Huaqing Pool 华清池


Chinese Name: 华清池

English Name: Huaqing Pool;Huaqing Hot Springs;HuaQing Palace;Hua Qing Chi

Location: Shaanxi

Type: Ancient culture and art

Rating Level: AAAAA (5A)


Huaqing Pool 华清池
Huaqing Pool 华清池

Brief Introduction

Huaqing Palace 华清宫 is the palace of the feudal emperor You Xing of the Tang Dynasty. Later also known as “Huaqing Pool”, it is located in Lintong 临潼, Xi’an 西安, Shaanxi Province.

On the back of Huaqing Pool is Mount Li 骊山, facing the Wei River 渭河, leaning on the mountain, with a grand scale and magnificent architecture, and palaces all over Mount Li. Originally named “Tangquan Palace 汤泉宫”, it was later renamed Hot Spring Palace 温泉宫.

Huaqing Pool 华清池
Huaqing Pool 华清池

Huaqing Pool was built in the early Tang Dynasty and flourished after the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang 唐玄宗. Emperor Xuanzong of Tang carefully managed to build such a grand palace, and he had to visit here almost every October.

After the An Lushan Rebellion 安史之乱, the political situation suddenly changed, the visits of emperors to Huaqing Palace decreased, and emperors of later generations of the Tang dynasty rarely traveled to Huaqing Pool.

Huaqing Pool 华清池
Huaqing Pool 华清池

Successive royals have been repaired, but by the time of liberation, the ponds were few and the palaces were sparse. Huaqing pool, after the liberation of the people’s government in 1959 carried out a large-scale expansion.

History is always left to future generations, today’s Huaqing Palace has also become the best witness of history, strolling in it we can appreciate the grandeur of the royal garden, more able to enjoy the relatively complete Zhou Qin, Han, Tang, Ming and Qing dynasties and other historical relics, and these preserved pavilions of the garden landscape, antique buildings, trees that have been aged for a long time, compared to the elegance of the Jiangnan garden, here is more luxurious.

What are worth visiting and seeing?


It is divided into East District, Central District, and West District. Between the palace and the wall: west, north, east. Buildings outside the walls: west, north, east.

Jiulong Lake 九龙湖 is an artificial lake built in 1959, with an area of about 5300 square meters, the Kowloon Bridge divides the lake into two lakes, the upper lake is built with modern fountain facilities, and the lower lake has a dragon boat and a statue of Yang Guifei 杨贵妃 bathing.

Huaqing Pool 华清池
Jiulong Lake 九龙湖

On the south and east shores of Jiulong Lake, there is an imitation Tang Palace, with red as the main tone, green pine cypress, weeping willows, and lawns, the sparkling Jiulong Lake is like a Yaochi wonderland 瑶池仙境, and the temples around the lake are symmetrical, the corridors are long and tortuous, and there are shades on the shore, which is pleasing to the eye.

It is said that it was winter, and the sky was full of snow, and before the snowflakes could fall on the ground, they were steamed up by the hot spring water around the main hall, turning the snow into frost, so it was called “Flying Frost Hall” 飞霜殿.

Huaqing Pool 华清池
Fei Shuang Palace 飞霜殿

Furong Garden 芙蓉园 in Huaqing Pool is a key hot spring tourism project in Shaanxi Province, which officially opens the royal garden area with Tang style and Tang charm mainly for sightseeing, doubling the area of Huaqing Palace.

There is a strict hierarchy of hot springs in Huaqing Palace, among which the highest grade is called Yu Tang 御汤, which is naturally exclusive to Li Longji 李隆基, and the begonia pool that is slightly lower than the Yu Tang is dedicated to Yang Yuhuan 杨玉环. The next time is the public hot spring, there is a long pool for other concubines in the harem, a Yichun Tang 宜春汤 for the female artists of the Yichun Palace 宜春院, and the Star Tang 星辰汤 for the chancellor.

Huaqing Pool 华清池
Huaqing Pool 华清池

In addition, there are hot spring bathing and leisure areas, and the main construction projects are five-star hotels, sixteen imitations of Tang-style bathing long springs, bathing springs, imitation Tang tea ceremonies, and imitation Tang-style entertainment areas. Make every effort to create the only scenic spot in the northwest that represents the connotation of Tang culture, including royal garden sightseeing and leisure bathing.

Huaqing Pool 华清池
Huaqing Pool 华清池

Geographical environment

Located at the northern foot of Lintong Mount Li, about 30 kilometers east of Xi’an, Huaqing Pool is a famous hot spring resort in China, where the hot spring water flows with the sun and the moon. Every day, many tourists take hot spring baths here.

Xi’an is located in the middle of the Guanzhong Plain 关中平原 of the Yellow River 黄河 Basin, belonging to the semi-humid warm temperate monsoon climate zone, with four distinct seasons, a mild climate, and an average annual temperature of 13 °C.

Huaqing Pool 华清池
Huaqing Pool 华清池

On April 13, 2018, at the 2018 Northwest China Tourism Marketing Conference and Tourism Equipment Exhibition, it was shortlisted for second place in the “Magical Northwest 100 Views”.

Huaqing Palace | Travel Film

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