Changde 常德


Chinese Name: 常德

English Name: Changde;Changte;Changteh

Other Name: Wuling 武陵;Langzhou朗州

Abbreviation: 常 Chang

Zip Code: 41 50 00

Population: 5.279 million

Changde 常德
Changde 常德

Brief Introduction

Changde 常德, a prefectural city under the jurisdiction of Hunan Province, is located in the north of Hunan Province, on the west side of Dongting Lake and under the foot of Wuling Mountain 武陵山. It is an important city in the Yangtze River Economic Belt长江经济带, the urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and the ecological-economic circle around Dongting Lake.

Changde, located in the northwest of Hunan Province, is a famous “land of fish and rice” 鱼米之乡 in the South of the Yangtze River, located in the middle reaches of the Dongting Lake water system, the lower reaches of the Yuanjiang River, and the Lishui River, as well as Wuling Mountains, Xuefeng Mountains northeast end.

Changde belongs to the center of China’s economic rise, located in the combination of the pan-Pearl River Delta and pan-Yangtze River Delta economic development region, and is a golden location for industrial transfer from the eastern coastal developed areas to the central and western regions. Changde’s unique climate conditions and rich water and soil resources have created a famous “granary粮仓, wine city酒市, tobacco city烟都, textile city纺城, tea town茶乡” in the South of the Yangtze River.

Changde has jurisdiction over 9 county-level administrative districts, including 2 municipal districts, 1 county-level city, and 6 counties, covering an area of 18,200 square kilometers; According to the data of the seventh population census in 2020, as of midnight on November 1, 2020, the permanent population of the city is 5.279 million. In 2021, Changde achieved a GDP of 405.41 billion yuan

Famous Attractions in Changde

Changde is an excellent tourist city in China. As of 2012, it has 4 state-level key cultural relics protection units. 40 provincial key cultural relics protection units; 2 national nature reserves; 3 provincial scenics (tourist holiday) areas.

Changde 常德
Hongze lake 洪泽湖

Some special scenic spots in Changde

  • Taohuayuan Scenic Spot 桃花源景区
  • Huo Ping Mountain Scenic Spot 壶瓶山风景区
  • Jiashan Scenic Spot 夹山风景区
  • Huayanxi Scenic Spot 花岩溪风景区
  • The ancient city of Lishui states 澧州古城
  • Chang Deshi wall 常德诗墙
  • Cheng Tou Mountain ancient cultural site 城头山古文化遗址
  • Former residence of Lin Boqu 林伯渠故居
  • Huangshan Tou National Forest Park 黄山头国家森林公园
  • Lake Maurie National Wetland Park 毛里湖国家湿地公园
  • Yuanshui National Wetland Park 沅水国家湿地公园

Famous Universities in Changde

By the end of 2020, there were 5 ordinary colleges and universities, 43 secondary vocational schools, 43 ordinary senior high schools, 237 junior high schools, 422 ordinary primary schools, 6 special education schools, 664 private schools of various types, and 2 private colleges and universities in The city.

Changde 常德
Hunan University of Arts and Sciences 湖南文理学院

List of universities and colleges in Changde

  • Hunan University of Arts and Sciences 湖南文理学院
  • Furong College, Hunan University of Arts and Science 湖南文理学院芙蓉学院
  • Hunan Institute of Applied Technology 湖南应用技术学院
  • Changde Vocational and Technical College 常德职业技术学院
  • Changde Radio and Television University 常德广播电视大学
  • Hunan Golf Tourism Vocational College 湖南高尔夫旅游职业学院
  • Hunan Preschool Normal College 湖南幼儿师范高等专科学校
  • Changde Zhongshan Outer Hospital 常德中山外院
  • Changde Finance and Economics School 常德财经学校
  • Changde Technician College 常德技师学院

Diet of Changde

In Changde, rice is the staple food. Both young and old have the habit of spicy food, pickled vegetables in jars, pickled fish, and preserved meat. Changde is rich in rice. Over time, a popular snack food with rice as the main raw material has been formed. Changde people drink tea very particular, in addition to the general tea, but also popular lei tea reception.

Changde 常德
Changde rice noodles 常德米粉

Some specialty snacks in Changde

  • Changde rice noodles 常德米粉
  • Changde Salted duck常德酱板鸭
  • Jin City beef powder 津市牛肉粉
  • The Duck King 鸭霸王
  • Shimen spiced pills 石门五香丸
  • Spicy meat 麻辣肉
  • Taoyuan osmanthus sugar 桃源桂花糖
  • Ding City rice cake 鼎城年糕
  • Wuling Lei Tea 武陵擂茶

Changde Transportation

Shipping: Changde Port 常德港 is one of the major inland ports in China. Changde city has yuanjiang沅江, Lishui river and other 87 navigable rivers, waterway mileage 1753 kilometers, navigable mileage 1191 kilometers; There are 8 ports, including Changde and Tianjin, with an annual throughput of more than 1 million tons.

Aviation: Changde Taohuayuan Airport 常德桃花源机场is a national 4D level airport and the main alternate landing airport of Huanghua Airport. Located in Doumhu Street, Dingcheng District, Changde City, it can be used for the full load takeoff and landing of Boeing 737 aircraft of the same type. The airport is preparing for reconstruction to build a larger and more modern airport.

Changde, Hunan, China.

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