Renmin University of China 中国人民大学

Renmin University of China 中国人民大学


Chinese Name: 中国人民大学

English Name: Renmin University of China

Abbreviation: 人大(Renda); RUC

Established: 1937

Location: Beijing


Renmin University of China 中国人民大学
Renmin University of China

Brief introduction of Renmin University of China

The university’s predecessor was Shanbei Public School陕北公学, Huabei United University华北联合大学, and Huabei University华北大学, which were founded in 1937 during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression抗日战争.

On December 16, 1949, the eleventh Administrative Council of the Central People’s Government中央人民政府政务院第十一次政务会议 adopted the Decision on the Establishment of Renmin University of China on the basis of the suggestion of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee中共中央政治局.  

Renmin University of China 中国人民大学
Renmin University of China

On October 3, 1950, the Chinese University, which was established on the basis of North China University and merged, held a grand opening ceremony, becoming the first new type of regular university founded in New China.

Renmin University of China 中国人民大学
Renmin University of China campus view

Over the past 80 years, from Shanbei Public School to the Renmin University of China, the university has trained nearly 300,000 high-level outstanding builders and leaders from all walks of life and levels for the country.  Today, Renmin University of China has formed on the basis of undergraduate education, graduate education as the key point, continuing education for the auxiliary pattern of all-round and multi-level education, formed the backbone of the “liberal arts, capable of science and engineering” discipline development system, towards the world first-class university with Chinese characteristics goals took a new step.  

Education Achivements and Rankings

Renmin University of China (RUC) is one of the first universities in China to establish a graduate school, with 39 colleges (academies).  The university offers 83 bachelor’s degree programs, 186 master’s degree programs, and 136 doctoral degree programs.  The university has 37 first-level disciplines authorized for master’s degree, 22 first-level disciplines authorized for the doctoral degree, and 21 post-doctoral mobile stations.

Renmin University of China 中国人民大学
Renmin University of China campus view

The university has 8 national key first-level disciplines and 8 national key second-level disciplines, ranking first in humanities and social sciences in China.  It has 5 Beijing key first-level disciplines, 1 Beijing key cross-discipline, and 4 Beijing Key second-level disciplines.  It has 13 key research bases of humanities and social sciences in regular institutions of higher learning under the Ministry of Education, ranking first among universities in China.  It has 5 national bases for talent cultivation and scientific research in basic disciplines and 1 base for college students’ cultural quality education.

It has 3 engineering research centers and key laboratories of the Ministry of Education, 4 national experimental teaching demonstration centers, 2 key laboratories of Beijing, and 3 research bases of Philosophy and social sciences of Beijing.  In the fifteen consecutive sessions of the national Hundred Excellent doctoral dissertations, RUC has been selected 29, accounting for 12% of the total number of excellent doctoral dissertations in humanities and social sciences, ranking first among all universities and research institutes.  

Renmin University of China 中国人民大学
Renmin University of China Library

As of 2021, the Times Higher Education World University Rankings ranked the Renmin University of China 100th in Asia and 18th in China with its teaching and research performance.

Academic Ranking of World Universities, also known as the “Shanghai Ranking”, placed the Renmin University of China 100th in China.

Renmin University of China 中国人民大学
Renmin University of China Museum

According to the National Assessment results of first-level disciplines released by the Academic Degree Assessment Center of the Ministry of Education in 2017, A total of 14 disciplines were awarded a-level, among which theoretical Economics, Applied Economics, Law sociology, Marxist Theory, Journalism, and Communication, Statistics, Business Administration and Public Administration were awarded A+, Philosophy and Political Science were awarded A, and Chinese Language and Literature, Chinese History.

At the same time, the university has made rapid progress in the construction of science and engineering disciplines, including physics, chemistry, mathematics, psychology, and environmental science. The number of project funding achievements is rising rapidly, and chemical engineering, material science, and environmental ecology Five disciplines, including psychiatry and psychology, ranked first in the Basic Science Indicators Database (ESI).

The school tree校树

The ginkgo tree银杏树 is the school tree for the Renmin University of China.  The school flower and the school tree represent the spiritual pursuit of a school, reflect the idea of running a school, and symbolize the school spirit, learning style, and cultural characteristics of a school.  

As of November 2011, there are 86 magnolia trees玉兰树 on the campus of RUC, which have a long planting history and witnessed the development of ruC since its establishment in more than half a century.

On March 15, 2008, when General Secretary Hu Jintao胡锦涛 attended the opening ceremony of the “China-Japan Youth Friendship And Exchange Year” held at Renmin University, he planted two trees symbolizing the friendship between China and Japan for generations in the Hundred Homes with youth representatives. Among them, the representative of China is the magnolia tree. 

There are 583 ginkgo trees on the campus of RUC, accounting for more than one-tenth of the total number of trees in RUC, and 98 ginkgo trees over 30 cm in diameter. Most of them were planted in the early days of ruC, witnessing RUC’s historical footprint on the annual rings.

Famous Alumni

As of the end of October 2021, the school has 1986 full-time teachers, including 768 professors and 777 associate professors. The school has Professor Wei Xinghua卫兴华 and Professor Gao Mingxuan高铭暄, the only two national honorary title winners of the national honorary title of “People’s Educator人民教育家” in the field of higher education in the country;

Renmin University of China 中国人民大学
Renmin University of China campus view

18 members of the discipline review team of the Eighth Degree Committee of the State Council and 14 professors have been appointed as members of the Social Science Committee of the Second Ministry of Education, ranking among the top universities in the country.

Renmin University of China 中国人民大学
Wei Xinghua卫兴华
Renmin University of China 中国人民大学
Gao Mingxuan高铭暄

Renmin University of China – Self – made aerial image publicity film

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