Huizhou 惠州


Chinese Name: 惠州

English Name: Huizhou

Other Name: Ercheng鹅城

Abbreviation: 惠 Hui

Zip Code: 51 60 00

Population: 0.604 million

Huizhou 惠州
Huizhou 惠州

Brief Introduction

Huizhou 惠州 is a prefecture-level city of Guangdong Province, one of the central cities in the Pearl River Delta region, and a national historical and cultural city approved by The State Council.

Huizhou is located on the east bank of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, backed by Luofu Mountain and facing Daya Bay in the south. With the Winding Dongjiang River in Huizhou, there are two state-level development zones, Zhongkai High-tech Industrial Development Zone 仲恺高新技术产业开发区and Daya Bay Economic and Technological Development Zone大亚湾经济技术开发区.

Huizhou is one of Hakka’s important settlements and distribution centers. The number of overseas Chinese and compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan ranks first among the four Hakka states, and it is known as the Capital of Hakka overseas Chinese. Huizhou is the front line of modern Chinese resistance history, and the Dongjiang Column东江纵队, the main force of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression in South China, was established.

Huizhou covers an area of 11,347 square kilometers, including Huicheng District, Huiyang District, Huidong County, Boluo County, and Longmen County. By 2020, the permanent population of Huizhou was 0.604 million, and the city’s GDP reached 497.736 billion yuan.

Famous Attractions in Huizhou

Huizhou is a famous historical and cultural city with many scenic spots and historic sites. Huizhou has more than 60 scenic spots, 19 national and provincial scenic spots, and nature reserves, including 2 national 5A scenic spots, 11 national 4A scenic spots, 18 3A scenic spots and 2 national key scenic spots, and 2 National forest parks, and 1 National ecological scenic spot.

Huizhou 惠州
Luofu Mountain Scenic Spot 罗浮山风景名胜区

Some special scenic spots in Huizhou

  • West Lake Scenic Area 西湖风景名胜区
  • Luofu Mountain Scenic Spot 罗浮山风景名胜区
  • Nankunshan Ecological tourism Area 南昆山生态旅游区
  • Xunliao Coastal tourism resort 巽寮滨海旅游度假区
  • Xunliao Zeyuan 巽寮德泽园
  • Aibei Huangshadong hot spring 矮陂黄沙洞温泉
  • Bai Hefeng Dongpo’s former residence 白鹤峰东坡故居
  • Egret Lake Resort 白鹭湖度假区
  • Baipenzhu Hot Spring 白盆珠温泉
  • Hundred Yau field 百丘田
  • North Gate Park 北门公园
  • Caoshiling Riverside green space 曹师岭滨江绿地
  • ChongXuGuan 冲虚观
  • Chung Lin Shiju 崇林世居

Famous Universities in Huizhou

In 2019, There were 58 new kindergartens, 27 new primary and secondary schools, and 1 new institution of higher learning. The enrollment rate of senior high school graduates was 96.62%; 99.26 percent of junior high school graduates enter higher education; The enrollment rate of primary school graduates is 100%; The kindergarten enrollment rate is 98.41%.

Huizhou 惠州
Huizhou university 惠州学院

List of universities and colleges in Huizhou

  • Huizhou university 惠州学院
  • Huizhou Health Vocational and Technical College 惠州卫生职业技术学院
  • Huizhou Economic Vocational and Technical College 惠州经济职业技术学院
  • Huizhou Engineering Vocational College 惠州工程职业学院
  • Huizhou City Vocational College 惠州城市职业学院

Diet of Huizhou

Huizhou is located in the Pearl River Delta珠江三角洲, surrounded by mountains and rivers. The superior geographical position makes Huizhou a wide range of products, Lingnan has excellent fruit varieties complete, delicacies everything. Among them, there are many Huizhou unique native products.

Huizhou 惠州
Huizhou Meicai 惠州梅菜

Some specialty snacks in Huizhou

  • Huizhou Meicai 惠州梅菜
  • Luofu Mountain crisp mash lai 罗浮山酥醪莱
  • Luofu Mountain hundred grass oil 罗浮山百草油
  • Luofu Sweet tea 罗浮山甜茶
  • Dongjiang glutinous rice wine 东江糯米酒
  • Nankunshan Guanyin dish 南昆山观音菜
  • Longmen bamboo shoots 龙门竹笋
  • Longmen rice noodles 龙门米粉
  • Bo Luo candy 博罗酥糖
  • Bo Luo cool fruit 博罗凉果

Huizhou Transportation

Aviation: Huizhou Airport 惠州机场 is located in Pingtan Town, Huiyang District, Huizhou city, about 20 kilometers away from the city center, In May 2009, Huizhou Airport was implemented for military and civilian use, according to the 4D standard expansion and transformation of. Huizhou has a total of 36 regular air routes, serving 31 cities, and 458 weekly planned flights.

Shipping: Huizhou port 惠州港 is a national first-class port, only 47 nautical miles away from Hong Kong by water. Huizhou has a coastline of 223 kilometers, deep water, and many harbors, and has the conditions to build a large port with an annual throughput of over 100 million tons and an international port city.

Walkabout Huizhou, Guangdong, China

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