Dezhou Braised Chicken 德州扒鸡


Chinese Name: 德州扒鸡

English Name: Dezhou braised chicken; Dezhou Grilled Chicken

Category: Shandong cuisine鲁菜

Main Ingredients: Chicken

Dezhou Braised Chicken 德州扒鸡
Dezhou braised chicken

Dezhou braised chicken德州扒鸡, also known as Dezhou Spiced Boneless Grilled Chicken德州五香脱骨扒鸡, is one of the famous Dezhou Three Treasures (Grilled Chicken, Watermelon, and Golden Jujube). Dezhou braised chicken is a traditional famous food in Shandong, China, and a classic dish in Shandong cuisine. Dezhou braised chicken is a national intangible cultural heritage.

Dezhou Braised Chicken 德州扒鸡
A good-looking chicken

At the end of the Yuan Dynasty元朝 and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty清朝, with the busy water transport, Dezhou became the only way for Kyoto京都 to reach nine provinces. Texas’s economy began to show prosperity, and the market gradually appeared to roast chicken. The old man who peddles roast chicken with a basket often appears near the canal wharf运河码头, the water, and drought post station水旱驿站 and the government office in the city城内官衙. This kind of braised chicken is carefully made and tastes delicious: it lies on its side, looks red, and tastes delicious, and its meat is tender and delicious. It is the prototype of braised chicken later.

Dezhou Braised Chicken 德州扒鸡

In the 31st year of Kangxi康熙, on the street outside the west gate of Dezhou City, there was a cook chicken producer named Jia Jiancai贾建才 who ran a cook chicken shop. As this street leads to the canal wharf, business is good. One day, Shopkeeper Jia went out in an emergency, and he told the clerk to hold the fire.

However, Manager Jia walked in front of him, and the clerk soon fell asleep in front of the cooking stove. When he woke up, he found that the fire had been overcooked. When the shop assistant was at a loss, Shopkeeper Jia came back and tried to sell the chicken in the shop. But I didn’t think it was the chicken fragrance that attracted many passers-by to buy. The guests bought a taste and praised that not only the meat tastes delicious, but also the bones are crisp and fragrant when they chew. It’s really delicious.

Dezhou Braised Chicken 德州扒鸡
An attractive chicken leg

After that, Shopkeeper Jia devoted himself to studying and improving his skills. Thus, the original practice of braising chicken appeared, that is, to cook it over high fire and braise it over a low fire. In today’s parlance, the fire should be first served in martial arts, and the martial arts should be orderly. This is why braising chicken is called “braising扒”.

Dezhou Braised Chicken 德州扒鸡
Complete and delicious chicken

The founding of the People’s Republic of China has also brought new development to the grilled chicken industry, with more than 30 grilled chicken shops and an annual sales volume of more than 400000 grilled chickens. “Deshunzhai德顺斋”, “Baolanzhai宝兰斋”, “Shenglanzhai盛兰斋”, “Fushunzhai福顺斋”, “Zhongxinzhai中心斋” and other shop names have appeared successively.

In the 1950s, Vice President Song Qingling宋庆龄, on his way back from Shanghai, stopped in Dezhou many times to buy Dezhou braised chicken as a tribute to Chairman Mao Zedong毛泽东. Dezhou braised chicken is famous all over the country and sold overseas, known as “the best chicken in the world天下第一鸡”. Dezhou braised chicken has become a cultural carrier, spreading Chinese food culture to the world.

How to make Dezhou braised chicken?


  • A chicken
  • 1500 g peanut oil
  • 25 grams of salt
  • 150g soy sauce
  • 5 grams of ginger
  • 5 grams of mushroom
  • 1 gram cloves
  • 1 g amomum villosum
  • 1 gram grass fruit
  • 1 g Angelica dahurica
  • 1 g fennel
Dezhou Braised Chicken 德州扒鸡
Delicious chicken


  • Step 1, Slaughter the live chicken, remove its internal organs and wash it with water.
  • Step 2, Insert the left wing of the chicken from the knife edge under the neck so that the tip of the wing extends from the inside of the mouth and is placed on the back of the chicken; Place the right wing of the chicken on the back of the chicken. Then gently break the leg bones with the back of the knife and cross them, put the two claws into the chicken belly, and then dry the water.
  • Step 3, Add 50g of water to the caramel and mix well and smear it on the chicken.
  • Step 4, Heat the frying pan and add oil until it is 80% hot. Fry the chicken in the oil until golden brown. Drain the oil.
  • Step 5, Add clean water to the pot (with the submerged chicken as the standard), put the fried chicken into the pot, and add five spices (wrapped with cloth): ginger, refined salt, mushroom, and soy sauce.
  • Step 6, Bring the water in the pot to a boil over high heat, skim the foam, and then move it to low heat to simmer for half an hour until the chicken is crisp and rotten. Pay attention to keeping the skin of the chicken from breaking and the whole chicken from breaking.
Dezhou Braised Chicken 德州扒鸡
Beautiful colored chicken

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