2023-2024 Wuyi University International Student Enrollment Brochure 2023-2024学年武夷学院国际学生招生简章

2023-2024 Wuyi University International Student Enrollment Brochure

2023-2024 Wuyi College International Student

Enrollment Brochure

2023-2024 Wuyi University International Student Enrollment Brochure 2023-2024学年武夷学院国际学生招生简章

Wuyi University

WYU at a Glance
Wuyi University is a provincial Applied Undergraduate University, located in Wuyishan City, Fujian Province. The predecessor ofthe school is Nanping normal college founded on August 12, 1958. In 2018, it was selected as the Application-oriented University ofthe national industry ecuication integration development project and the demonstration Application-oriented UndergraduateUniversity in Fujian Province

Curently, there are more than 15000 fiull-time students and about 1000 teaching staff Among them, 41% are teachers with seniorprofessional titles, 85% are teachers with master’s and doctoral degrees, 8 are national high-level talents enjoying special allowanceofthe State Council, and 34 are provincial-level high-level talents. In addition, more than 130 academicians, “Changjiang Scholars”‘Miniiang scholars” and wellknown experts have been emploved as distinguished professors. visiting professors and lectureprofessors of the University, and many cultural and educational expets are teaching in the University. The umiversity has 1 nationalcharacteristic specialty,8 provincial kev disciplines10 provincial characteristic specialties and 6 provincial first-class specialtiesThere are 25 characteristic innovation provincial platforms, including Song ing Neo Confucianism research center of ChineseAcademy of Social Sciences, Fujian Key Laboratory of ecological industry green technology, Key Laboratory of Wuvi tea resourcesinnovation and utilization in Fuiian Province. and Fuian bamboo engineering technology research center.

The utiversity is the receiving institut1onof Chinese govemment scholarship 1orintermational students.It is also the overseasChinese education base of Fujian Provimce and the experience and promotion center of Chinese traditional culture. At present, it hasestablished cooperative relations with more than 50 umiversities and scientific research institutions in more than 10 countries andregions. So far, nearly 400 intemational students from more than 30 countries, such as the United States, Russia, France, South Africahave come to the University for long-term or short-term study. The school has undertaken more than 12000 intemational firiendsoverseas Chinese. Hong Kong. Taiwan and Macao Youth “root seeking tour in China”. studv tours. Chinese talent training coursescultural experience classes and other activities. The campus covers a area of3000 mu, suounded by mountains and rivers, beautifulakes and mountains, beautiful flowwers and birds, picturesque seasons. The school provides intemational students with a goodlanguage learing environment. professional teachers, fexible curiculum, enthusiastic service and advanced learing and livingfacilities. Campus life is also colorful. Every year, international cultural festivals, various literary performances, sports meetingsChinese traditional culture experience projects, social practice and other activities are held every year, which are welcomed byinternational students.

WYU Advantages
Personalized Training Programs
Wuyi University offers different training programs for students indifferent majors.Teachers of diferent disciplines give lectures accordingto specific circumstances.Wuyi University provides correspondingstudent services for students of different majors, with flexible ways anddiverse modes, with tutor guidance, Chinese Tutoring and other teachingservices.

A Wide Range of Disciplines
The university has a complete range of disciplines, including 15colleges (departments), covering 8 disciplines of economics, educationliterature, science, engineering, agriculture, management and art, with43 undergraduate mmajors.

Diversification of Entrepreneurial channels
Wuyi University is a national innovation and entrepreneurship trainingprogram implementation university, also innovation and entrepreneurshipeducation reform demonstration University. ore than 180 collegestudents’ entrepreneurial teams have been registered in the University, andmore than 50 students’ entrepreneurial demonstration stores have beencultivated, which has led to more than 500 direct employment.

Complete Living Facilities
The university has interational student apartments, kitchens andrestaurants. The campus has gymnasium, football field, basketball court.volleyball court,gymnasium,cinema and other venues. There are fourspecial restaurants,a number of snacks,and two large shoppingsupermarkets, with complete sports facilities. The campus is surroundedby mountains and rivers, the scenery of lakes and mountains, the singingof birds and the fragrance of flowers, and the four seasons arepicturesque.

