How can a student achieve so great success in China? 11 questions to answer you

I’ve assisted so many students study in China. But when meeting Prof. Samuel, I am wondering: How can a student achieve so great success in China?

Prof. Samuel is one of the most humble people I’ve ever seen.

How can a student achieve so great success in China? 11 questions to answer you

You will feel quite comfirtable when staying with him.

Polite, knowledgeable, vigorous, strong, and with a wonderful family full of joy.

You may ask how can the student achieve great so success in China? Check the video, you will get the answers.

Achieve so great success in China: Here are the interview questions:

1. do you remember that why did you come to study in China, why didn’t you choose to study in UK, or USA, or other countries?

2. I heard that you wrote an attractive study proposal. so can you guide that how to write down a very good study proposal to move the supervisor?

3. You studied at Nigerian for bachelor and master, then get Ph.D at China, SIAT of UCAS. So how do you compare the higher education between the 2 countries?

4. What is the most difficult time during your study Ph.D in China? Have you ever developed self doubt? How to relieve stress when it’s high?

How can a student achieve so great success in China? 11 questions to answer you
Prof. Samuel staying with family

5. Is there any difference between reading a PhD and what you imagine?

6. Currently your research area is the hottest area, like machine learning, human-machine interface.. Can you introduce that a bit pls? In what areas will it be applied?

7. Some students achieved success in China, some failed. So which kind of students do you suggest to study in China?

8. Which kind of students do you suggest to study Ph.D?

9. Why you didn’t stay in China instead of going to UK?

10. what is your daily work and rest time?

11. Anything you want to share to others?

If you have more questions, you can just comments here, I can refer to Prof. Samuel please.

Related: 5 Things May Affect Your Graduation for Study in China

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