Tingzai Porridge 艇仔粥


Chinese Name: 艇仔粥

English Name: Tingzai Porridge; Chuanzi Porridge; Boat Porridge

Category: Cantonese Cuisine粤菜

Main Ingredients: Stem rice

Tingzai Porridge 艇仔粥
Tingzai Porridge

Tingzai Porridge艇仔粥 is a traditional snack in Liwan District荔湾区, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province. It belongs to Cantonese cuisine粤菜. The dish was created by Danmin疍民 (also known as water people水上人家), a former water wanderer in the Pearl River Delta珠江三角洲, and then carried forward in Guangzhou. Now the dish is one of the famous traditional snacks in Guangdong.

Tingzai Porridge 艇仔粥
Boat porridge that can stimulate appetite

In the past, in Guangzhou, around Xihao西濠, shajiyong沙基涌 and lizhiwan荔枝湾 of the Pearl River, rows of flower boats drew to the shore at night, and a yellow flag was inserted at the tail of each boat, with a big word “porridge” on it, that is, the boat selling boat porridge.

Tingzai Porridge 艇仔粥
Boat porridge in a boat like a container

Most of the flower boats are Dan women疍家女人, who sell boat porridge to people on the shore or tourists on cruise ships. Authentic chuanzi porridge is made from fish, shrimps, crabs, snails and other ingredients freshly salvaged by people on the water. Because the ingredients of the porridge are fresh, the porridge tastes very fresh and sweet.

Tingzai Porridge 艇仔粥
Boat Porridge

The materials used in the original boat porridge are different every day. You can put whatever materials you hit. It’s delicious. Later, the stores on the land also imitated the boat porridge and slowly fixed its ingredients, including fish fillets, roast duck shreds, jellyfish shreds, fried peanuts, egg shreds, squid shreds, fried ghosts油炸鬼, etc. later, they added floating skin浮皮, fried crispy炸薄脆 and other seasonings.

Tingzai Porridge 艇仔粥
Tempting congee

Another legend is that there is a girl named Jinshui金水 who is very kind-hearted. One day, she put a carp caught by her father back into the river. A few years later, Jinshui’s father was seriously ill. She was very sad and came to the river to pray for the blessing of the immortal.

At this time, a fairy came out of the water and said, “I’m a carp saved by you a few years ago. Just cook some fish and shrimp porridge and sell it to others with some oil crispy things. You can exchange money and take your father to see a doctor. Your father can recover within 10 days.” Jinshui cured his father’s disease according to her instructions. From then on, this porridge was named “Tingzai porridge”.

How to make Tingzai Porridge?


  • 100g japonica rice
  • 100g fresh squid
  • 300g pork tripe
  • 25g scallops
  • 50g pork skin
  • 50g row rice flour
  • 50g peanuts
  • 1 fried dough stick
  • 2g salt
  • 1g monosodium glutamate
  • 3g green onions
  • 3g ginger
  • 5g soy sauce
  • 5g lard
  • 3g alkali
Tingzai Porridge 艇仔粥
Cartoon boat porridge


  • Step 1, Remove the old tendons of scallops, soak them in warm water and tear them up.
  • Step 2, Soak the squid in edible alkaline water, rinse it, cut it into thin filaments, and scald it in boiling water.
  • Step 3, Wash the pigskin with cold water, cut it into strips, and cook it in a boiling pot.
  • Step 4, Scrub the pig belly and cut the roast duck into small pieces.
  • Step 5, Peel the peanut kernel, roll it in boiling brine, remove it and dry it.
  • Step 6, Put the peanuts into a low-temperature oil pan, fry until golden yellow, and remove and drain the oil.
  • Step 7, Fry the rice noodles in boiling oil until fragrant.
  • Step 8, Wash the japonica rice, soak it in cold water for half an hour, then take it out and drain it.
  • Step 9, Add an appropriate amount of cold water to the pot and boil it over high heat. Then add japonica rice, scallops and pork tripe. After boiling, cook slowly over low heat until porridge is formed, and then season with salt and monosodium glutamate.
  • Step 10, Put the rest of the ingredients into a large bowl, pour the hot porridge into the bowl, and then add lard, soy sauce and ginger (shredded) to mix well.
Tingzai Porridge 艇仔粥
Delicious congee


  • The requirement of porridge is that the rice should be boiled until it blooms. It can’t be too thin or too thick. It can’t be qualified until it starts to glue.
  • After washing the rice, soak it in water. The rice soaked in water will bloom more easily. Some people like a very sticky taste, you can add a little glutinous rice.
  • If you can’t control the ratio of water to rice, you can put more water. Don’t mix the porridge well after cooking. After the rice sinks, use a spoon to put the porridge water on the upper layer into another bowl, stir the porridge in the pot evenly, and then add porridge water appropriately according to the viscosity.

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