2025 Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Admissions for International Students

2025 Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Admissions for International Students
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2025 Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Admissions for International Students

Established in 1958, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TUTCM)has been striving to build a world top TCM university with Chinese characteristics underthe motto of“Strengthening moral education and pursuing academic studies, inheriting and innovating”.

In 2017,TUTCMwas selected intothe building list ofChinaworld-class universitiesandworld-class disciplines.

In 2020, the university waslisted as one of the co-constructed higher educations by Tianjin Municipal Government, Ministry of Education (MOE)and National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (NATCM).

In 2022, the university was selected into the 2nd batch building list of“DoubleWorld-class”universities.It is the only former State Education Commission (Present MOE) approved International University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and also the hosting institution of Educational Instruction Committee, World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS),“Educational Aid Centerfor Africa and Asia”of MOE,“China-ASEAN Educational Training Center”of Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and MOE, TCM International Cooperation Center ofNATCM, andWFCMS “Belt and Road” Chinese Medicine Education Teacher Training Base (Tianjin).

The University hasadistinguished teaching staff and sufficient resources for students’ internship.There are six categories in harmonious development,namely as Medicine, Science, Arts, Management, Engineering and Education, with TCM as its main body.

There is one“DoubleWorld-class”construction program of Chinese Materia Medica,twoNational KeyProgramsof Acupuncture & Moxibustion andTuinaand TCM Internal Medicine, 23 NATCM key programs, nine Tianjin“13th Five-year Plan”key programs, two Tianjin first-class programs, three Tianjin top programs, three advanced characteristicdisciplineclusters andsixservice industrydisciplineclusters.

There are 10 affiliated hospitals and 34 teaching hospitals.The FirstTeachingHospital isa 3A hospital of China’s first batch, one of theHundred Better Hospitals of China,National Clinical Research Center for Chinese Medicine Acupuncture and Moxibustion, National Clinical Research Base of Traditional Chinese Medicine, State TCM Services Export Center,Demonstration Organization for Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture Construction and Tianjin TCM Medical Center.

The Second Affiliated Hospital is one of the National TCM Heritage and Innovation Institutions and demonstration hospital, Tianjin TCM Medical Center and Regional Medical Center.

TUTCM has two campuses in Jinghai and Nankai district respectively. Takingan area of 1.7 km2and a construction area of over 0.7 km2, the main campus of TUTCM is located by Tuanbo Lake in Jinghai District, Tianjin, featured byan in-campus lake view, a symbol of TCM plants and a mainstream of TCM culture.It is the largest TCM Botanic Garden and the most advanced TCM science park in China, as well as an influential center for TCM international education around the globe.

How to Apply

For DegreeStudents


·Non-Chinese Citizens


·HSK4 or above for courses taught in Chinese

·Fluent in English for courses taught in English

A. Bachelor’sDegree:

i.Senior high school graduates,or those with equivalent degree orabove;

ii.Sufficient chemistry background required for program of Chinese Materia Medica.

iii.For program ofTeaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages, 210 points in HSK4 and 60 points in HSKK intermediate are required.

Notes: *Overseas Chinese applicant who applies for a bachelor’s program should hold the foreign citizenship for at least 4 years, during which the applicant should reside in that foreign country for at least 2 years (a continuous stay of 9 months counts as one year, subject to the custom stamp) within recent 4 years (until Apr. 30 of the year).

*Applicants under 18year-old shallproceed with notarization of the guardians in Tianjin.

B.Academic Master’sDegree:

Applicants should have a Chinese bachelor’s degree orequivalentdegree.

i. Medical Degree:

a. Basic Sciences:holder of a Bachelor’s Degree

b. Clinical Sciences (one of the following):

·Holder of a bachelor’sdegreein TCM category or Chinese and Western Clinical Medicine;

·Holderof a bachelor’sdegreein Clinical Medicine category or Basic Sciences category, or a non-medical bachelor’s degree. Those who apply for TCM category, Chinese and Western Clinical Medicineshould complete the designated courses in TCM, or have a license in TCM orAcupunctureintheirresidingcountry;

c. Chinese Materia Medicarequires a bachelor’s degree in Chinese Meteria Medica or Pharmacy category, or a related bachelor’s degree.

ii. Non-Medical Category:a bachelor’sdegreein related majors.

C. Master of International Chinese Language Education

i.Bachelor’s degree;

ii.210 points in HSK5;

iii.60 points in HSKK intermediate;

iv.Providing a contract of teaching position after graduation or related certificates arepreferred.

D.AcademicDoctoralDegree (one of the following):

Applicants should have a Chinese master’s degree orequivalentdegree.

a.Holder ofa master’sdegreein TCM or Chinese and Western Clinical Medicine;

b.Holder ofa master’sdegreein Clinical Medicine or Basic Sciences andcompletes the designated courses in TCM, or have a license in TCM orAcupuncturein their residingcountry;

c.Chinese Materia Medica requires a master’s degree in Chinese Materia Medica, Pharmacy, or related majors.

Notes: *An undergraduate or master’s degree in medicine or related majors is required for master of Acupuncture & Moxibustion and Tuina or doctoral program in English respectively.

II. Degrees Awarded: Bachelor’s, Master’s and DoctoralDegrees, Diploma of Graduation and the English Duplicate of degree.

III.TuitionandCosts (CNY):Application Fee: 500¥

A. Bachelor’s Program

25,000¥/Ac Yrforcourses taughtin Chinese; 37,000¥/Ac Yr for courses taught in English;

B. Master’s Program

31,000¥/Ac Yrforcourses taughtin Chinese; 41,000¥/Ac Yrforcourses taughtin English;

C. Doctoral Program

43,000¥/Ac Yrforcourses taughtin Chinese;53,000¥/Ac Yrforcourses taughtin English;

* Please remit the applicationand tuitionfee toBank of China, Tianjin Xin Ming Yuan Branch,281760066362, Receiver: Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine or Swift 1 Ban :BKCHCNBJ200(Remittance receipt is required).

