Name: Grainger & Allison’s Diagnostic Radiology: A Textbook of Medical Imaging Volume 1
Edition: 6th
Author: Andreas Adam, Adrian K. Dixon, Jonathan H. Gillard and Cornelia M. Schaefer-Prokop
Subject: Radiology
Language: English
Publisher: Elsevier

Brief Introduction
This sixth edition of the landmark Grainger and Allison textbook ‘Diagnostic Radiology’ is truly a cooperative venture. Two new active Lead Editors (Jonathan Gillard and Cornelia SchaeferProkop) have joined Andy Adam and Adrian Dixon. They bring with them considerable expertise in neuroradiology and chest radiology, respectively. Another new feature is the introduction of very energetic Section Editors, Michael Maher (abdomen), Cathy Owens (paediatrics), Phil O’Connor and Andrew Grainger (musculoskeletal), Rolf Jäger (neuroradiology), Vicky Goh (oncology), and AnnaMaria Belli and Michael Lee (intervention).
The expectation is that these section editors will subsequently develop small niche spinoff educational/teaching books based on this material, but expanded in their chosen subspecialties, in exactly the same way that Nyree Griffin and Lee Grant have done (2013) for the main textbook. We hope that this new edition of this book will help to maintain its role as the leading general textbook for those pursuing radiological training in the UK, mainland Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and New Zealand; certainly it has been written very much with qualifying examinations in those countries in mind (FRCR, FFRCSI, EDiR, FRANZCR, DNB, etc.). Radiologists in the American communities should find it helpful when preparing for their board examinations. It should also serve as a useful reference text for most radiological departments.
- CHAPTER 1 Medical Physics: Radiation Risks
- CHAPTER 2 Intravascular Contrast Media for Radiography, CT, MRI and Ultrasound
- CHAPTER 3 Ultrasound
- CHAPTER 4 Computed Tomography
- CHAPTER 5 Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- CHAPTER 6 Radionuclide and Hybrid Imaging
- CHAPTER 7 Functional, Physiological and Molecular Imaging
- CHAPTER 8 Techniques in Thoracic Imaging
- CHAPTER 9 The Normal Chest
- CHAPTER 10 The Chest Wall, Pleura, Diaphragm and Intervention
- CHAPTER 11 The Mediastinum, Including the Pericardium
- CHAPTER 12 Pulmonary Infection in Adults
- CHAPTER 13 Airway Disease and Chronic Airway Obstruction
- CHAPTER 14 Pulmonary Lobar Collapse: Essential Considerations
- CHAPTER 15 Pulmonary Neoplasms
- CHAPTER 16 High-Resolution Computed Tomography of Interstitial and Occupational Lung Disease
- CHAPTER 17 Thoracic Trauma and Related Topics
- CHAPTER 18 Airspace Diseases
- CHAPTER 19 Cardiac Anatomy and Imaging Techniques
- CHAPTER 20 Congenital Heart Disease: General Principles and Imaging
- CHAPTER 21 Non-ischaemic Acquired Heart Disease
- CHAPTER 22 Ischaemic Heart Disease
- CHAPTER 23 Pulmonary Circulation and Pulmonary Thromboembolism
- CHAPTER 24 The Thoracic Aorta: Diagnostic Aspects
- CHAPTER 25 Current Status of Imaging of the Gastrointestinal Tract: Imaging Techniques and Radiation Issues
- CHAPTER 26 The Oesophagus
- CHAPTER 27 The Stomach
- CHAPTER 28 The Duodenum and Small Intestine
- CHAPTER 92 Venous Access and Interventions
- CHAPTER 93 Spinal Interventions
Contrast media are commonly used for imaging to enhance the differences of structures or fluids within the body tissue. They may be used in radiological procedures such as radiography, fluoroscopy, angiography, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound. Various types of contrast media exist for each technique, and their applications depend on the chemical and physical properties of the agents. The ideal contrast medium does not exist. It should be possible to inject the ideal agent fast or drink it. It should leave the body as soon as possible—after it has enhanced the structures in question—in unchanged form and without causing any harm to the body, including adverse reactions. Almost all agents cause discomfort and adverse reactions to some degree. Discomfort, e.g. metal taste and/or feeling of warmth, is frequent. Serious reactions requiring treatment are infrequent. Acute non-renal adverse reactions are the same for all types of contrast media, whereas there are differences regarding acute renal adverse reactions, late reactions and very late reactions. Most of the agents are out of the body within 24 hours if the patient has normal renal function. It may take weeks before the agent is out of the body if the patient has severely reduced renal function. Iron-based agents enter the natural circulation like any other iron ion. Hepatobiliary gadolinium-based agents are partially excreted via the hepatobiliary system, whereas the ion manganese is excreted solely by the liver. Barium products or iodine-based oral agents stay in the intact gastrointestinal tract. Products like air, carbon dioxide, tap water, and juices containing manganese, e.g. blueberry juice, pineapple juice, can be used as contrast media, but their use is beyond the scope of this chapter.
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