Daxiao Dongtian 大小洞天


Chinese Name: 大小洞天

English Name: Daxiao Dongtian; Fairyland Scenic Area

Location: Sanya, Hainan

Type: Ancient culture and art

Rating Level: AAAAA (5A)

Website: http://www.sanyapark.com/

Daxiao Dongtian 大小洞天
Daxiao Dongtian 大小洞天

Brief Introduction

Daxiao Dongtian Scenic Area, formerly known as the Sea Mountain Wonder Scenic Area in ancient times, is located in the southwest corner of Nanshan Mountain 南山, 40 kilometers west of Sanya City 三亚, Hainan Province 海南省, with a total area of 22.5 square kilometers. The scenic area has a history of more than 800 years and is a famous Taoist 道教 cultural scenic spot.

The Daxiao Dongtian Scenic Area is known as the first scenic spot of Qiongya 琼崖 with its beautiful sea view, mountain view, and stone view. There are still “Small Cave 小洞天”, “Diaotai 钓台”, “Sea Mountain Wonder 海山奇观”, “Immortal Foot 仙人足”, “Test Sword Peak 试剑峰” and other cliff stone inscriptions of poetry and prose of previous dynasties in the scenic area. Mountain, sea, and forest springs are indispensable conditions to form a tourist attraction.

Daxiao Dongtian 大小洞天
Daxiao Dongtian 大小洞天

The Daxiao Dongtian Scenic Area is located 40 kilometers west of Sanya, the southernmost Taoist cultural tourist resort in China, and is the oldest scenic spot in Hainan Province. The large and small Dongtian Scenic Area is known as the first scenic spot of Qiongya with its beautiful sea view, mountain view, and stone view. In 1962, Guo Moruo 郭沫若 visited the “big and small caves” and marveled at the scenery of the scenic spot

Daxiao Dongtian 大小洞天
Daxiao Dongtian 大小洞天

What are worth visiting and seeing?


The character “寿” on Fairy Longevity Stone 仙翁寿石 was written by Chen Tuan 陈抟, 2.15 meters high. Chen Tuan, the name “Fuyao Zi 扶摇子”, is now a native of Bozhou 亳州, Anhui Province 安徽. He is a famous immortal Taoist in the history of Chinese Taoism and is known as the “Old Ancestor of Chen Tuan” in history. Chen Tuan wrote five characters. The word “longevity” is composed of four characters: “人”, “寿”, “年” and “丰”. It stands here. It means life is longer than Mountain.

Daxiao Dongtian 大小洞天
Fairy Longevity Stone 仙翁寿石

During the reign of Song Chunyou 淳佑 (1247 AD), governor Mao Kui 毛奎 led his subordinates to the Ao Mountain 鳌山. After several visits, they found a huge stone, such as a house or a boat, overlooking the sea in the front and a winding alley in the back. The stone can see the grand view of the sea and mountain, so it is called the “wonder of the sea and mountain 海山奇观”. There are stone carvings of Mao Kui and literati of previous dynasties around the giant stone.

Daxiao Dongtian 大小洞天
the wonder of the sea and mountain 海山奇观

Jian Zhen 鉴真 (688-763 AD), a native of Yangzhou, was a famous monk of the Tang Dynasty. His surname was Chunyu. In 742 AD, he went to Japan to preach scriptures at the request of the Emperor of Japan. He crossed the sea six times and failed the first five times. In June 748 AD, 35 people, including Jianzhen’s master and apprentice, encountered a hurricane when they set off from Yangzhou 扬州 for the fifth time to cross the sea, and drifted thousands of miles to land in the Daxiao Dongtian scenic spots in Sanya.

Daxiao Dongtian 大小洞天
group sculpture 群雕

Living in Sanya for one year, Dayun Temple was built to spread Buddhist culture. Jianzhen’s determination to go to Japan to promote the law remained unchanged and finally made six eastwards in 753. In the past ten years in Japan, he has made outstanding contributions to promoting cultural exchanges between China and Japan and developing friendships between the two peoples. To commemorate this historic feat, this huge group sculpture 群雕 is specially built.

The historical scene of Jianzhen and his party’s fifth sea crossing floating boat landing, which is based on the group sculpture, shows their indomitable strong will, their confidence in victory, and their joy for the rest of their lives.

Daxiao Dongtian 大小洞天
Nanshan Mountain 南山

Amusement items

Daxiao Dongtian is located at the foot of Nanshan Mountain. The green vegetation coverage rate of the scenic spot has reached more than 85%, and the negative oxygen ion content ranks first in the country. Nanshan is also a mountain of longevity. What’s more, there are 30000 “evergreen pines 不老松” distributed in large and small caves. The big and small caves are mainly characterized by Taoist culture, and the internal landscape is full of Taoist health-preserving ideas. The restaurant in the scenic spot combines traditional Chinese medicine and Hainan tropical fruits, and mainly engages in Taoist health-preserving feasts 养生宴.

Daxiao Dongtian 大小洞天
evergreen pines 不老松

Since the Song Dynasty, Daxiao Dongtian has been famous in Hainan for the eight sceneries of Yazhou. These are all beautiful sceneries under the camera lens, attracting many photography lovers to take photos here. Every year, all kinds of photography competitions will be held in large and small caves.

Daxiao Dongtian 大小洞天
Sanya 三亚

Do you know the Daxiao Dongtian Scenic Area? 5A Scenic Area in Sanya

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