IV.Subjects and Durationof Study

A.Bachelor’sDegree in 5 Years: Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture & Moxibustion and Tuina*, Chinese and Western Clinical Medicine.

B.Bachelor’s Degree in 4 Years: Chinese Materia Medica, Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Preparation, TCM Resources and Development, TCM Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Engineering, Rehabilitation Treatment, Chinese Language, Teaching Chinese as A Foreign Language, Food Sanitation and Nutrition, Nursing, Marketing, Labor and Social Security, Public Services Management.

C.Master’sDegree in 3 Years:

i. Traditional Chinese Medicine:

a. Academic Degree:Theories of TCM, TCM Clinical Basis, TCMDiagnostics, TCMPrescriptions, TCM Historyand Literature.

b. Clinical Degree:TCM Internal Medicine, TCM Gynecology, TCM Pediatrics,TCM Ophthalmology and Otolaryngoloy,Acupuncture & Moxibustion andTuina*.

ii. Chinese Materia Medica:Chinese Materia Medica*

iii.Integration of TCM and Western Medicine:Chinese and Western Clinical Medicine

D.Master’sDegree in 2 Years:International Chinese Language Education.

E.Doctoraldegree in 3 Years:Theories of TCM, TCMDiagnostics,TCM Internal Medicine, TCM Gynecology, Chinese and Western Clinical Medicine,Acupuncture & Moxibustion andTuina*,Chinese Materia Medica*.

V.Teaching Language:Chinese orEnglish (Marked*)

VI. Application, Entry and Date of Entrance Examinations

A. Application URL:https://tjutcm.at0086.cn/Student

B. Application Deadline:June30theach year

C.Documents Needed:

i.Online Application Form

ii. Copy of Highest Degree/Diploma Obtained

iii. Copy of Academic Transcript

iv. Copy of Passport

v.Copy of Physical Examination Report

vi.Photograph(2-inch color photos with white background,bareheaded)

vii. No criminal record or commitment

viii. Published related articles (Masters/Doctoral applicants only)

xi. Any other related documents

D. Entry Date:Every September

E. Date of Entrance Examination:Every September (Please be noted about the Chinese proficiency test for bachelor’s degree applicants through Email)

Note: All the applicants should apply online, fill in personal information and submit documents required. The university does not accept hard copies or documents submitted by email.

VII.Admission procedures for foreign applicants:

A.The application documents will be examined by theuniversityonline, and theapplicantshould pay the application fee upon the approval of their documents (Please attach the applicant’s name shown on their passport when transferring, and provide the remittance receipts to the university as well).

B.Theuniversity sends AdmissionLetterand JW202 Form(Visa Application Form for Study in China, for stay in China over 180 days); please check online the application status and information in time.

C.Applyfor anX1 or X2 visaatthe Chineseembassy.

D.Report and register inTUTCM immediately after entry into China, verify/re-dophysicalexaminationand apply for a residence permit within 30 days.

Certificate Students

I. Study Contents:

A. Program of Free-Selecting Courses:

Courses are selected freely by the candidates after registration at the Teaching Affairs Office in the university. The language of instruction is Chinese or English.

B. Clinical Practice

The language of instruction is Chinese or English.

C.One-YearAcupunctureProgram (in English)

Acupuncture & Moxibustion andTuinaEvery September tonextJuneBasic TheoriesofTCM, TCM Diagnostics, Acupuncture Meridians and Collaterals,Tuina, Health Care & Physical Education, TCM Culture, Acupuncture Treatment, Acupuncture Points and Clinical PracticeEnglish

D. Chinese Language Program:

This program is designed for preliminary or intermediateChinese learners. The entry time of this program is September or March each year.

II. Certificatesissued:

Certificates of completion are issued by the university at the end of the program.

III. Tuition(CNY):

A.Application Fee:500¥

B. Tuitionstandards:

i. Program of Free-SelectingCourses:

DurationTaught in ChineseTaught in English

ii. Program of Clinical Practice:

DurationTaught in ChineseTaught in English
One Week1,200¥1,750¥
One Month4,200¥6,400¥

iii.One-Year AcupunctureProgram:

SemestersTuition StandardsInterpretationFee
First Semester(5-month theories)12,500¥4,500¥
Second Semester(1-month theoryand 3-months clinical practice)16,500¥7,500¥

iv.Chinese LanguageProgram:

Length of the programTuition
One Semester7,000¥
One Academic Year14,000¥


International Education College

Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Add: 10 Poyanghu Road, West Area, Tuanbo New Town, Jinghai District, Tianjin, China, 301617

Tel: 86-22-59596555 Fax: 86-22-59596132

Online Application:tjutcm.at0086.cn/StuApplication/Login.aspx

E-mail: [email protected]

Admission Website: iec.tjutcm.edu.cn

TUTCM Website: www.tjutcm.edu.cn

























2. 非医学类:具有相关专业本科学历。

(三) 国际中文教育专业硕士研究生入学条件:


















账号:281760066362Swift 1 Ban: BKCHCNBJ200 收款人:天津中医药大学。
















报名材料:①在线填写入学申请表 ②最高学历毕业证和学位证书复印件

③成绩单复印件 ④护照复印件

⑤体检报告 ⑥电子照片(彩色2寸免冠证件照,白色背景)

⑦无犯罪记录证明或承诺书 ⑧已发表的相关学术论文(硕博士申请者)





































电话:86-22-59596555 传真:86-22-59596132


电子邮件:[email protected]




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