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Useful Guides, tendency news, and policies for International foreigners doing business in China.

  • Navigating Legal Services in China: Introduction China, with its booming economy and rich cultural tapestry, has become a magnet for expatriates seeking opportunities in everything from business to education. However, the allure of the Middle Kingdom (Zhongguo "中国", China)comes with its own set of challenges, particularly when it comes to navigating the labyrinth of legal services. For foreigners unacquainted with the local legal system, issues such as visa applications, work permits, and taxation can be daunting. This article aims to demystify the process and provide practical advice for seeking legal assistance in China. Navigating Legal Services in China Navigating Legal Services in China: Understanding the Chinese Legal System Before diving into the specifics of obtaining legal services, it's crucial to have a basic understanding of the Chinese legal system. China operates under a civil law system, which means that laws are codified into a referable system which serves as the primary source of law. This is different from common law systems, where case law and judicial precedent play a significant role. Navigating Legal Services in China: Finding Legal Representation The first step in seeking legal services is to find a reputable lawyer or law firm. In China, lawyers are referred…
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  • Introduction: A Comprehensive Guide to Working and Living in China. China, with its booming economy and vibrant culture, has become an attractive destination for individuals seeking professional growth, cultural immersion, and personal development. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the reasons why China is an ideal place to work and live, exploring its growing openness, abundant job opportunities, and the benefits it offers to foreign professionals. Get ready to embark on a journey to a land of endless possibilities as we uncover the many facets of China's appeal. Guide to Working and Living in China Guide to Working and Living in China Section 1: China's Growing Openness and Global Integration 1.1 China's Economic Transformation: China has experienced unprecedented economic growth over the past few decades, transforming itself into the world's second-largest economy. This rapid development has been driven by factors such as market reforms, globalization, and technological advancements. As a result, China has become a global economic powerhouse and a hub for innovation and entrepreneurship. 1.2 Embracing Globalization: China's commitment to globalization is evident through initiatives like the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The BRI aims to enhance international trade and connectivity by developing infrastructure projects across Asia,…
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  • Zimbabwean girl: Making a difference by drawing on experience gained in China As a concerned citizen of Zimbabwe, the writer wants to contribute to poverty alleviation in her country, using the knowledge that she has gained in China. File picture: Desmond Kwande/AFP Published Mar 29, 2022 Making a difference by drawing on experience gained in China Eliminating poverty is a challenge for all countries. China has made remarkable achievements in poverty alleviation, carrying forward the great tradition of working together and offering mutual support. It has accumulated valuable experience, which belongs to China and the rest of the world, and offers enlightenment to the international community in its battle to reduce poverty. As a foreigner living in China since 2016, I have observed first hand the country’s rapid economic growth, and have learnt a lot about alleviating poverty. Such a programme should be adopted by the world, especially Africa, where many countries are still underdeveloped. Governments need to work together with local people. The development of a country is not the government’s duty alone; it’s also the duty of its citizens. As a concerned citizen of Zimbabwe, I want to contribute to poverty alleviation in my country, using the knowledge that I…
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  • We are likely to encounter physical discomfort in daily life, so it is necessary to keep medicines at home. You can take medicine at home if it is only a minor illness or pain. If you encounter severe physical discomfort, you are recommended to go to the hospital directly. The following are the top ten medicines in China's family medicines. Let's take a look at this list: 1、GanMaoLingKeLi(999) 感冒灵颗粒(999) English name: GanMaoLingKeLi(999)Classification: OTC (Class A)Functions: Antipyretic and analgesic. For headache, fever, and nasal congestion caused by cold. Runny nose, sore throat, etc.Usage and dosage: Take it with boiled water. 10g (1 bag) once, 3 times a day.Matters needing attention: 1. Avoid smoking, alcohol, and spicy, raw, cold, and greasy food. 2. It is not advisable to take tonic Chinese patent medicine at the same time. 3. This product contains paracetamol, chlorpheniramine maleate, and caffeine. Do not drink alcohol or alcoholic beverages while taking this product; Do not take other anti-cold drugs with similar ingredients at the same time; Use with caution in patients with liver and kidney dysfunction; patients with bladder neck obstruction, hyperthyroidism, glaucoma, hypertension, and prostate hypertrophy should be cautious; Pregnant women and lactating women should use with…
