Jinan 济南


Chinese Name: 济南

English Name: Ji Nan;Tsinan;Chi-nan

Other Name: Quanzhou 泉城;Qizhou 齐州;Luoyi 泺邑

Abbreviation: Ji 济

Zip Code: 37 01 00

Population: 9.203 million

Jinan 济南
Jinan 济南

Brief Introduction

Jinan 济南 is a prefectural city, the provincial capital, sub-provincial city, megacity, the core city of Jinan metropolitan circle in Shandong Province, and the central city of the southern wing of the Bohai Rim region 渤海地区 approved by The State Council.

Jinan is located in east China, central and western Shandong, and southeast edge of North China Plain 华北平原. It is the army headquarters of the Northern Theater Command of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, connecting The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region 京津冀地区 to the north and the Yangtze River Delta region 长江三角洲地区 to the south. It is an important intersection of the Bohai Rim economic zone and the Beijing-Shanghai economic axis, and one of the important transportation hubs in east China.

Jinan 济南
Ji Nan 济南

By 2019, the city has 10 districts and 2 counties, with a total area of 10244.45 square kilometers, an area is 760.6 square kilometers, and a population of permanent residents of 9.203 million. In 2021, Jinan’s GDP reached 1.143222 trillion yuan.

Famous Attractions in Jinan

Jinan is known as “lotus on four sides and willows on three sides, one city with mountains and half a city with lakes” because of its numerous springs.

As a spring city, Jinan is rich in tourism resources. It is a national historical and cultural city, an excellent tourist city in China, and an important part of Shandong tourism “One mountain, one water, one saint” 一山一水一圣人. Ji Nan eight scenes is famous in the world is the national historical and cultural city, the first batch of China’s excellent tourism city, prehistoric culture — one of the birthplaces of Longshan culture 龙山文化 . Every year, Ji Nan attracts a large number of domestic and foreign tourists.

Jinan 济南
Ji Nan 济南

List of Major tourist attractions in Jinan

  • Baotu spring 趵突泉
  • Qian Fo mountain 千佛山
  • Daming Lake 大明湖
  • Wulong Lake 五龙潭
  • Pearl spring 珍珠泉
  • Buried with flowers 百花洲
  • The pulse springs 百脉泉
  • Wangfu pond 王府池子
  • Ming Fucheng 明府城
  • Liberation pavilion 解放阁
  • Hung Ka Lau Catholic Church 洪家楼天主教堂
  • Jinan Fuxue Confucian Temple 济南府学文庙
  • Li Qingzhao Memorial Hall 李清照纪念馆
  • Former residence of Xin Qiji 辛弃疾故居
  • Lao she’s former residence 老舍故居
  • Longshan Cultural City Ziya site 龙山文化城子崖遗址
  • Lingyan temple 灵岩寺

Famous Universities in Jinan

Jinan is the cultural and educational center of Shandong Province. By 2021, Jinan has a total of 45 colleges and universities; There were 97 primary and secondary schools, 101 new primary and secondary schools and kindergartens, 95 municipal and school integrated development strategy projects were approved, and 15 higher education projects were contracted to be introduced.

Jinan 济南
Shandong university 山东大学

List of universities and colleges in Jinan

  • Shandong university 山东大学
  • Shandong Normal University 山东师范大学
  • Shandong University of Finance and Economics 山东财经大学
  • Jinan university 济南大学
  • Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 山东中医药大学
  • Shandong Jianzhu University 山东建筑大学
  • Jinan Campus of Shandong University of Science and Technology 山东科技大学济南校区
  • Qilu University of Technology (Jinan Campus) 齐鲁工业大学(济南校区)
  • Qingdao University of Science and Technology (Jinan Campus) 青岛科技大学(济南校区)
  • Shandong First Medical University (Jinan Campus) 山东第一医科大学(济南校区)
  • Shandong Institute of Arts and Crafts 山东工艺美术学院
  • The Shandong University of Arts 山东艺术学院
  • Shandong Jiaotong University (Jinan Campus) 山东交通学院(济南校区)
  • The Shandong University of Political Science and Law 山东政法学院
  • Shandong Institute of Physical Education 山东体育学院
  • Shandong Police College 山东警察学院
  • Shandong Women’s College 山东女子学院
  • Qilu Normal University 齐鲁师范学院
  • Shandong Youth Political College 山东青年政治学院
  • Shandong Institute of Management 山东管理学院
  • Shandong University of Agricultural Engineering (Jinan Campus) 山东农业工程学院(济南校区)
  • Shandong Vocational College 山东职业学院

Diet culture in Jinan

Jinan is the birthplace of eight great cuisines of Lu cuisine 鲁菜. Ji Nan cuisine is “food gastronomes, enjoys incomparable fine” “食不厌精,脍不厌细” thought, the influence of fine materials, elegant, rich distinctive ingredients, is famous for its fragrance, fresh and tender, taste pure. Moreover, Jinan’s characteristic snacks are also diverse and deeply loved.

List of special snacks in Jinan

  • Quancheng bag 泉城大包
  • Famous men roast whole sheep 名士多烤全羊
  • Huang barbecue 黄家烤肉
  • Every day the Fried chicken 天天炸鸡
  • Milk Shang Pu food 奶汤蒲菜
  • Oil spin 油旋
  • Sweet and sour Yellow River carp 糖醋黄河鲤鱼
  • Sweet pancake 甜煎饼
  • Field snail 田螺
  • Pan-Fried Dumpling 锅贴
  • Sheep soup 羊汤
Jinan 济南
Quancheng bag 泉城大包

List of local specialties in Jinan

  • Zhangqiu spring onion 章丘大葱
  • Longshan millet 龙山小米
  • Micropores cucumber 曲堤黄瓜
  • MingShui scented rice 明水香稻
  • Yellow River rice 黄河大米
  • Pinyin rose 平阴玫瑰
  • Ping Yin gelatin 平阴阿胶
  • Ruby apricot 红玉杏
  • Lu embroidery 鲁绣
  • Shanghe colorful pepper 商河彩椒
  • Longshan black pottery 龙山黑陶
  • Changqing wood fish and stone 长清木鱼石
  • RenFeng watermelon 仁风西瓜
  • Long green tea 长清茶
Jinan 济南
Zhangqiu spring onion 章丘大葱

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