Hengyang 衡阳


Chinese Name: 衡阳

English Name: Hengyang

Other Name: Yancheng雁城 ;Hengzhou衡州

Abbreviation: Xiangheng湘衡

Zip Code: 421000


Hengyang 衡阳
Hengyang 衡阳

Brief Introduction

Hengyang 衡阳, Hunan province is under the jurisdiction of a prefecture-level city, a provincial sub-central city, located in southern China, Hunan province, is an important member of the middle reaches of the Yangtze River city group, the southern Hunan region of politics, economy, military, cultural center.

Hengyang city across the Xiangjiang River, Hunan province, and the central south region is one of the important transportation hubs, and a number of important highways, and railway lines in this rendezvous. Hengyang in the central and southern part of the concave plane axial belt, a typical basin situation, is a subtropical monsoon climate. Hengyang is an important industrial city in central and southern China, is one of the “Made in China 2025” pilot demonstration city group cities, with the first comprehensive bonded zone and national high-tech zone in Hunan, and is positioned as the national industrial transfer demonstration area and the national processing trade focus to undertake.

Hengyang city has jurisdiction over 5 districts and 5 counties and manages 2 county-level cities with a total area of 15,310 square kilometers. According to the seventh census data, the permanent population of Hengyang city is 6,645,243 million; In 2021, Hengyang city to achieve a GDP of 384.031 billion yuan.

Famous Attractions in Hengyang

Hengyang 衡阳 is China’s outstanding tourist city, China’s War of Resistance against Aggression memorial city, and the territory of tourism resources is relatively rich.

Hengyang 衡阳
Nanyue Zhonglie Temple 南岳忠烈祠

Some special scenic spots in Hengyang

  • Nanyue Zhonglie Temple 南岳忠烈祠
  • Nanyue Temple 南岳大庙
  • CAI Hou Temple 蔡侯祠
  • Fuk Yiting 福益亭
  • Wang Ancestral Temple 王家祠堂
  • Heng Zhou kiln 衡州窑
  • Yunji kiln 云集窑
  • Shuikoushan Lead-zinc mining and metallurgy site 水口山铅锌矿冶遗址
  • Wang’s Ancestral hall 王氏宗祠
  • Former residence of Wang Chuanshan 王船山故居
  • Former residence of Luo Ronghuan 罗荣桓故居
  • The former site of Xiangnan Student Federation 湘南学联旧址

Famous Universities in Hengyang

In 2018, Hengyang city completed a total of 346 schools and 114 teaching points to establish standardized schools. A total of 970 million yuan was allocated to guarantee compulsory education, and 423 million yuan was allocated to subsidize 478,000 students from preschool to higher education.

Hengyang 衡阳
The University of South China 南华大学

List of universities and colleges in Hengyang

  • The University of South China 南华大学
  • Hengyang Normal University 衡阳师范学院
  • Hunan Institute of Technology 湖南工学院
  • Hunan Institute of Transportation Engineering 湖南交通工程学院
  • Chuanshan College, University of South China 南华大学船山学院
  • Hengyang Normal University Nanyue College 衡阳师范学院南岳学院
  • Hunan Vocational College of Environmental Biology 湖南环境生物职业技术学院
  • Hunan High-Speed Railway Vocational and Technical College 湖南高速铁路职业技术学院
  • Hunan Polytechnic of Finance and Economics industry 湖南财经工业职业技术学院
  • Hunan Vocational College of Industry and Commerce 湖南工商职业学院
  • Hengyang Technician College 衡阳技师学院
  • Hengyang Radio and Television University 衡阳广播电视大学
  • Hengyang Industrial Workers university 衡阳工业职工大学

Diet of Hengyang

Hengyang is an important historical source of Hunan culture, its diet is one of the main genres of Hunan cuisine; Hengyang has special resources and climate environment, so that Hengyang people’s diet to dry wins the wet, develop to help to sweat dampness of spicy, heavy acid taste, and determines the Hengyang cuisine main style formation, namely heavy taste, coke hemp, hot and sour.

Hengyang 衡阳
Black lotus 乌莲

Some specialty snacks in Hengyang

  • Yulin fragrance waist 玉麟香腰
  • Hengyang sucking screw 衡阳唆螺
  • Fish head tofu 鱼头豆腐
  • Zhang Fei wine 张飞酒
  • Lake of wine 湖之酒
  • Stone drum crisp moon cake 石鼓酥薄月饼
  • Black lotus 乌莲
  • Qidong Huanghualai 祁东黄花莱
  • Qidong Areca arum 祁东槟榔芋
  • Nanyue Cloud Tea 南岳云雾茶
  • Jar vegetables 坛子菜
  • Hengyang rice noodles 衡阳米粉

Hengyang Transportation

Water transport: Hengyang port 衡阳港 is one of the eight ports in Hunan Province. Hengyang has Xiangjiang, Lei water, distilled water, Mi water, and other rivers. Xiangjiang four seasons navigation, Hengyang port perennial can pass two thousand ton ship Xiangjiang, the Yangtze River, Shanghai and reach all over the world.

Aviation: Hengyang Nanyue Airport 衡阳南岳机场 is located in The Town of Hengnan County Hengyang City, officially opened on December 23, 2014; Nanyue Airport is defined as a national 4C branch airport, with a range of 800~1500 kilometers, a 4C flight area, a runway of 2400 meters, and a future development of 4D, with a runway extended to 3200 meters.

Hengyang, Hunan. China.

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