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A great translator of Buddhist scriptures Overview Chinese Name: 玄奘 English Name: Xuanzang Other Names: Chen Hui 陈华;Chen Yi 陈祎 Born: 602 AD Died: 664 AD Achievements: Founder of Chinese Han Buddhism中国汉传佛教唯识宗创始人 created Great Tang Records on the Western Regions 创作了《大唐西域记》 One of the four translators of Buddhist scriptures 我国汉传佛教四大佛经翻译家之一 Brief Biography of Xuangzang Xuanzang was born on 6 April 602 in Chenliu, what is now Kaifeng municipality in Henan province. As a boy, he took to reading religious books, and studying the ideas therein with his father. Like his elder brother, he became a student of Buddhist studies at Jingtu monastery. Xuanzang was ordained as a śrāmaṇera (novice monk) at the age of thirteen. Due to the political and social unrest caused by…
A great translator of Buddhist scriptures Overview Chinese Name: 玄奘 English Name: Xuanzang Other Names: Chen Hui 陈华;Chen Yi 陈祎 Born: 602 AD Died: 664 AD Achievements: Founder of Chinese Han Buddhism中国汉传佛教唯识宗创始人 created Great Tang Records on the Western Regions 创作了《大唐西域记》 One of the four translators of Buddhist scriptures 我国汉传佛教四大佛经翻译家之一 Brief Biography of Xuangzang Xuanzang was born on 6 April 602 in Chenliu, what is now Kaifeng municipality in Henan province. As a boy, he took to reading religious books, and studying the ideas therein with his father. Like his elder brother, he became a student of Buddhist studies at Jingtu monastery. Xuanzang was ordained as a śrāmaṇera (novice monk) at the age of thirteen. Due to the political and social unrest caused by…
A great translator of Buddhist scriptures Overview Chinese Name: 玄奘 English Name: Xuanzang Other Names: Chen Hui 陈华;Chen Yi 陈祎 Born: 602 AD Died: 664 AD Achievements: Founder of Chinese Han Buddhism中国汉传佛教唯识宗创始人 created Great Tang Records on the Western Regions 创作了《大唐西域记》 One of the four translators of Buddhist scriptures 我国汉传佛教四大佛经翻译家之一 Brief Biography of Xuangzang Xuanzang was born on 6 April 602 in Chenliu, what is now Kaifeng municipality in Henan province. As a boy, he took to reading religious books, and studying the ideas therein with his father. Like his elder brother, he became a student of Buddhist studies at Jingtu monastery. Xuanzang was ordained as a śrāmaṇera (novice monk) at the age of thirteen. Due to the political and social unrest caused by…
A great translator of Buddhist scriptures Overview Chinese Name: 玄奘 English Name: Xuanzang Other Names: Chen Hui 陈华;Chen Yi 陈祎 Born: 602 AD Died: 664 AD Achievements: Founder of Chinese Han Buddhism中国汉传佛教唯识宗创始人 created Great Tang Records on the Western Regions 创作了《大唐西域记》 One of the four translators of Buddhist scriptures 我国汉传佛教四大佛经翻译家之一 Brief Biography of Xuangzang Xuanzang was born on 6 April 602 in Chenliu, what is now Kaifeng municipality in Henan province. As a boy, he took to reading religious books, and studying the ideas therein with his father. Like his elder brother, he became a student of Buddhist studies at Jingtu monastery. Xuanzang was ordained as a śrāmaṇera (novice monk) at the age of thirteen. Due to the political and social unrest caused by…