Do you want to go back to school but need to take some background courses beforehand?
In current times, due to COVID-19, online websites have gained a lot of recognition among students.
Today we will be talking about some of the top websites helping foreign students living in China. But it is not limited just to foreign students in China. Students from other countries can also benefit from these websites as they are a great source of information for everyone. I have been living in China for more than 4 years and I can tell you from my personal experience that if you are someone who likes to take lectures online, you have come to the right place. I will tell you the top 18 sites for studying in China or in fact any other country.
so, let’s get started without further due.

Coursera is a free learning site that offers MOOCs courses from well-known universities. All Coursera courses contain pre-recorded video lectures that you can watch when it is convenient for you.
Coursera has programs together with universities that allow you to get a master’s degree or specialization. You can explore various college courses without any hassle.
This site is offering free programs from accredited institutions. The courses available on such platforms are designed by a leading university.

ALISON has a large range of free, comprehensive classes on technology, languages, science, financial literacy, personal, entrepreneurship, and then some. It targets all kinds of learners, from professionals and managers to teachers and freelancers. You can also search by the career you have or would like to have to find the courses most useful to you. Alison has an Android and iOS app to you want to use that

3-LinkedIn Learning:
LinkedIn is offered by Microsoft and is a widely known platform using LinkedIn you may access thousands of courses in business, design, art, education, technology, and career and personal development by becoming a member of LinkedIn Learning. You may see what other people in your network are learning by putting completed certifications right on your LinkedIn profile. Additionally, you can test the waters with a free one-month subscription of LinkedIn Learning!

Fluent is a website and app that helps you learn Mandarin Chinese through authentic videos like movie clips, music videos, talks, news, and more. Every video comes equipped with accurate interactive subtitles. Click on any word to see an in-context definition, pronunciation, example sentences, and even other videos where the word is used. And since the dictionary is contextual, it always tells you the exact meaning of each word based on what you’re reading. You can reinforce what you learn from FluentU’s videos with multimedia flashcards and personalized quizzes that adapt to your answers. Various questions in these exercises let you practice your listening, speaking, and vocabulary skills.
The program is available to use directly on the FluentU website, but you can also install the iOS or Android app for on-the-go learning.

5-Tencent Classroom:
Tencent Classroom is a Chinese online learning platform for vocational education launched by — you guessed it — Tencent. Courses on Tencent Classroom cover a wide range of subjects, including software development, design, exam preparation, language, music, and even cooking.

6-Chinese Grammar wiki:
The Chinese Grammar Wiki is the most comprehensive online resource for grammar that you’ll find. It has hundreds of grammar points that are organized by level, from A1 (Beginner) to C1 (Advanced), and they’re currently working on a section for C2 (Superior), which goes beyond HSK 6.
Each grammar point is presented concisely, with several example sentences to show different use cases and even exceptions. You can literally look up almost any grammar point you encounter in Chinese and find an entry on this website.
On top of this, they also have an index of top Chinese grammar textbooks, with the grammar points listed down by chapter as a preview in case you want to get the book. Another useful page would be their reading tools section, which includes browser extensions for reading Chinese online.

Short-term courses on specific aspects of Chinese are ideal. Udemy, possibly the most popular website for finding MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), offers a number of high-quality and reasonably-priced courses for learning Chinese online.
Udemy has something for everyone, from HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) test preparation to beginner Mandarin courses.
The “Chinese Language for Beginners: Mandarin Chinese HSK 1-3” course and the “College Mandarin Chinese Course On Your Own: Beginning Level” course are excellent places to start.
The goal of MOOCs is to provide learners with an experience that is as close to in-person as possible, regardless of where they are. Many are structured like university courses and have a syllabus, while others have start and end dates and are jam-packed with tests, quizzes, and homework assignments.

Edx is one of the best free online course providers. It offers university-level courses in varieties of disciplines. You can browse various subjects like Computer science, language, data science, engineering, and more.
This site contains a weekly subject sequence. It includes a short video with learning exercises. The platform provides video tutorials, which are similar to the on-campus discussion group and a textbook. It has an online discussion forum where students can post questions to teaching assistants. It offers certification completion.

IMooc is an online learning platform that focuses on IT education. It offers over 3000 online courses structured into career paths, including paths in front-end development, back-end development, mobile development, computer science basics, artificial intelligence, data engineering, data analysis, software testing, and design. According to its about page, over 21 million users have learned about the platform.

