Baiyang Lake 新白洋淀景区


Chinese Name: 新白洋淀景区

English Name: Baiyang Lake;Baiyangdian

Location: Hebei

Type: Ancient culture and art

Rating Level: AAAAA (5A)


Baiyang Lake 新白洋淀景区
Baiyang Lake 白洋淀

Brief Introduction

The Baiyang Lake scenic spot in Baoding保定 is the largest inland lake in Hebei, with a total area of 366 square kilometers. It is located in the middle of Hebei Province, in the hinterland of Beijing Tianjin Hebei, 189 kilometers from Shijiazhuang in the south, 162 kilometers from Beijing in the north, and 155 kilometers from Tianjin in the East. It is now a national AAAAA tourist attraction.

Baoding Anxin Baiyangdian scenic area has been famous for its rich products and beautiful scenery since ancient times. It is known as “autumn in all seasons”. It praises “the south of the north” and sings “the land of fish and rice”. President Jiang Zemin江泽民 personally inscribed it: “Baiyangdian, the Pearl of North China”.

Baiyang Lake 新白洋淀景区
Baiyang Lake 白洋淀

Baiyang Lake was affected by the lake’s topography, climate change, human production, and other factors. In history, it shrank and expanded from the late 20th century to the early 21st century. It dried up in the 1980s, and the heavy rain in 1988 restored the Baiyangdian Lake area.

Baiyang Lake used to be the border of Yan Zhao燕赵, and Song Liao宋辽 in the Warring States period战国, with continuous wars; Before the Republic of China, Baiyangdian was an important channel connecting Baoding and Tianjin. The traditional industries in the lake area are the fishery and reed industries. After the 20th century, with the rise of domestic tourism in China, it has gradually become a tourist attraction.

Baiyang Lake 新白洋淀景区
Baiyang Lake 白洋淀

What are worth visiting and seeing?


Yuan Fei lotus garden元妃荷园 is located in the south of Anxin County Tourism dock. It was built in 2001 and covers an area of about 1800 mu. With natural ecology as the theme, the garden is divided into six theme areas: beach bathing area, lotus viewing area, red tourism area, Ludang maze area芦荡迷宫区, water entertainment area, catering, and accommodation area.

The lotus garden was the place where Li Shier李师儿, the concubine of emperor Zhangzong of the Jin Dynasty, enjoyed the lotus. In order to let the concubine see the lotus flowers when she got up in the morning to dress up, Emperor Zhangzong built a lotus garden here and built a dressing table, which was called “the dressing table of concubines” by later generations. When developing this scenic spot, was named “Yuan Fei Lotus Garden”.

Baiyang Lake 新白洋淀景区
Yuan Fei lotus garden元妃荷园

Baiyang Lake lotus Grand View Garden白洋淀荷花大观园 is located in Baiyangdian scenic spot in Anxin County, a wetland reserve in Hebei Province. It covers an area of more than 2000 mu, with a water area of 1560 mu. It gathers 699 kinds of Chinese and foreign famous lotus. The colors of the flowers are red, yellow, white, pink, light green, etc. the flower types are single-layer, double-layer, and multi-layer. The plant types are bowl lotus which can hold a desk and South American King lotus which can bear dozens of kilograms.

Baiyang Lake 新白洋淀景区
Baiyang Lake 白洋淀

Yuanyang Island鸳鸯岛 is located in the Baiyang Lake scenic area in Anxin, covering an area of 64000 square meters. You can watch the regular and fixed-point Osprey fishing performance, water village marriage custom performance, and Baiyangdian folk custom performance on the island.

Baiyang Lake 新白洋淀景区
Baiyang Lake 白洋淀

The window of Baiyang Lake on the island is transformed from the original “Shuipo Liangshan Palace水泊梁山宫”, which is located in the south of Yuanyang Island, with an area of 5000 square meters, including “six halls and one garden”, namely, the guide hall, the humanities and history hall, the folk custom hall, the natural resources hall, the heroic epic hall, the brilliant achievements hall, and the water village style garden. It focuses on the wetland natural culture, traditional historical culture, and folk culture of Baiyangdian. Natural culture highlights the formation and changes of Baiyangdian, historical and traditional culture highlight the well-known Xiaobing Zhang Ga小兵张嘎, and folk culture highlights the local customs of Baiyangdian.

Baiyang Lake 新白洋淀景区

Baiyangdian exotic park异国风情园 is located in the Baiyangdian scenic area in Anxin, adjacent to Yuanyang island in the north and leisure island in the south, covering an area of 30 mu. It is an entertaining and participatory style entertainment park integrating high-altitude Dawaz performance, Thai boxing fight performance, Thai folk song and dance, European women’s wrestling, crocodile performance, African lion hunting, mysterious hut water backflow, rock climbing, and jumping.

Baiyang Lake 新白洋淀景区
Baiyang Lake 白洋淀

Baiyangdian cultural garden白洋淀文化苑 is located in Baiyangdian, covering an area of about 2000 mu. The theme of the scenic spot covers four major cultures: history, tradition, folk custom, and ecology.

Baiyangdian fisherman’s paradise白洋淀渔人乐园 was founded in 2001, covering an area of more than 10000 mu. It is known as Shaochedian烧车淀 in history. It is an ancient battlefield for Yang Yanzhao杨延昭, a famous general of the Song Dynasty, to fight against Jin and Liao dynasties. The water area in the scenic spot is wide and the water quality is clear. It is a typical wetland tourist attraction.

Baiyang Lake 新白洋淀景区
The Long Corridor

Baiyang Lake| Lake Baiyangdian

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