Kumar & Clark’s Clinical Medicine (10th Edition)

Name: Kumar & Clark’s Clinical Medicine

Edition: 10th

Author: Adam Feather; David Randall; Mona Waterhouse

Subject: Clinical Medicine

Language: English

Publisher: Elsevier

Kumar & Clark’s Clinical Medicine (10th Edition)

Brief Introduction

There is a broad movement through the Kumar & Clark’s Clinical Medicine from early chapters which focus on general principles of clinical practice, to later chapters that deal with individual organ systems and clinicalsubspecialties.

These later chapters, based around individual subspecialties, begin by offering a tailored approach to basic clinical skills such as history-taking and examination. We have tried to encourage generic skills to be applied thoughtfully to the specialty in question: to encourage learners to adopt the approach taken by experts in the field, so that relevant questions are asked and key physical signs are carefully sought. Most chapters then cover basic sciences, including the anatomy and physiology of the relevant organs in question, before dealing with individual conditions in order.

Within the text:
• Pink subheadings introduce individual conditions,
• Green subheadings introduce the scientific background to the condition (e.g. ‘Aetiology’ or ‘Clinical features’), and
• Orange subheadings introduce clinical material, such as ‘Investigations’or ‘Management’.


  1. Diagnosis: the art of being adoctor
  2. Human genetics
  3. Immunity
  4. Evidence-based practice
  5. Ethical practice and clinical communication
  6. Malignant disease
  7. Palliative care and symptom control
  8. Sepsis and the treatment of bacterial infection
  9. Water balance, fluids and electrolytes
  10. Critical care medicine
  11. Surgery
  12. Prescribing, therapeutics and toxicology
  13. Global health
  14. Public health
  15. Geriatric medicine, frailty and multimorbidity
  16. Haematology
  17. Haematological oncology
  18. Rheumatology
  19. Bone disease
  20. Infectious disease
  21. Endocrinology
  22. Dermatology
  23. Diabetes mellitus
  24. Lipid and metabolic disorders
  25. Liaison psychiatry
  26. Neurology
  27. Ear, nose and throat and eye disease
  28. Respiratory disease
  29. Venous thromboembolic disease
  30. Cardiology
  31. Hypertension
  32. Gastroenterology
  33. Nutrition
  34. Liver disease
  35. Biliary tract and pancreatic disease
  36. Kidney and urinary tract disease
  37. Sexually transmitted infections and human immunodeficiency virus
  38. Obstetric medicine
  39. Women’s health
  40. Men’s health
  41. Environmental medicine


ENT is a broad specialty that, in addition to covering diseases of the ears, nose and throat, is also concerned with diseases of the trachea and the skull base and is responsible for head and neck cancer, facial plastic surgery, sleep-disordered breathing as well as congenital head and neck anomalies. One-fifth of general practice relates to ENT conditions and whilst only 3% of emergency department visits are related to ENT diagnoses, they are often the most life-threatening(e.g. acute airway obstructions and major upper airway haemorrhage). Common emergency presentations include severe and complicated upper respiratory tract infections, epistaxis, upper airway compromise, ingested or inhaled foreign bodies and penetrating neck injuries. An ENT surgeon typically begins medical treatment and if this fails can manage these emergencies using surgical intervention.

Page 899


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