Dongguan City University Foreign English Teacher Recruitment

Dongguan City University Foreign English Teacher Recruitment

Dongguan City University Foreign English Teacher Recruitment

Dongguan City University (CityU DG) plans to recruit 2 full-time foreign English teachers for teaching work. Details are as follows:

  • About CityU DG

CityU DG is an independent undergraduate-level private higher education institution. With a green campus of 1228 mu (equivalent to 82 hectares), CityU DG boasts its convenient transportation and beautiful landscape of a typical South China Lingnan architecture style near Songshan Lake adjacent to Shenzhen, which provides a conducive environment for teaching and learning experience.

CityU DG consists of 14 academic units and offers 45 undergraduate programs with more than 1,080 faculty and staff members and over 15,000 full-time students. Adhering to the student-oriented principle, CityU DG has put greater efforts into teaching and research innovation, and made remarkable achievements in the areas of program development, whole-person education, and scientific research.

Up to now, CityU DG has won a number of teaching excellence awards and over 200 funded research projects. In addition, more than 2,500 awards of disciplinary competition have been granted for our students both at national and provincial levels.

Dongguan City University Foreign English Teacher Recruitment
Dongguan City University Foreign English Teacher Recruitment


CityU DG cherishes the vision of building a first-class innovative, application-oriented, and internationalized metropolitan university of excellence, seeking to contribute to the development of the Greater Bay Area of China.

Further information about CityU DG may be found online at

  • Job Description
  1. Teach English courses for undergraduates every semester.

Weekly class hours: 16 class hours of teaching (45 minutes/class hour);

  1. Fulfill teaching and assessment tasks specified in the syllabus conscientiously;
  2. Mark homework and answer students’ related questions;
  3. Participate actively in the second-classroom activity of English practice;
  4. Comply with the rules and regulations of the Teaching and Research Group.
  • Requirements
  1. Have a passion for higher education, abide by laws and regulations, and work rigorously with good professional ethics;
  2. Under 55 years old;
  3. The mother tongue or first language is English;
  4. Possess a bachelor’s degree or above;
  5. At least 1 year of working experience in teaching English. Those who have a TESOL / TEFL certificate are preferred;
  • Salary and Benefits
  1. Salary: The monthly salary is negotiable
  2. Reimburse the actual expenses of air tickets(no more than 10,000 yuan/year)
  3. Provide an on-campus apartment (rent-free)
  4. Reimburse you for Visa / Residence Permit fee
  • Application Procedure
  1. Preparation of application materials

(1) Curriculum vitae

Personal information: age, educational background, work experience, awards and other related information.

(2) Scanned copy of academic degree certificate and academic credentials;

(3) Additional materials (such as thesis, publications, honor certificate, and professional certificate).

  1. Submission of application materials

Please send all required application materials (in PDF version) to [email protected]

Email subject: name + nationality + current residence

Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until positions are filled.


Job Description



东莞城市学院(Dongguan City University)是由广东鸿发投资集团有限公司举办的本科层次普通高等学校。其前身为东莞理工学院城市学院, 2004年6月经教育部批准为独立学院,2021年5月经教育部批准转设并更名为东莞城市学院。学校位于东莞市寮步镇松山湖大道旁,紧邻大湾区综合性国家科学中心先行启动区(松山湖科学城)和华为松山湖基地,交通便利,环境优美。校园规划用地1228亩,以“山、水、树、人”融为一体的设计理念,巧妙运用岭南传统建筑元素,堪称岭南园林式学府。学校现有学生2万多人,设有14个教学单位,45个本科专业,建立了97个专业实验室、218个校外实践基地、24个校级科研机构,与20多家科研院所和企业建立了“产学研”关系。学校现有1个国家一流本科专业建设点和8个省级一流本科专业建设点,位居全省同类高校前列。


  1. 每学期为本科生讲授英语课程,周课时16课时(45分钟/课时);
  2. 认真完成教学大纲规定的教学和考核任务;;
  3. 批改作业,回答学生相关问题;;
  4. 积极参与英语实践第二课堂活动;
  5. 遵守教研组的各项规章制度。



  1. 55周岁以下;



  1. 1年以上英语教学工作经验,有TESOL/TEFL证书者优先。


  1. 待遇从优,具体面议;
  2. 每年报销机票10000元封顶,实报实销;
  3. 校内宿舍免房租。


(一) 申请材料




(二) 申请方式

请将所有申请材料(PDF格式)发送至[email protected]

邮件名: 姓名+国籍+现居地


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