Kanas 喀纳斯


Chinese Name: 喀纳斯

English Name: Kanas

Location: Burqin County, Altay Region

Type: Natural and human landscape

Rating Level: AAAAA (5A)

Kanas 喀纳斯
Kanas -喀纳斯

Brief Introduction

Kanas 喀纳斯, located in the middle of the Altai Mountains in Xinjiang, is located in the border area between China and Kazakhstan哈萨克斯坦, Russia俄罗斯 and Mongolia蒙古国, with an area of ​​10,030 square kilometers.

The core essence of Kanas National Scenic Area is the strong erosion of glaciers, and the ice and stone surface blocks the valleys, forming the final surface ridges and lakes. The lake is 1375 meters above sea level.

Kanas 喀纳斯
Autumn in Kanas-喀纳斯的秋天

The lake is shaped like a crescent moon弯月, with a length of 24.5 kilometers, an average width of 1.9 kilometers, an average water depth of 90 meters, a maximum depth of 188.4 meters, an area of ​​69,000 mu, and a water storage capacity of 4 billion cubic meters. It is one of the deep-water lakes in China中国深水湖.

Kanas 喀纳斯
Lake Like A Crescent Moon-湖如弯月

There are 55 scenic spots in Kanas Scenic Area, belonging to 33 basic types, mainly including Hanas National Nature Reserve哈纳斯国家级自然保护区, Kanas National Geopark喀纳斯国家地质公园, Baihaba National Forest Park白哈巴国家森林公园, Jiadengyu National Forest Park贾登峪国家森林公园, Ka Nas River Valley喀纳斯河谷, Hemu River Valley禾木河谷, Naren Grassland, Hemu Grassland and Hemu Village, Baihaba Village白哈巴村, Kanas Village and other famous eight natural landscape areas and three major cultural landscape areas at home and abroad.

What is worth to visit and see?

Main Attractions

The main scenic spots in Kanas Scenic Area include Kanas Lake喀纳斯湖, Wolong Bay卧龙湾, Taiga Corridor 泰加林廊道and so on. On April 13, 2018, it was shortlisted for the “Magic Northwest 100 Scenes神奇西北100景”. In 2021, it will be selected as the first batch of important wetlands in the autonomous region.

  1. Kanas Lake 喀纳斯湖

Kanas Lake is the core essence of Kanas National Nature Reserve. The glaciers are strongly eroded, and the ice and stone surface blocks the valleys, forming the final surface ridges and lakes. The lake is 1375 meters above sea level. The lake is shaped like a crescent moon, with a length of 24.5 kilometers, an average width of 1.9 kilometers, an average water depth of 90 meters, a maximum depth of 188.4 meters, an area of ​​69,000 mu, and a water storage capacity of 4 billion cubic meters. It is one of the deep-water lakes in China. Around the lake is a green coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest, which is connected with the vast mountain grassland.

Kanas 喀纳斯
Kanas Lake -喀纳斯湖

2. Wolong Bay 卧龙湾

Wolong Bay is located on the way from Burqin County to Kanas, 140 kilometers away from the county seat and 10 kilometers away from Kanas. The lake is surrounded by dense forests, flowers and green grass, and the islands in the lake are beautiful. The boulders at the entrance of the lake reach the middle stream.

At the outlet of the lake, there is a wooden bridge flying from east to west. Standing on the bridge, to the north is a mirror-like Wolong Bay, and to the south is the roaring Kanas River. From Wolong Bay along the Kanas River for about 1 km, you will see a blue crescent-shaped lake bay in the canyon, that is Moon Ba

Kanas 喀纳斯
Wolong Bay -卧龙湾

3. Hemu Grassland 禾木草原

The mountains around the basin are wide and thick, and the top is round. The rivers are mostly cut into canyons, and the terrain is complex. The Hemu River runs through it from northeast to southwest, dividing the grassland into two halves. The shady slopes are full of green grass, the flowers are blooming, the fragrance is overflowing, the bees are picking flowers and making nectar, the cattle and sheep are all over the mountains for food and fun, a charming vast grassland scenery.

4. Fish Viewing Platform 观鱼台

Guanyutai, with a round-trip shuttle bus of 20 yuan per person, is a must-see in Kanas. It was built in 1987 and was called Guanyutai after this reconstruction. Why is it called Guanyutai? I think there are three reasons.

First of all, those who call the pavilion must have the top pavilion larger than the bottom platform, and this reconstruction is precisely because the bottom platform is larger than the top pavilion, and the platform is larger than the pavilion. Of course, it should be called a platform.

Kanas 喀纳斯

In addition, the pavilion is suspected of being self-enclosed, and the station has the attitude of opening to the outside world, which is in line with the requirements of the progress of the times. Secondly, compared with the word pavilion, the homophony is too particular.

For ordinary people, the pavilion is stopped, and the platform is lifted. I spend money to travel, in order to seek happiness and auspiciousness, why should I stop and not lift? Who doesn’t want to make progress in life and achieve success in career after traveling back to Kanas?

Kanas 喀纳斯
The View From The Fish Viewing Platform-观鱼台台上之景

Again, looking up at Guanyutai in the lake at the bottom of the mountain, it is just like an incense platform sitting on the west mountain. If there is a scene of clouds and mist in the sky or sunset glow, the incense table is filled with clouds and clouds, and the eyes are full of auspicious clouds and fairy spirits. These three are the reasons why bidders are better than bidders.

5. Taiga Corridor 泰加林廊道

The Taiga Forest Corridor is 4.5 kilometers long, which is concentrated in the essence of the taiga forest in Western Siberia. The corridor faces the sparkling Kanas Lake in the west and the towering mountains in the east. The Taiga Swamp, King of Taiga, Giant Root Carving Wall and many other attractions.

Kanas 喀纳斯
Taiga Corridor- 泰加林廊道

Into the deep mountains with Kanas forest rangers

I think you should be interested in West Lake 西湖.

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