Paying respects to those who made the ultimate sacrifice


People learn history at the museum.

A series of popular life sciences activities are being rolled out in the city under with the collaboration of museums and cemeteries as an innovative approach exploring the integration of life education and justice.

Shanghai Museum of Public Security and Shanghai Fushouyuan Cemetery have teamed up to host a series of activities to popularize law and security and raise public awareness on life education, they said on Tuesday, in hopes that people re-examine and understand the significance of life.

In recent years, public demand has soared for museum visits. As one of only two public security museums in the country, the Shanghai Museum of Public Security displays the historical evolution of the city’s police institutions, details of major cases solved by officers since 1949, and the development of criminal science and technology.

Paying respects to those who made the ultimate sacrifice Ti Gong

A group of people look at a display at the museum.

Among them, the Heroes and Martyrs Hall includes portraits and materials of 82 Shanghai public security heroes who sacrificed their lives before and after the liberation of Shanghai.

As the first activity, a life education study tour was organized by the two parties. About 50 people followed professional guides to learn more about public security, traffic and fire safety, as well as prison management and police equipment.

Visitors slowed their pace in front of the police soul sculpture, which commemorates those who sacrificed their own life to protect others or bravely struggled with criminals.

Paying respects to those who made the ultimate sacrifice Ti Gong

People learn about the lives of heroes.

“It was a special and heart-touching visit as I read about the life of some of these heroes, and their names should be remembered,” said university student Chen Wei.

As a place carrying memories, Humanism Memorial Park of Shanghai Fushouyuan keeps precious materials and records of heroes and martyrs.

In the 1990s, it cooperated with the criminal investigation team of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau to build a memorial wall called “Soul of Police.” The names of all police officers who have sacrificed on the criminal investigation front in the city since 1949 are engraved on the memorial wall.

Every year during the Qingming Festival and Winter Solstice, many young police officers come to pay homage and take an oath. At the same time, many ordinary people mourn and remember the lives of the heroes at the park.

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