China minister welcomes youth to study in China

China minister welcomes outstanding young people from developing countries to study frontier disciplines in China,
China minister welcomes youth to study in China

China minister welcomes youth to study in China.

On 2 November, the Academy of Sciences of developing countries held its 15th plenary meeting. Huai Jinpeng, Minister of education, attended and delivered a speech by video.

Huai Jinpeng said that China, as the world’s largest developing country, in the process of promoting national modernization and realizing the great rejuvenation of the nation, adheres to giving priority to education and scientific and technological innovation as the core of the overall national development. Focusing on the long-term goal of becoming an innovative country in 2035, China is accelerating the modernization of education and building a high-quality education system.

Huai Jinpeng said that in the past decade, China has announced 30 major commitments involving studying in China. We are willing to continue to strengthen opening-up, welcome outstanding young people from developing countries to study frontier disciplines in China, and welcome scientific researchers to carry out cooperative research by using the scientific research platform of Chinese universities. One belt, one Road International Scientific Education Coordinating Committee will play a role in carrying out various forms of scientific and technological exchanges between China and foreign youth.

Related: The Education System of China

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