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  • Further of the China Model : The Historical Watershed role of COVID-19(I) Further of the China Model : The Historical Watershed role of COVID-19. Today, I would like to discuss the Chinese model and the way forward, focusing on the issues of information, digital, privacy and governance. First of all, the author is not engaged in related work, mainly combining his own knowledge system and personal experiences ,to analyze from the social, cultural and political perspectives.So forgive me for using words or concepts used by non-technical amateurs. I.The 2020 pandemic as a watershed event in human history: China is accelerating into its own model The 2020 COVID-19  pandemic has the potential to be a very important watershed event in human history, it is also push China to accelerate steps to its very unique own path. This watershed comes from the fact that China has fully enjoyed the vital functions of the information and digital tools in the fight against COVID-19. ——Data will evolve into a public good, a public resource; ——China will accelerate its developments in digital/information infrastructures, digital governance practices, big data, artificial intelligence and other information technology industries; ——China will accelerate the development of a governance model that differs from those of the most other countries( especially western countries led by…
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  • Woken up this morning to find your WeChat Pay will no longer work? Here’s How to Fix That Big WeChat Pay Issue.There has been a tightening up the verification requirements (thanks for giving us zero warning on this one, WeChat…), and many people have found themselves on the wrong side of said regulations. The major issue for most is that their bank name as registered with WeChat does not match their bank name as registered with their bank. And you cannot simply reset your bank name as registered with WeChat. However, the good news is that, for many (but not all) there seems to be a fairly simple solution to the issue, by following the following eight steps. Here’s How to Fix That Big WeChat Pay Issue WARNING: If you cannot do Step 1 – withdraw WeChat wallet balance to zero – do not cancel WeChat Pay, or you'll lose all the money in your WeChat wallet. Okay, those eight steps are: Withdraw WeChat wallet balance to zero (or as close to zero as you can)Cancel all auto paymentsDelete all linked bank cardsCancel WeChat Pay in 'Payment Management'Add WeChat Pay againVerify IDAdd bank card*You should then receive a text message code for verification, and then all will be…
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  • First Cases of New Omicron Sub-variant Reported in Xi'an China 1. First Cases of New Omicron Sub-variant Reported in Xi'an, China China's northwestern city of Xi'an, home to 13 million people, was partially shut down on Wednesday after it reported the country's first outbreak of a highly transmissible new Omicron subvariant that is fast dominating the United States and Europe. 2. Vaccination to be required for public venues Starting on Monday, those who haven't received a COVID-19 vaccine will be restricted from entering some public venues in Beijing, city officials said on Wednesday. 3. 'A Date with China' explores magnificent and changing China "A Date with China" international media tour wrapped up the first leg of 2022 on Saturday. During the eight-day tour, the team visited Ningxia Hui autonomous region and Anhui province. 4. Shenzhou-14 taikonauts conduct in-orbit science experiments, prepare for space walks Scientific endeavors aboard China's space station are expected to bear fruits, as the Shenzhou-14 taikonauts have devoted more time to microgravity experiments on the orbiting core module Tianhe since entering it a month ago. 5. Kenya's SGR train ferries 7.8 mln passengers since inception The standard gauge railway (SGR) passenger train…
