Comprehensive Opthalmology- AK Khurana (7 Edition)

Name: Comprehensive Opthalmology

Edition: 7th

Author: AK Khurana

Subject: Opthalmology

Language: English


Comprehensive Opthalmology- AK Khurana (7 Edition)

Brief Introduction

The 7th edition of the Comprehensive Opthalmology textbook is a complete guide to the diagnosis and management of ocular disorders.

The text has been reorganised into six key sections – Anatomy and Physiology, Optics and Refraction, Diseases of the Eye and Ocular Adnexa, Ocular Therapeutics, Systemic and Community Ophthalmology, and Practical Ophthalmology.

The seventh edition has been fully revised with many new topics added to cover the latest advances in the field.

Nearly 1000 clinical photographs, diagrams and tables further enhance the text.   

The accompanying free book ‘Review of Ophthalmology’ provides multiple choice questions (MCQs) commonly encountered in examinations, to assist revision.

The seventh edition has been thoroughly revised and updated with recent advances in every section.

• Each chapter begins with a brief overview highlighting the topics covered followed by relevant applied anatomy and physiology.

• Various levels of headings, subheadings, bold face and italics given in the text for quick revision.

• The text is arranged into six sections retained as given in previous edition,


Section I: Anatomy and Physiology of Eye

  1. Anatomy and Development of Eye
  2. Physiology of Eye and Vision

Section II: Optics and Refraction

  1. Elementary and Physiological Optics
  2. Errors of Refraction and Accommodation

Section Ill: Diseases of Eye and Ocular Adnexa

  1. Diseases of Conjunctiva
  2. Diseases of Cornea
  3. Diseases of Sciera
  4. Diseases of Uveal Tract
  5. Diseases of Lens
  6. Glaucoma
  7. Diseases of Vitreous
  8. Diseases of Retina
  9. Neuro-ophthalmology
  10. Ocular Motility and Strabismus
  11. Disorders of Eyelid s
  12. Diseases of Lacrimal Apparatus
  13. Diseases of Orbit
  14. Ocular Injuries

Section IV: Ocular Therapeutics

  1. Ocular Pharmacology
  2. Lasers and Cryotherapy in Ophthalmology

Section V: Systemic and Community Ophthalmology

  1. Systemic Ophthalmology
  2. Community Ophthalmology

Section VI: Practical Ophthalmology

  1. Clinical Methods in Ophthalmology
  2. Clinical Ophthalmic Cases
  3. Darkroom Procedures
  4. Ophthalmic Instruments and Operative Ophthalmology


Development of the eyeballs can he considered to commence around day 22 when the e mbryo has eight pairs of so mites and is around 2 mm in length. Eyeball and its related sLruc1urcs arc derived from the following primordia:1,OpLic vesicle, an outgrowth from prosencephalon (a neuroectodermal structure),2,Lens placode, a special ized area of surface ectoderm, and the surrounding surface ectoderm,3,Mcsenchyme surrounding the optic vesicle, 4,Visceral mesoderm of maxillary processes.Before going into the development of individual structure, it will be h elpful to understand the formation of optic vesicle, lens placodc, optic cup and changes in the surrounding mesenchyme, which play a major role in the developmem of the eye and its related structures.



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