Skillshare is a sleek learning platform with an equally well-designed app and 26,000+ courses. The video content is of excellent quality, which is only fitting for a platform with name-brand instructors from the worlds of media, design, art, and technology, as well as leadership and entrepreneurship.
Skillshare distinguishes itself by offering hands-on projects and community-based learning. It’s easier to stay motivated when you have a group of like-minded learners accessible right from your phone. Skillshare offers a selection of courses for free during the free trial to their premium subscription.

11-KHAN academy:
Partnering with many post-secondary schools, Khan Academy offers a useable, well-organized interface. Also curating many courses from around the web, Khan Academy offers impressive depth on many different subjects.
Among the more well-known educational sites, Khan Academy is also incredibly user-friendly, which may make it easier to keep learning objectives. If you’re looking for free online education, you can’t go wrong with Khan Academy.

12-Open Culture Online Courses
If you are struggling to find exactly the material you are looking for, try Open Culture’s listing of free online education courses.
The site features a lot of material found only on universities’ private sites, all in easy-to-browse categories. This means you can find hundreds of university courses without having to visit and search each university’s site.
Open Culture’s list features courses from England, Australia, Wales, and many state universities around the United States. It’s a very helpful resource for finding many courses in one study area.

13-Open Yale Courses
open Yale Courses echoes Stanford Online, in that it offers only courses from Yale. While the site is similarly limited to topics taught at the school, Open Yale Courses offers a lot of videos of actual campus lectures. The availability of videos makes the site a great option if you’re looking for quality courses but learn better by watching than by reading.

14-Academic Earth:
The website gives a huge array of academic options to students from traditional to contemporary studies. They provide online degree courses from accounting and economics to engineering and also carry material on niche subjects like behavioral psychology. Moreover, it has had a collaboration with a bunch of reputed colleges such as the University of Oxford, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University, and many others. Keeping in mind the interest level of the students, the portal has videos and podcasts in all the subjects.

Today, anything that you’d like to learn is available on YouTube. It is a free platform that allows you to browse channels and find topics that are of interest to you.
Is YouTube good for studying?
Research has shown that some students learn better with visual aids and YouTube is a visual aid. Students who Learn Visually: Allows students to physically see what is being taught and helps them understand the coursework better. Engaging: It’s a platform where open conversations and discussions can be had.
In the education and science section, there are countless channels. In DIY, there are nearly 2000. This is one of the best free online learning platforms to use especially if you are on a budget.

16- Dr. Najeeb Lectures:
this site is for the medical students only
Dr. Najeeb has been teaching medical sciences for over 32 years and has helped millions of students master Medical Sciences with crystal clear concepts. Don’t forget “Lasting Knowledge results from clear concepts “Trusted by 80% of Medical, Dentistry, Nursing & Pharmacy students. Master Medical Sciences with crystal clear concepts. All their videos contain hand-drawn illustrations. They have 800+ videos on Gross Anatomy, Neuroanatomy, Embryology, Histology, Physiology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology.

Udacity is one of the best online learning platforms in the world today. Most of the online courses that you’d like to take can be accessed using an iPhone, iPad, or Android.
It is a free app that has more than 500000 courses which range from elementary school to the university level. You can find educational materials from reputable institutions such as the New York Public Library. As you study, you can add notes to your materials, share them with friends and save your work.

18-Geeky Medics
note :
This site is only for the medical students.
Geeky Medics is a free education platform for any healthcare professional. The site is filled with articles on how to do clinical exams and take histories (perfect for preparing for OSCEs), procedures (perfect for preparing for procedures), as well as sections on how to interpret investigations.
This is one of my favorite websites on this list because of the graphics. You use Geeky Medics when you want to learn how to do exams or take histories.

19-Bright knowledge
If you ever searched for the most convenient collection of relevant articles on various topics, Bright Knowledge is the goldmine for any student. Bright Knowledge can assist students in the most challenging questions of their careers and learning opportunities. As well, you can find much helpful advice from health and well-being to money and housing.
Without a doubt, Bright Knowledge is a saving grace for anyone who doesn’t have external support. The well-written and researched articles will save plenty of worries for you.

20-Open Learn
Open Learn is designed to give users free access to educational materials. It was launched in the late 1990s to offer online learning in a broadcast collaboration with the BBC. Today, OpenLearn offers topical and interactive content in a variety of content formats, including courses.
You can filter the free courses by activity, format (audio or video), subject, and more options. All courses are listed with the level (introductory, intermediate, and more) and the time length to give you an idea of what to expect.

That will be all from me today guys, Thank you!
These websites are based on my personal preferences and you are going to need a vpn for most of the websites as they are blocked in China If I find any other websites I will add them to this article.
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