Student Associations
A number of student associations of different types are active in the university.Currently there are more than 60 registeredstudent associations, including seven categories of science and technology, language, practice, literature and art, sports, publicwelfare and academic. In October 2014. the Intemational Student Association of Wuvi University was ofhcially established.
The Institute of overseas education has established intemational student association, Chinese commer, volunteer association andother associations for intemational students, which has become a good platfomm for communication belween intemational studentsand students.

Distinctive Curriculum&Extracurricular Activities
Overseas Education College provides one-on-one guidance in Chinese writingand basic courses for interational students, and offers elective courses such asChinese folk culture, Tai Chi and HSK guidance for students. Every year, weregularly carry out a variety of student activities, such as international studentculture festival, traditional festival exchange meeting, sports meeting, speechcontest, football match,etc.we also organize activities such as visitingorphanages, homes for the aged, and supporting education volunteers, so as toenrich the campus cultural life ofInternational students.

Student Service
The university provides volunteer free pick-up activities for eachinternational student who reports in the specified time; During the schoolperiod, it provides mental health consultation and visa services forinternational students, and provides full-time counselors for internationalstudents. The daily teaching is arranged by the training unit where theinternational students work:for international students who studyChinese, the head teacher system is adopted in the daily management Tofully guarantee the learning effect.

Chinese Culture Experience
Overseas Education College organizes international students to participate in such practical activities as new year’s partyDragon Boat Festival, Mid Autumn Festival cultural experience, experience of historical spots, and walking into Wuyi teagarden, so as to further enhance international students’ in-depth understanding of Chinese culture.

Chinese and International Student
OverseasEducation College provides volunteerservice for freshmen to help interational students adaptto their study and life in China as soon as possible.

Application Procedures

2023-2024 Wuyi University International Student Enrollment Brochure 2023-2024学年武夷学院国际学生招生简章

Time Arrangement and Enrollment major

2023-2024 Wuyi University International Student Enrollment Brochure 2023-2024学年武夷学院国际学生招生简章

Note: 1) You can contact with the teacher in charge of enrollment by phone or emmail forquestions related to application.
2)Registration materials can be prepared in advance, sent to the mailbox on time:[email protected].

Enrollment Majors:
Chinese Language and Literature (Business Chinese)–Overseas Education College(Scholarship available)
Tourism Management,Hotel Management–Tourism CollegeCivil Engineering, Architecture–Civil Engineering and Architecture CollegeFine Arts, Visual Communication Design–Art CollegeAmong them, Architecture is a five-year system, and others are four-year systems.
Other Majors:
Please contact the Admissions Office separately for specific information

Admission Requirements

2023-2024 Wuyi University International Student Enrollment Brochure 2023-2024学年武夷学院国际学生招生简章

Tuition Fee and Other Expenses
1)Registration fee:400RB
The applicant should pay when he / she reports to Wuyi University.
2)Language Program:14,000RMB/year
3)Undergraduate Program:
Liberal Art: 14.000RMB/year
4)Accommodation fee:
Double room:2.600RMB/year
Four-bed room: 1.300RMB/year’
5)Insurance premium:800RMB/year
Other expenses
Courses materials fee and other expenses related to laboratory experiments, intermship,professional visits and so on arecharged according to relevant standards.

2023-2024 Wuyi University International Student Enrollment Brochure 2023-2024学年武夷学院国际学生招生简章

Wuyi University

Scholarship Application

A、 Chinese Government Scholarship

*National Scholarship Program
Scholarships based on educational cooperation and exchange agreements or consensus reached between China and relevantgovernments, institutions, schools, and intermational organizations(Application is taken by dispatching departments of interationalstudents.)