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  • Foreign volunteers help fight epidemic. As China strengthens its epidemic prevention and control measures in the face of a COVID-19 resurgence, many volunteers including foreigners have joined the anti-epidemic fight. Foreign volunteers help fight epidemic In Haikou, Hainan Province, volunteers from different countries, including the United States, New Zealand and Ghana, assisted with anti-epidemic services and made their own contributions to helping the city. At a nucleic acid testing site in Haikou on Sunday, Tommy from America checked people's temperatures and made sure that they maintained the proper distance.  Having lived in Hainan for 12 years, Tommy speaks fluent Chinese, and even some Hainan dialect, and he now calls himself "new Hainanese." "Hainan is my second home," he said. "If I can go out and help out, if I have this opportunity to help out, I should take advantage of that and help out my Hainanese friends." At the testing site, he greeted local residents in Hainan dialect from time to time. Every time he saw kids coming, he would put on his cartoon mask and interact with them. Farr from New Zealand is 69 year old, but says that one is "never too old to be a volunteer."   "It's…
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  • Dose International Students Insurance cover COVID-19? Insurance Dose International Students Insurance cover COVID-19? Insurance can cover that the insured is diagnosed as COVID-19 and payment is reasonable and necessary in China mainland’s public hospital.  Q:What should I do when go to hospital? A: ①Seeing doctors in China mainland’s public hospital and normal department. ②Using passport name to register. ③Having medical records from doctors. ④Changing original invoices from charging if you spend money on charging machine. Q: How could I supplement the case record for outpatient service or emergency treatment if I forget to have a doctor to do so?  A:Please bring your passport as well as the original invoice and other related medical documents issued to you by the hospital you go to for that time to the department for the outpatient service or emergency treatment we received in that hospital and find the doctor to write up the records for you. Please be noted that the date for receiving medical service recorded in this case history for outpatient service or emergency treatment must be identical to the one on the corresponding invoice; and you could also go to the Guiding Desk to ask for help whenever you have difficulties after having…
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People and Story


  • I've assisted so many students study in China. But when meeting Prof. Samuel, I am wondering: How can a student achieve so great success in China? Prof. Samuel is one of the most humble people I've ever seen. You will feel quite comfirtable when staying with him. Polite, knowledgeable, vigorous, strong, and with a wonderful family full of joy. You may ask how can the student achieve great so success in China? Check the video, you will get the answers. Achieve so great success in China: Here are the interview questions: 1. do you remember that why did you come to study in China, why didn't you choose to study in UK, or USA, or other countries? 2. I heard that you wrote an attractive study proposal. so can you guide that how to write down a very good study proposal to move the supervisor? 3. You studied at Nigerian for bachelor and master, then get Ph.D at China, SIAT of UCAS. So how do you compare the higher education between the 2 countries? 4. What is the most difficult time during your study Ph.D in China? Have you ever developed self doubt? How to relieve stress when it's…
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  • Sulaiman Bayoh was determined to study Chinese even though he didn't complete his studies in Sierra Leone. Source: Sulaiman Bayoh12,623 kilometres. That is how far Sulaiman Bayoh travelled to study Chinese in China. What sets his story apart is that he was born in Sierra Leone, a country in West Africa that is only slightly larger than Ireland. His parents separated when he was three, leaving him and his older brother with their father. After a few years, his father moved them to the city, where he worked as a government servant. While Bayoh and his brother were initially placed in a public school, his father had other plans.“ Education was an important factor in my family. But our father wanted us to have a better education and experience, so we moved to a private school, Modern High School,” he told Study International.After finishing high school in 2010, the Sierra Leone native was clueless about what he wanted to do. At that time, the University of Sierra Leone offered a Certificate in Business and Finance, which Sulaiman thought was a good idea. In this, Bayoh felt conflicted.“I didn’t want to continue this further; while it was related to business, it…
