2024 Shanghai Conservatory of Music Admission Brochure of Graduate Programs for International Applicants

Shanghai Conservatory of Music Applicant Eligibility
Applicants must meet the following eligibility criteria:
1)Applicants should be non-Chinese citizens with a valid foreign passport. Chinese1citizens with only a Green Card (permanent resident card) from another country shallnot be deemed eligible international candidates
2)Applicants for Master’s programs (hereafter referred to as aster’s students) arerequired to hold a degree equivalent to a Bachelor’s Degree in China.Applicants for Doctoral programs (hereafter referred to as Doctoral students) shouldhave a degree equivalent to a laster’s Degree in ChinaPlease note that Vaster’s and Doctoral programs do not accept applications from thosewho do not meet the above-mentioned degree requirements.
3)In order to apply, the applicant should be at least 18 years old, have a clean criminalrecord, and possess good moral character and good health. Additionally, the applicantmust agree to follow all the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, aswell as the rules and regulations of the SHCM.
4)Applicants for Doctoral programs should submit two letters of recommendation fromprofessors (or experts with equivalent titles) specialized in the field they are applyingfor. Applicants for aster’s programs need to provide two letters of recommendationfrom associate professors (or experts with equivalent or above titles) specialized in thefield they are applying for.
5)Applicants for Doctoral programs must obtain a New HSK Level 5 Certificate with ascore of 180 points or above.
Applicants for aster’s programs must obtain a New HSK Level 4 Certificate wvith ascore of at least 210 points
However, those who have completed a degree program taught in Chinese at a Chineseuniversity can present a stamped certificate issued by their institution instead of theHSK certificate.
II.Majors and Categories of the Graduate Programs
1)For the list of disciplines, majors, fields of study and supervisors, please refer to the1’website of the SHCM Graduate Division
2)Category: Full-time Doctoral programs /Full-time Master’s programs
II.Shanghai Conservatory of Music Application Procedure
The application process has two steps, namely, submission of application materials online andpayment of the application fee. It is important to complete both steps in order for your applicationto be considered.
Note: Each applicant can apply for only one major, any additional applications will not beaccepted.
1)Online Submission of Application laterials
Eligible applicants should register and upload the electronic version of all the requireddocuments on the SHCM Graduate Admissions System (https:/yjszs.shcmusic.edu.cn)during the period from March l to 15, 2024. Documents in languages other than Chinese orEnglish must be attached with Chinese or English translations.
★Application Materials List
- Personal statement including study and work experience, limited to 1.000 Chinesecharacters.
- Scanned copy of your valid passport (including the personal information page and allChinese wisa pages)
- Scanned copy of the Physical Examination Record for Foreigners (See the attachment)
- Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) Certificate (should be submitted no later than may 31.2024)
- A recently-taken colored passport-size photo (full face. front view, bare head) in JPGformat. Ensure it is clear and undamaged.
- Scanned copy of the original degree or diploma in your previous stage of study(schooling certificate or intended graduation certificate for upcoming graduates).
- Scanned copy of your academic transcripts from undergraduate programs onwards.
- Dissertations.theses, graduation works,or recording of you graduation concertsIpcoming graduates don’t need to provide all of these)
- Comprehensive evaluation materials (see Appendix for details)
- Two letters ofrecommendation (See the attachment).
- A research proposal, or an art practice and study plan, for your master’s or doctoralprograt.
- Certificate of Non-criminal Record.
- Statement ofFinancial Support.11)
2)Application Fee Payment
Application Fee: RlB 600 yuan.
Please make the payment via bank transfer to the following account between March 1 and 152024, as cash payment will not be accepted.This fee is non-refundable whether you take the exam or not.Please mark the applicant’s name and “Application fee for 2024 International Master’s orDoctoral Program” when making the payment.
Account Details:
Beneficiary Name: Shanghai Conservatory of MusicBank Account No.:453362703070Beneficiary Bank: Bank of China, Sub-Branch of Huaihai Road, ShanghaiSwift Code: BKCHCNBJ300

IV. Shanghai Conservatory of MusicEntrance Exam
1)The exam will consist of two rounds: the preliminary round and the second round. Both1’rounds are scheduled to take place in late March 2024.
2)The preliminary round will involve a comprehensive review of the application materialsPlease refer to the appendix for detailed information on the application materials.
3)The second round will be conducted as an online interview, Please refer to the appendixfor details on the examination requirements. Any further updates regarding the examwill be posted on the website ofthe SHCM Graduate Division.
V.Shanghai Conservatory of Music Admission and Enrollment
Admission decisions will be made on the basis of competitive selection according to thecandidate’s application materials, exam results, review of their moral character, and physical examination results.
Admitted applicants will receive an Admission Notice. Please strictly observe therequirements provided therein.
Health and eligibility verification will be conducted after your registration at the SHCM inthe upcoming semester. Those who fail to meet the admission requirements will bedisqualified.
VI. Shanghai Conservatory of Music Program Duration and Tuition
Doctoral ProgramStudy
period: 3 to 6 years
Tuition fee: RMB 48.000 per academic year
Master’s Program
Study period: 3 years
Tuition fee: RMB 40,000 per academic year
VIl.Shanghai Conservatory of Music Special Note
1)Any measures related to student enrollment are subject to the latest documents issued bythe relevant departments and the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic ofChina. In case new policies are issued by the competent authorities after this brochure isannounced,our admission rules will be adjusted accordingly, and the updated versionwil1 be published online.
2)Please stay tuned for any possible updates, which will be posted on the $HCM GraduateDivision wvebsite.

VIII.Shanghai Conservatory of Music Contact
Graduate Admissions Office of Shanghai Conservatory of MusicAddress:Room 317,South Building,No.20 Fenyang Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai200031.China
Zip Code: 200031
Te1: +86-21-53307322
WWeb: http://visb shcmusic.edu.cn
Email: [email protected]
Appendix: Detailed Requirements for the Entrance Exam
I. Preliminary Round
Comprehensive evaluation materials

Note on Basic Materials
1)Entries under the Basic Materials are necessary. Applicants must submit all these materials tobe considered for the application.
2)The same paper cannot be submitted twice as both the basic material and academicachievement.
Note on Art Achievements
1)Academic achievements can include published papers, publications, audio-visual productsand research projects, among others. Art practice achievements include prizes and awards inprofessional competitions, major artistic events, and public performances of originalcompositions.
2)You are allowed to present a maximum of 5 items for each category, meaning that you canlist up to 5 academic achievements and up to 5 art practice achievements, with scanned copyof relevant certificate or proof document attached
Il. Second Round
1301 Art Theory
The Second-Round exam for students majoring in art theory and related specializations willbe in the form of an interview. Candidates will be required to make a presentation with aPowerPoint file based on their research proposal and then answer the examiner’s questions.The presentation should not exceed 8 minutes, while the Q&A session should not exceed 7minutes.
1352 Music Performance & 1354 Drama and Film
Auditions will be held to evaluate the professional competence of students majoring inconducting and music performance. For students in other specializations, a comprehensiveinterview will be conducted,during which they will deliver an 8-minute PowerPointpresentation based on their art practice and study plan, followed by a 7-minute O&A sessionwith the examiner.
附件 外国人体检检查表.pdf
附件 专家推荐信.doc