2023 Sichuan Normal University
Enrollment of International Students majoring in Chinese as an international Language in School of International Education

Sichuan Normal University is the earliest university to offer undergraduate teacher education in Sichuan Province with the longest history among other normal universities and colleges. It also serves as one of the foreign exchange centers of Sichuan’s universities, with extensive academic exchanges and talent training relationships established with institutions in many countries and regions.
College of International Education is a talent training base for TCSOL professionals and international students studying in China in Western China. It is responsible for the daily affairs of teaching and management of international students in Sichuan Normal University. Over the past 35 years, the college has trained over 10,000 international students at various levels and grades.

招生项目Enrollment Program
汉语国际教育专业(本科/硕士)TCSOL (Undergraduate/Master)
Sichuan Normal University established its undergraduate major in TCSOL in 2005, which was recognized as a first-class major in Sichuan Province in 2020 and has a history of 18 years.
一、培养目标: I. Cultivation Objectives:主要培养了解中国,热爱中华文化,具有较高的汉语水平和较熟练的中国语言文化教学技能和跨文化交际能力,能胜任汉语教学任务的专门人才。
The program aims to cultivate professionals who have a good understanding of China, a passion for Chinese culture, a high level of proficiency in Chinese, proficient skills in teaching Chinese language and culture, and cross-cultural communication abilities. Graduates will be qualified to engage in specialized Chinese teaching.
二、学习年限: II. Duration of Study:硕士基本学制:2年;本科基本学制:4年
Master’s basic length of schooling: 2 years; Undergraduate basic length of schooling: 4 years
三、入学要求: III. Admission Requirements: 申请学士学位者需具有高中毕业或同等学历、达到HSK-4级; For Bachelor’s degree applicants: High school graduate or equivalent, with HSK-4 proficiency; 申请硕士学位者需具有学士学位或同等学历、达到HSK-5级 For Master’s degree applicants: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent, with HSK-5 proficiency; 其他相关文件:护照(原件和复印件)、体检证明(原件)、高中毕业证书、成绩单、无犯罪证明等。 Other required documents: Passport (original and copy), certificate of physical examination (original), high school certificate, transcript, certificate of non-criminal record, etc. 四、申请时间: IV. Application Date: 每年5月31日前 Before May 31 each year 五、收费标准: V. Tuition and Fees:
项目 Item |
类型 Type |
学费(元) Tuition |
其他费用 Other Fees |
汉语国际教育 TCSOL |
本科 Undergraduate |
15000元/年 RMB 15,000/year |
留学生保险:800元/ 年 住宿(双人间):3000/人/半年 International Student Insurance: RMB 800/year Accommodation (Double Room): RMB 3,000/person/half a year 其他费用将视情况收取 Additional fees will be charged based on the specific circumstances |
硕士 Master |
18000元/年 RMB 18,000/year |