳州港 is located in Liuzhou City. It is a major local inland port and a comprehensive inland port that mainly focuses on the export of hinterland commodities and gives consideration to cargo transit and tourism services. Liuzhou Port is a national first-class inland river port that opened to the outside world in 1990. Along the Liujiang River, it can reach Wuzhou, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Macao, and even go to sea, which can be navigable for 500-ton ships all year round.

Aviation: Liuzhou Bailian Airport 柳州白莲机场 is 12 kilometers away from the urban area. It is a 4D standard airport for civil aviation. Liuzhou Airport Company of Guangxi Airport Management Group is the location of Liuzhou Airport, one of the six airports in Guangxi and an important regional airport in China.

Liuzhou. Guangxi. China

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