Shang Hai 上海


Chinese Name: 上海

English Name: Shang Hai

Other Name: Shencheng申城

Abbreviation: Hu 沪

Zip Code: 20 00 00

Population: 24.894 million

Shang Hai 上海
Shang Hai 上海

Brief Introduction

Shang Hai 上海 is a provincial administrative region, a municipality directly under the Central Government, a national central city, a megacity and the core city of the Shang Hai Metropolitan area.

Shang Hai is located in east China, located in the West coast of the Pacific Ocean, the eastern edge of the Asian continent, the front of the Yangtze River Delta(长江三角洲); East faces the East China Sea(东海), south near the Hangzhou bay(杭州湾), west meets the Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, north the Yangtze river estuary.

Shang Hai 上海

China international economic, financial, trade, shipping, scientific and technological innovation center approved by The State Council. By the end of 2021, the permanent resident population of Shanghai was 24.894 million.

Famous Attractions in Shang Hai

Shanghai is a modern metropolis with magic charm, a city that will never get tired of being visited many times. It has many famous scenic spots, such as Huangpu River, the Bund, Xintiandi, Waibaidu Bridge, Yu Garden, Chenghuangmiao, Jing ‘an Temple, Jiading Guyi Garden, Zhujiajiao Ancient Town and Nanxiang ancient town.

Shang Hai 上海
Shanghai Waitan 上海外滩

By the end of 2020, Shanghai had 99 A-level scenic spots (spots), including 3 5A-level and 68 4A-level. Shanghai has also been named the best quality tourist city in 2018 by China National Tourism.

List of Major tourist attractions in Shang Hai

  • The Oriental pearl tower
  • Old chenghuang temple
  • Yu garden
  • Zhujiajiao
  • Shanghai Disneyland
  • Nanjing road
  • Huaihai road
  • Shanghai ocean aquarium
  • Shanghai wildlife park
  • Century park
  • Dongping national forest park
  • Qibao ancient town
  • Xintiandi
  • Three port shore
  • The grand view garden

Famous Universities in Shang Hai

Shanghai with a total of 64 regular institutions of higher education, 913 general secondary schools, ordinary 721 primary schools, and special education school 30. There are altogether 49 institutions in The city to train graduate students. The annual enrollment of full-time graduate students is 52,700, among which 158,500 are in school and 43,100 are graduates.

Shang Hai 上海
Shanghai Jiao Tong University 上海交通大学
Shang Hai 上海
Fudan University 复旦大学

List of universities and colleges in Shang Hai

English nameChinese name
Shanghai Jiao Tong University上海交通大学
Fudan university复旦大学
Tsinghua University同济大学
Beijing Jiaotong University华东师范大学
Beijing University of Technology华东理工大学
Beihang University东华大学
Beijing Institute of Technology上海外国语大学
University of Science and Technology Beijing上海财经大学
Capital University of Economics and Business中国人民解放军海军军医大学
North China University of Technology上海海关学院
Beijing University of Chemical Technology上海科技大学
Beijing Technology and Business University上海理工大学
Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology上海海事大学
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications上海应用技术大学
Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication [zh]上海海洋大学
Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture上海中医药大学
Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology上海师范大学
Beijing Electronic Science and Technology Institute上海对外经贸大学
China Agricultural University华东政法大学
Beijing University of Agriculture上海大学
Beijing Forestry University上海工程技术大学
Peking Union Medical College上海第二工业大学
Capital Medical University上海电力大学
Beijing University of Chinese Medicine上海健康医学院
Beijing Normal University上海体育学院
Capital Normal University上海音乐学院
Capital University of Physical Education and Sports [zh]上海戏剧学院
Beijing Foreign Studies University上海公安学院
Beijing International Studies University上海立信会计金融学院
Beijing Language and Culture University上海电机学院
Communication University of China上海政法学院
Central University of Finance and Economics上海商学院

Religious culture in Shang Hai

Shanghai has 5 kinds of religion is to get the Chinese government to admit the legal religion: Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and protestantism.

There are 887,600 religious believers, 394 registered religious activity sites, 85 religious organizations, 4 religious schools and 2 religious publishing institutions in Shanghai.

Modern architecture in Shang Hai

Shanghai has many world-famous modern buildings, such as The Oriental Pearl TV Tower(东方明珠电视塔), Jin MAO Tower(金茂大厦), World Financial Center, Shanghai Tower, China Art Palace, Theme Pavilion of Shanghai World Expo(上海世博会主题馆), Shanghai International Financial Center, Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, Shanghai Happy Valley, Bo Culture Center, Shang Street, Tong Le Fang, National Convention and Exhibition Center, etc.

Shang Hai 上海
The Shanghai world expo theme pavilion 上海世博会主题馆

Diet in Shang Hai

Benbang cuisine(本帮菜), as Shanghainese call it, refers to the local flavor of Shanghai cuisine, which can be summed up in thick oil red sauce (rich oil, heavy sugar, bright color). Commonly used cooking methods to braise, simmer, sugar, salty taste with sweet, oil but not greasy.

Shang Hai 上海
Braised circle 红烧圈子

Shang Hai China Tour 2020

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