Tai’an 泰安


Chinese Name: 泰安

English Name: Tai’an

Other Name: Fenggao奉高

Abbreviation: Tai 泰

Zip Code: 27 10 00

Population: 5.472 million

Tai'an 泰安
Tai’an 泰安

Brief Introduction

Tai’an 泰安, a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Shandong Province, Tai ‘an is one of the central cities in Central Shandong, China’s outstanding tourist city, and the national historical and cultural city.

Tai’an is located in the middle of Shandong Province, north of the provincial capital Jinan, south of Qufu, east of Linyi, west of the Yellow River, and 66.8 kilometers north of the provincial capital Jinan. Tai ‘an is named after Mount Tai. “When Mount Tai is safe, all the seas are safe”, the meaning of peaceful country and peaceful people. The city is located at the foot of Mount Tai and was built according to the mountain. Mount Tai is a national key scenic spot, known as “the first of the Five Mountains” and “the first mountain under heaven”, and is a world natural and cultural heritage.

Tai’an has jurisdiction over 2 municipal districts, 2 county-level cities, and 2 counties, with a total area of 7,762 square kilometers. According to the seventh census data, as of zero o ‘clock on November 1, 2020, the permanent population of Tai’an city is 5,472,217 people. In 2021, The GDP of Tai’an city will reach 299.67 billion yuan.

Famous Attractions in Tai’an

Tai ‘an is an excellent tourist city in China and a famous national historical and cultural city, and the midpoint of Shandong tourism “one mountain, one water, one saint” tourism hotline. Mount Tai is “the first of the five Mountains” and “the first mountain under heaven”. It was listed as a World Natural and Cultural Heritage by UNESCO 联合国教科文组织 in 1987.

Tai'an 泰安
Dong Yong park 董永公园

Some special scenic spots in Tai’an

  • Mount Tai Scenic Spot 泰山风景名胜区
  • Taishan Flower Scenery Spot 泰山花样年华景区
  • Taishan Font Happy world 泰山方特欢乐世界
  • Sun Tribe Scenic Spot 太阳部落景区
  • Tai’an City Cu company Brunei river mountain scenic spot 泰安市徂徕山汶河景区
  • Lianhuashan Scenic Spot 莲花山风景区
  • Dongping Lake Scenic Area 东平湖风景区
  • Taishan World Geopark 泰山世界地质公园

Famous Universities in Tai’an

In 2021, nine colleges and universities in Tai’an will recruit 45,000 students, with 141,000 students and 7,042 full-time teachers. The 14 secondary vocational schools have 40,000 students and 2,394 full-time teachers. 211 regular middle schools have 305,000 students and 26,650 full-time teachers. There are 485 primary schools with 321,000 students and 21,511 full-time teachers.

Tai'an 泰安
Hubei Institute of Engineering 湖北工程学院

List of universities and colleges in Tai’an

  • Shandong Agricultural University 山东农业大学
  • Shandong First Medical University 山东第一医科大学
  • Shandong University of Science and Technology 山东科技大学
  • Taishan college 泰山学院
  • Dongfang College, Shandong University of Finance and Economics 山东财经大学东方学院
  • Taishan Institute of Science and Technology 泰山科技学院
  • Shandong Liming Technology Vocational College 山东力明科技职业学院
  • Shandong Garment Vocational College 山东服装职业学院
  • Taishan Vocational technical College 泰山职业技术学院
  • Taishan Vocational College of Nursing 泰山护理职业学院

Diet of Tai’an

Tai'an 泰安
Ge Shi jujube 葛石大枣

Some specialty snacks in Tai’an

  • Ge Shi jujube 葛石大枣
  • Feicheng peach 肥城桃
  • Taishan red scale fish 泰山赤鳞鱼
  • Mount Tai red Ganoderma lucid 泰山赤灵芝
  • Taishan chestnut 泰山板栗
  • Ningyang spiny cucumber 宁阳大刺黄瓜
  • Salted duck eggs at the fork of the river 河岔口咸鸭蛋
  • Dawenkou peanut 大汶口花生
  • Dongping Lake carp 东平湖鲤鱼
  • Multiflorum multiflorum on Mount Tai 泰山何首乌
  • Taishan four-leaf ginseng 泰山四叶参
  • Taishan yellow essence 泰山黄精
  • Taishan purple herb 泰山紫草

Tai’an Transportation

Transportation: In 2021, The transportation construction investment of Tai’an city will be 6.73 billion yuan, 710 km of new rural roads will be rebuilt, 1,086 km of road condition improvement projects (maintenance projects) will be completed, and 62 dangerous Bridges will be rebuilt, and 158 km of security projects will be completed. By the end of 2021, The highway mileage of Tai’an city is 16,700.6 kilometers, including 475 kilometers of expressways. The highway density is 215.2 km / 100 square km, and the rate of ordinary national and provincial roads is 96.2%.

Transport: In 2021, there will be 44,208 commercial transport vehicles in Tai’an city, 67% of freight cars are medium or above, and 81% of municipal direct passenger transport intensification. Tai City has opened 5 new bus lines and adjusted 15 lake bus lines. The first phase of the Taian Port Lao-Hu Operation area was put into operation with a cargo throughput of 136,000 tons. The main channel of Dongpinghu District of the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal was officially opened to navigation, a historic restoration after 119 years of suspension in 1902.

Tai’an City, Shandong Province, China

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