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A patriot who keeps his heart in the past Overview Chinese Name: 文天祥English Name: Wen TianxiangOther Names: Yun Sun 云孙,Wen zhongliu 文忠烈,Wen Chengxiang 文丞相Born: June 6, 1236Died: January 9, 1283Achievements: Raise troops in Jiangxi and Guangdong to resist the Yuan Dynasty 在江西、广东举兵抗元Would rather die than surrender after being captured 被俘后宁死不屈Main Works:Wenshan poetry collection 文山诗集Guide book 指南录Post guide指南后录 Wen Tianxiang 文天祥 Brief Biography of Wen Tianxiang Wen Tianxiang, a statesman and writer in the late Southern Song Dynasty, was a famous official against the Yuan Dynasty and a national hero. Together with Lu Xiufu 陆秀夫 and Zhang Shijie 张世杰, he was called the "three heroes in the late Song Dynasty 宋末三杰". Wen Tianxiang (June 6, 1236 - January 9, 1283), originally…
A patriot who keeps his heart in the past Overview Chinese Name: 文天祥English Name: Wen TianxiangOther Names: Yun Sun 云孙,Wen zhongliu 文忠烈,Wen Chengxiang 文丞相Born: June 6, 1236Died: January 9, 1283Achievements: Raise troops in Jiangxi and Guangdong to resist the Yuan Dynasty 在江西、广东举兵抗元Would rather die than surrender after being captured 被俘后宁死不屈Main Works:Wenshan poetry collection 文山诗集Guide book 指南录Post guide指南后录 Wen Tianxiang 文天祥 Brief Biography of Wen Tianxiang Wen Tianxiang, a statesman and writer in the late Southern Song Dynasty, was a famous official against the Yuan Dynasty and a national hero. Together with Lu Xiufu 陆秀夫 and Zhang Shijie 张世杰, he was called the "three heroes in the late Song Dynasty 宋末三杰". Wen Tianxiang (June 6, 1236 - January 9, 1283), originally…
A patriot who keeps his heart in the past Overview Chinese Name: 文天祥English Name: Wen TianxiangOther Names: Yun Sun 云孙,Wen zhongliu 文忠烈,Wen Chengxiang 文丞相Born: June 6, 1236Died: January 9, 1283Achievements: Raise troops in Jiangxi and Guangdong to resist the Yuan Dynasty 在江西、广东举兵抗元Would rather die than surrender after being captured 被俘后宁死不屈Main Works:Wenshan poetry collection 文山诗集Guide book 指南录Post guide指南后录 Wen Tianxiang 文天祥 Brief Biography of Wen Tianxiang Wen Tianxiang, a statesman and writer in the late Southern Song Dynasty, was a famous official against the Yuan Dynasty and a national hero. Together with Lu Xiufu 陆秀夫 and Zhang Shijie 张世杰, he was called the "three heroes in the late Song Dynasty 宋末三杰". Wen Tianxiang (June 6, 1236 - January 9, 1283), originally…
A patriot who keeps his heart in the past Overview Chinese Name: 文天祥English Name: Wen TianxiangOther Names: Yun Sun 云孙,Wen zhongliu 文忠烈,Wen Chengxiang 文丞相Born: June 6, 1236Died: January 9, 1283Achievements: Raise troops in Jiangxi and Guangdong to resist the Yuan Dynasty 在江西、广东举兵抗元Would rather die than surrender after being captured 被俘后宁死不屈Main Works:Wenshan poetry collection 文山诗集Guide book 指南录Post guide指南后录 Wen Tianxiang 文天祥 Brief Biography of Wen Tianxiang Wen Tianxiang, a statesman and writer in the late Southern Song Dynasty, was a famous official against the Yuan Dynasty and a national hero. Together with Lu Xiufu 陆秀夫 and Zhang Shijie 张世杰, he was called the "three heroes in the late Song Dynasty 宋末三杰". Wen Tianxiang (June 6, 1236 - January 9, 1283), originally…