5 Things May Affect Your Graduation for Study in China

Maybe you want to study in China, but you have to know 5 Things May Affect Your Graduation.

Maybe you want to study in China, but you have to know 5 Things May Affect Your Graduation.

China still attracts students from different countries.

In recent years, China has become an increasingly attractive destination for students looking to study abroad. With a rapidly growing economy and a rich cultural heritage, China offers a unique and exciting learning experience that is hard to find elsewhere.

One of the main reasons why China is becoming more attractive as a study destination is its world-class universities. Many of these institutions are ranked highly in international rankings and offer a wide range of programs in various fields of study, like Tsinghua University and Peking University. They also provide modern facilities, top-notch professors, and opportunities for research and innovation.

5 Things May Affect Your Graduation for Study in China
Peking University 北京大学

Another factor contributing to China’s appeal as a study destination is its vibrant and dynamic culture. Students who come to study in China can immerse themselves in a rich cultural environment, experiencing everything from traditional Chinese festivals to modern art exhibitions. This exposure to different cultures can broaden students’ horizons and help them develop a global perspective.

In addition, China’s booming economy offers many opportunities for students after graduation. Graduates with a degree from a Chinese university may have a competitive edge in the job market, especially in industries such as technology, finance, and international trade.

Finally, studying in China can be a relatively affordable option compared to other study destinations. Tuition fees and living costs in China are generally lower than in many Western countries, making it an attractive choice for students on a budget.

Studying in China is becoming more and more attractive for students around the world. With its excellent universities, rich culture, career opportunities, and affordability, China offers a unique and rewarding learning experience that is hard to find elsewhere.

Things happened on a Jardan student

Yesterday I visited an old friend from Jordan, which I also helped to get Ph.D admission in China.
He studied the Ph.D engineering from year 2019 to 2022, with full scholarship, which is about 600 usd as stipend per month.
But the result is bad, he didn’t graduate, he didn’t get the Ph.d degree.
He is really sad about the situation, after 3 years of study, he didn’t get the results.
As a bad experience, he told to future master and ph.d students which want to study in China: Do communicate with your supervisor before application. Do get the detailed requirement of graduation, like how many articles are required before graduation.

I also feel so sorry about his experience.
During the passed several years, I helped so many students to get admissions in China, most got degree, but also some failed.

5 Things May Affect Your Graduation for Study in China
5 Things May Affect Your Graduation

Here are 5 Things May Affect Your Graduation for Study in China:

  1. Fees problems. There are scholarship opportunities, but not that many. So before application, your whole family need to consider the total costs of study in China. Usually about 3,000 usd to 8,000 usd per year, including tuition, hostel, and living cost.
  2. Academic problems. Some students didn’t join classes, then of course they cannot get good attendance, and teachers will not allow them to join exams.
  3. Breaking the laws. Some students were sent into prison due to some criminal issues, like selling drugs, money laundering. Those students will be sent back to their home countries as soon as they leaving the prison.
  4. Health problems. Once there was an Indian student flew to China, there are a group of students flying together, he wanted to join the flight with other students together. But he didn’t feel well before taking flight. After landing in China, getting to university, his situation getting worse, and like 1 or 2 days later, he was sending to the ICU. He stayed at the ICU for about 1 month. Finally he got better, and he went back to India. So When getting serious health problems, do ask help from your teachers, or classmates.
  5. Communication problems. Like the Jordan student, the poor communication between he and his supervisor.

Still, it is a very good choice to study in China. But before applying to study in China, think about above items, and try to avoide those issues.
And hope every student can get your certificates, your degrees, your best experience during your study in China.
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Related: 10 Challenges Faced by International Students in China

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