*Chinese Government Scholarship-Chinese University Program
Wuyi Univerity directly selects and enrolls outstanding foreign young students to study for undergraduate degrees in Chinaevery vear, ofiermg fill and partial scholarship under the Silk Road Scholarship Program,(Apply before Apri every vear for more
details please refer to enrollment teacher)

B、 Fujian Province Government Scholarship

To promote intermational exchange and cooperation im education of Fujian, and also promote the healthy development ofFujian’s education in Chima, Fujian Province has set up the scholarship program for foreign students of Fuijian provinciagoverment. The scholarship aims at foreign students who come to Fufan to study and study in universities of Fujian. Theapplication time 1s generally from lMarch to lay every vear. The scholarshiDinformation should be subiect to the notice2110t031wuwi.ed.cihwVxVissued in that vear For more details to contact us as folows:Website.

C、 President Scholarship for International Students of Wuyi University
In order to fiurther expand the source of high-level intemmational students and optimize the training quality of intemmationalstudents. uvi University has set up the President scholarship Program for intemmational students in China. The scholarship aims at foreign students studying in Wuyi University

D、T & T chinese proficiency scholarship of Wuyi University
The ‘T & ‘T Chinese proficiency scholarship of Wuyi University Overseas Education College is a donation from ToanBosui(Vietnamese)who is the intemational graduate student of Wuyi University. It aims to reward intemational students with bothcharacter and learning, encourage them to study hard and encourage them to make continuous progress. At the same time, itprovides help for international students who have financial difficulties. This scholarship is only for intemational students at school.The deadline of scholarship applicationis different every’ year. Students can pay attention to the official website of the Overseas
Fducation college to understand theanplication time of various scholarships.

The university has set up an interational student apartment for intermational students. The apatment also has a kitchenactivity room, study room, etc. with complete facilities, it can meet the leaing and living needs of interational students. Theschool takes into account the majors, beliefs, hobbies and other factors of intemational students, and arranges roommates for
international students.

2023-2024 Wuyi University International Student Enrollment Brochure 2023-2024学年武夷学院国际学生招生简章

City Introduction

Located in the northwest of Fujian Province, Wuyishan is a world cultural and natural heritage site anda World Biosphere Reserve. Wuyishan Nature Reserve is the best protected and most abundant ecosystem in thesame latitude area of the earth. It has 2527 plant species and nearly 5000 wild animals. It is a famous scenicspot and summer resort in China.

Wuyi Mountain is located in the middle subtropical zone. The temperature in four seasons is relativelyuniform, mild and humid. The annual average temperature is about 12 C~ 13 c. High speed railwaysexpressways, aviation and other transportation extend in all directions, especially after the opening of HefeiFuzhou high-speed railway, it only takes one hour to reach Fuzhou, three hours to reach Xiamen, shanghai.Nanjing, Hefei. Changsha and other coastal and inland cities, and six hours to reach the capital Beiing.

2023-2024 Wuyi University International Student Enrollment Brochure 2023-2024学年武夷学院国际学生招生简章

Wuyi University

Overseas Education College, Wuyi University
Address: Room No.305B(Admission Office),Building Tongwen 6, Wuyi University,No.358Baihua Road,Wuyishan,Nanping,Fujian Province, China
Post Code: 354300
Contacts: Lucia Liu
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.wuyiu.edu.cn/hwjyxy

2023-2024 Wuyi University International Student Enrollment Brochure 2023-2024学年武夷学院国际学生招生简章

















2023-2024 Wuyi University International Student Enrollment Brochure 2023-2024学年武夷学院国际学生招生简章



2023-2024 Wuyi University International Student Enrollment Brochure 2023-2024学年武夷学院国际学生招生简章


2)报名材料可提前准备,然后按照时间要求发送至邮箱:[email protected]





2023-2024 Wuyi University International Student Enrollment Brochure 2023-2024学年武夷学院国际学生招生简章
2)报名材料可发送至邮箱:[email protected]








2023-2024 Wuyi University International Student Enrollment Brochure 2023-2024学年武夷学院国际学生招生简章




邮箱:[email protected]

表格下载:Applicantion form of Wuyi University.doc

physical examination form.doc

Scholarship  form of Wuyi University.doc

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