Zunyi 遵义


Chinese Name: 遵义

English Name: Zunyi

Other Name: Hongseshengdi·zuimeizunyi红色圣地·醉美遵义

Abbreviation: Zun 遵

Zip Code: 563000

Population:6.606675 million

Zunyi 遵义
Zunyi 遵义

Brief Introduction

Zunyi 遵义 is a prefecture-level city, a sub-central city of Guizhou province, and an important city in the central Guizhou city group.

Zunyi is located in the southwest of China and the north of Guizhou, with Guiyang in the south, Chongqing in the north, and Sichuan in the west. Zunyi is the core area and main corridor of the Chengdu-Central Guizhou economic zone corridor, and the bridgehead, central position, and pilot area of Qian-Chongqing cooperation. Zunyi is a national whole-region tourism demonstration area, an important transportation hub in southwest China to undertake the north-south, east-west, connecting the Yangtze River to the sea. The territory is a subtropical monsoon climate, cool and humid all year round. In 1935, the Communist Party of China held the famous “Zunyi Conference”遵义会议 in Zunyi.

By the end of 2019, Zunyi has jurisdiction over 3 districts, 7 counties, 2 ethnic autonomous counties, 2 administrative cities, and 1 new district, covering a total area of 30,762 square kilometers. According to the seventh census data, the permanent population of Zunyi is 6,606,675. In 2021, Zunyi achieved a GDP of 416.99 billion yuan.

Famous Attractions in Zunyi

Zunyi tourism area is an important part of southwest tourism, the key scenic spot of Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou, and Gold triangle tourism area, and the ideal place for ecological tourism in the three Gorges international tourism hot spot. As of 2019, Zunyi city has 1 World Natural Heritage site; 1 national scenic spot, 5 provincial-level; 6 national nature reserves; 4 national forest parks; 1 national geopark; There are 21 national AAAA tourist attractions.

Zunyi 遵义
Zunyi Meeting site 遵义会议会址

Some special scenic spots in Zunyi

  • Zunyi Meeting site 遵义会议会址
  • China Jurassic park 中国侏罗纪公园
  • Sui yang nine doors 绥阳九道门
  • Liyuan Grassland Tourist resort 栗元草场旅游度假区
  • Xi Shui Long ditch scenic spot 习水长嵌沟景区
  • Chishui Podophylla National Nature Reserve 赤水桫椤国家级自然保护区
  • Yuqing Fei Longhu 余庆飞龙湖
  • Fengxiang Hot Spring in Zunyi 遵义枫香温泉
  • Chishui city 赤水古城
  • Mount Agate Military Camp 玛瑙山军事营盘
  • Hunan Yamada 湘山寺
  • Peach brook temple 桃溪寺
  • The heart of the Tea Sea scenic area 茶海之心景区
  • Mei tan 湄潭

Famous Universities in Zunyi

By the end of 2019, Zunyi had 3,395 schools at all levels (including 7 institutions of higher learning) with 91,200 full-time teachers, an increase of 2.21 percent over the previous year. There were 1.456,800 students on campus, an increase of 0.7% over the previous year. The enrollment rate of school-age children in primary schools was 100.5%, the nine-year compulsory education retention rate was 103.9%, and the gross enrollment rate of senior high schools was 91.4%.

Zunyi 遵义
Zunyi Medical University 遵义医科大学

List of universities and colleges in Zunyi

  • Zunyi Medical University 遵义医科大学
  • Zunyi Normal University 遵义师范学院
  • Guizhou Aerospace Vocational and Technical College 贵州航天职业技术学院
  • Zunyi Polytechnic College 遵义职业技术学院
  • Zunyi Medical College 遵义医药高等专科学校
  • School of Medicine and Science and Technology, Zunyi Medical University 遵义医学院医学与科技学院
  • Maotai College 茅台学院

Diet of Zunyi

As Zunyi is close to Sichuan, its eating habits are also influenced by it. In addition to sour and spicy dishes, Zunyi also prefers spicy and spicy dishes.

Zunyi 遵义
Zunyi bean noodles 遵义豆花面

Some specialty snacks in Zunyi

  • Duck Creek Yellow beef 鸭溪黄家牛肉
  • Small leaf bitter Ding tea 小叶苦丁茶
  • Zunyi bean noodles 遵义豆花面
  • Chinese pepper 朝天椒
  • Zunyi mutton powder 遵义羊肉粉
  • Hollow noodles 空心面
  • Fenggang health oil tea 凤冈养生油茶
  • Yam BaBa 洋芋粑粑
  • Renhuai three chicken 仁怀三把鸡
  • Hema mutton 合马羊肉
  • Maotai 茅台酒
  • Dong jiu 董酒
  • Xi wine 习酒

Zunyi Transportation

Railways: Zunyi city has Zunyi railway station, Tongzi railway station for the main railway passenger station, Zunyi south station for the railway material distribution center, and Nangongshan station for the railway marshaling station. All stations in Zunyi are under the jurisdiction of the Chengdu Railway Bureau. Zunyi Railway Station is located on Beijing Road in the downtown area of Zunyi, 308 km away from Chongqing Station and 155 km away from Guiyang Railway Station. It is now a second-class station.

Aviation: Zunyi Moutai Airport 遵义茅台机场 is located in Maotai Town, Renhuai City, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province, China. It is 16 kilometers away from Renhuai city and 54 kilometers away from Zunyi city. It is a 4C civil transport airport. Zunyi Xinzhou Airport 遵义新舟机场 is located in Xinzhou Town, Honghuagang District, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province, China, 35 kilometers away from the east of the central city of Zunyi City. It is a 4C military and civilian shared airport, the second largest airport in Guizhou province, and the largest branch airport in Guizhou Province.

Getting Started in GUIZHOU – ZUNYI

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