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  • There are many foreign students want to study in China, but it is difficult to find a real way to understand China. We looked for students who have already studied in China to share their experiences and give advice. This time,let‘s listen tips from a senior who studied in china for more than 4 years.Editor - WentChina Hi there, I am currently studying in China at the Hainan Medical University, I am a 4th-year medical student and I've been in China for more than 4 years now, I would love to talk about the things that you need to know before you come to China to study. First, let’s talk about some of the challenges you must face when thinking about studying in China. 1, Choosing the right university Choosing the right university is crucial and the first step that you need to put into consideration before making the next decision. The name of my university is Hainan Medical University 海南医学院 is on an island named HAINAN 海南岛. The Campus view of Hainan Medical University China is one of the world’s most populated countries and the most densely populated. This indicates that China has a huge number of universities, which…
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Policy and Regulation


  • Navigating Legal Services in China: Introduction China, with its booming economy and rich cultural tapestry, has become a magnet for expatriates seeking opportunities in everything from business to education. However, the allure of the Middle Kingdom (Zhongguo "中国", China)comes with its own set of challenges, particularly when it comes to navigating the labyrinth of legal services. For foreigners unacquainted with the local legal system, issues such as visa applications, work permits, and taxation can be daunting. This article aims to demystify the process and provide practical advice for seeking legal assistance in China. Navigating Legal Services in China Navigating Legal Services in China: Understanding the Chinese Legal System Before diving into the specifics of obtaining legal services, it's crucial to have a basic understanding of the Chinese legal system. China operates under a civil law system, which means that laws are codified into a referable system which serves as the primary source of law. This is different from common law systems, where case law and judicial precedent play a significant role. Navigating Legal Services in China: Finding Legal Representation The first step in seeking legal services is to find a reputable lawyer or law firm. In China, lawyers are referred…
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  • This is the English version of Customs Notice to Foreign Students Studying in China 外国留学生办理海关手续须知, and there is the Chinese version, In case of any dispute, the Chinese version shall prevail.Date Issued:07-19-1984Effective Date:07-19-1984Status: Effective CUSTOMS NOTICE TO FOREIGN STUDENTS STUDYING IN CHINA (Promulgated by the Customs General Administration on August 1, 1984) Article 1. Entry Upon entry into China, a foreign student studying in China(hereinafter referred to as a "foreign student") shall fill out a Declaration Form for Passengers' Baggage in duplicate, one copy of which shall be returned to the foreign student for keeping after endorsement by the Customs. The articles marked with " * " on the Declaration Form shall be re-taken out upon departure from China. Article 2. Duty-free Admission (1) Articles for study and daily use brought in by the foreign students shall be admitted duty free by the Customs if in reasonable quantities for personal use.(2) A foreign student who is admitted to study in China for one year or more can bring in one each of the following categories of durable duty free for their personal use during their study in China:Wrists watches, cameras, 8mm cinecameras, refrigerators, washing machines,electrical fans, tape recorders,portabler adio-cassette recorders,…
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  • This is the Chinese version of Customs Notice to Foreign Students Studying in China 外国留学生办理海关手续须知, and there is the English version, In case of any dispute, the Chinese version shall prevail. 外国留学生办理海关手续须知 (1984年7月19日海关总署发布) 第一条 入境 外国留学生来华入境时,应填写旅客行李申报单一式二份,其中一份由海关盖印后交留学生收存备查。申报单上注有“三角”记号的物品,出境时应复带出境。 第二条 免税 (一)外国留学生携带入境自用的一般生活、学习用品,在合理数量范围内免税进口;(二)获准来华学习一年以上的外国留学生准许免税进口供自用的手表一只、照相机一架、8mm电影摄影机一架、电冰箱一台、洗衣机一台、电风扇一台、单录机一架、手提式收录机一架、播放机一架、打字机一台、计算器一个、电视机一台、自行车一辆。(三)外国留学生在华期间邮寄托运进口的自用物品、进口税额在人民币三十元以下的,享受免税优待;超出三十元的,交纳超出部分的税款。 第三条 进口物品的限制 (一)小汽车、摩托车、录像机、录像摄影机、音响组合未经海关批准,不准进口。(二)其他未列名的耐用消费品,经海关审核确属自用且数量合理的,应完税进口。 第四条 《进口物品登记证》的使用 来华学习一年以上的外国留学生到学校报到后,可持本人护照、居留证件、学生证(或所在院校证明)和入境时经海关签章的“旅客行李申报单”向主管海关申请领取《进口物品登记证》,属于本须知第二条(二)所列物品,海关凭《登记证》免税放行。》登记证》应妥善保管。外国留学生变更学校,应向原发证海关申明。 第五条 外币、金银、珠宝、文物的管理 外国留学生带进的外币、金银珠宝饰物数量不限,但应如实向海关申报,携带出境时,以申报单登记的数量为限。带出在中国境内购买的金银饰品,必须向海关交验中国人民银行印制的特种发货票。带出在中国境内购买的文物,应向海关申报,海关凭文物的鉴定标志(或文物出口证明)以及文物外销发货票查核放行。 第六条 短期出入境 外国留学生在华学习期间短期去国外或港澳地区休假所携旅途生活用品,海关免税放行。如携带本须知第二条(二)列名的物品出境应向海关报明,以便返回时海关凭以免税放行;新购进的应向海关申报,属免税范围的,由海关在《进口物品登记证》上登记,超出免税品种或限量的,经海关核准予以征税放行。 第七条 过境物品的管理 外国留学生如在离华前从香港等地运进耐用消费品准备回国时携带出境,应按过境物品办理手续。进口的物品不得提取,应在海关监管下复运出境。物品存放仓库期间,应按规定交纳保管费。 第八条 进口物品的出售 不准私自将经海关放行的物品在中国境内出售给任何单位和个人,只准售予当地政府指定的外货收购部门,免税进口的物品应由收购部门按章补税。违犯此规定,海关按章处理。 第九条 出境 外国留学生学习结束离华时,所带的自用物品在合理数量范围内免税放行。
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