Zhengzhou 郑州


Chinese Name: 郑州

English Name: Zhengzhou; Chengchow

Other Name: Shangdu 商都;Lvcheng 绿城

Abbreviation: Zheng 郑

Zip Code: 41 01 00

Population: 12.600 million

Zhengzhou 郑州
Zhengzhou 郑州

Brief Introduction

Zhengzhou 郑州 is a prefecture-level city, the provincial capital, and the megalopolis of Henan Province. Zhengzhou is located in the central north of Henan Province, at the boundary between the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, with a total area of 7,567 square kilometers.

Zhengzhou 郑州
Zhengzhou 郑州

Zhengzhou is an important birthplace of Chinese civilization 中华文明 and a famous national historical and cultural city. It is one of the six sites supported by the state and a member of the World Historical City League.

Famous Attractions in Zhengzhou

Zhengzhou 郑州 is one of the first batches of Excellent tourist cities in China, with numerous historical and cultural landscapes and rich natural landscape resources. There is “the world’s first temple” Zen ancestral temple Shaolin Temple 少林寺, Shaolin Kung fu, the first world geological park Songshan mountain 嵩山, the hometown of the Yellow Emperor Xuan yuan 黄帝轩辕故里, the Yellow River cultural park, celestial Starwatching, the oldest Taoist temple Zhongyue Temple, One of China’s four academy Songyang Academy, playing tiger Pavilion Han Tomb; There are canyon waterfall ring Cuiyu and beautiful scenery yan ming lake and many tourist resorts.

Zhengzhou 郑州
Shaolin Temple 少林寺

List of Major tourist attractions in Zhengzhou

  • The Shaolin temple 少林寺
  • Units that watch 观星台
  • Zhongyue Temple 中岳庙
  • Song Yang academy 嵩阳书院
  • Songshan 嵩山
  • Heaven and earth 天地之中
  • Henan Museum 河南博物院
  • The grand canal 大运河
  • Tongji canal Bian he Zhengzhou section 通济渠汴河郑州段
  • Xingyang city 荥阳故城
  • Yellow River Scenic area 黄河风景名胜区
  • The birthplace of Emperor Huangdi 黄帝故里

Famous Universities in Zhengzhou

By the end of 2021, Zhengzhou has 13 postgraduate training units, enrolling 21,960 students. There are 68 regular institutions of higher learning, enrolling 410,300 students; 109 secondary vocational and technical education schools, with an enrollment of 130,500; 134 regular senior high schools; 404 regular junior middle schools, enrolling 159,500 students; There are 981 regular primary schools, enrolling 203,700 students.

Zhengzhou has 2 national “double first-class” 双一流 universities, 6 provincial key universities, 2 national 2110 key military colleges 2110重点军事院校, and 2 National University Science and Technology Parks (Henan National University Science and Technology Park and Zhengzhou University Science and Technology Park). Dalian University of Technology, Zhejiang University, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Xi An Jiaotong University, and another national key project 985 universities 重点工程985高校 have set up advanced research institutes in Zheng Zhou.

Zhengzhou 郑州
Zhengzhou university 郑州大学

List of universities and colleges in Zhengzhou

  • Zhengzhou university 郑州大学
  • PLA Information Engineering University 中国人民解放军信息工程大学
  • PLA Army Artillery Air Defense Academy 中国人民解放军陆军炮兵防空兵学院
  • The Henan University of Technology 河南工业大学
  • Henan Agricultural University 河南农业大学
  • North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power 华北水利水电大学
  • Henan University of Economics and Law 河南财经政法大学
  • The Henan University of Chinese Medicine 河南中医药大学
  • The Zhengzhou University of Light Industry 郑州轻工业大学
  • Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management 郑州航空工业管理学院
  • Zhongyuan Institute of Technology 中原工学院
  • Henan Institute of Finance 河南财政金融学院
  • Henan Institute of Engineering 河南工程学院
  • Henan Institute of Animal Husbandry and Economics 河南牧业经济学院

Specialties and delicacies in Zhengzhou

Zhengzhou has fertile land and produces a lot of grain. It is a province with large grain and population in China, so Zheng Zhou is rich in pasta. After a long time of absorption and improvement, Zhengzhou’s food culture has formed a kind of Zhengzhou cuisine with its own characteristics. In addition, Zhengzhou known as the “city of stewed noodles”, stewed noodles restaurants throughout the city’s streets

Zhengzhou 郑州
Zhengzhou stewed noodles 郑州烩面

List of specialties and delicacies in Zhengzhou

  • Dengfeng mustard 登封芥菜
  • Xingyang persimmon 荥阳柿子
  • Xinzheng lotus root 新郑莲藕
  • Garden mouth sweet potato花园口红薯
  • Zhengzhou Yellow River carp郑州黄河鲤鱼
  • Zhong Mou watermelon中牟西瓜
  • Zhengzhou cherry ditch cherry 郑州樱桃沟樱桃
  • Small phase chrysanthemum小相菊花
  • Sharp mountain honeysuckle 尖山金银花

Zhengzhou’s intangible cultural heritage

In 2021, the Henan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism carried out the fifth batch of Henan provincial representative inheritors of intangible cultural heritage identification, with 27 inheritors in Zhengzhou. By the end of 2021, there are 6 national intangible cultural heritages 非物质文化遗产 in Zhengzhou, which are Xin zheng Yellow Emperor worship ceremony 新郑黄帝拜祖祭典, Shaolin kung fu, chang Jia boxing 苌家拳, Chaohua Blowing song 超化吹歌, Xiao Xiang Lion dance小相狮舞, and Dengfeng kiln ceramic firing skills 登封窑陶瓷制作技术.

Zhengzhou 郑州
Xin Zheng Yellow Emperor worship ceremony 新郑黄帝拜祖祭典

Night tour of Zhengzhou

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