Foreign Teacher Recruitment Announcement for School of Foreign Languages and Literature at Shandong University 山东大学外国语学院2024年招聘外籍教师公告
Foreign Teacher Recruitment Announcement for School of Foreign Languages and Literature at Shandong University School of Foreign Languages and Literature is located on the Hongjialou campus of Shandong University . It was founded in 1930. The faculty of the school has high comprehensive quality, excellent academic background, extensive teaching expertise, and strong research ability. The school also has a scientific and ideal educational background and subject distribution. In order to further improve the internationalization level of our school and meet the needs of foreign language teaching, we are now recruiting outstanding foreign teachers at home and abroad. 1. Job descriptions (1) Specialty areas: English, French, Japanese. (2) Job positions: full-time foreign teachers for language courses and disciplinary courses. The contract duration is 10 months, and it can be renewed upon negotiation after the expiration of the contract. 2. Qualifications: (1) Abide by the Constitution, laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China , respect the customs and culture of the Chinese nation, and have no legal disputes or criminal records in their country of origin. (2) All foreign teachers should come from native-speaking countries corresponding to their specialty areas. (3) Foreign teachers for language courses must have a bachelor's…- 20
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Recruiting Part-Time Native English Teacher 浙江大学外国语学院继续教育中心2024年7月招聘兼职英语外教
Zhejiang University is Recruiting Part-Time Native English Teacher.- 90
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English Teacher Position at GDUST Guangdong University of Science and Technology 广东科技学院外籍教师招聘
English Teacher Position at GDUST Guangdong University of Science and Technology 广东科技学院外籍教师招聘- 27
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Recruiting Outstanding Foreign Teachers of CQIFS 重庆外语外事学院2024年外籍教师招聘启事
Recruiting Outstanding Foreign Teachers of CQIFS. Job Description 为进一步提升我校国际化办学水平,践行一化两型人才培养目标,满足外语专业语言教学外籍师资需求,现面向海内外公开招聘优秀外籍教师。 In order to further enhance the internationalization level of our Institute, fully achieve the goal of cultivating international, interdisciplinary, and practical talents, and meet the demand for foreign teachers in foreign language teaching, we are now publicly recruiting outstanding foreign teachers both domestically and internationally. Recruiting Outstanding Foreign Teachers of CQIFS 招聘岗位Job Descriptions · 专业方向:英语、德语、葡萄牙语· 招聘岗位:全职语言类外籍教师;合同期为1年,到期后经双方同意可续聘。· Specialty areas: English, German and Portuguese.· Job positions: full-time foreign teachers for language courses; the contract duration is one year, and it can be renewed upon negotiation after the expiration of the contract. 基本条件Qualifications 1. 遵守中华人民共和国法律法规和学校相关规章制度。无违法犯罪记录,无未了结的法律、案件纠纷;2. 语言教学类外籍教师原则上应从事其母语国母语教学,并取得大学学士及以上学位且具有2年及以上语言教育工作经历。取得教育类、语言类或师范类学士及以上学位的,或取得所在国教师资格证书或取得符合要求的国际语言教学证书(如TEFL或TESOL证书),可免除工作经历要求;3. 身体健康,具有良好的个人品质、严谨求实的科学作风、健康向上的心理素质及善于合作的团队精神,应聘人年龄一般不超过58岁(条件特别优秀者可适当放宽年龄要求)。 1. Abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China and relevant rules and regulations of the University. No illegal and criminal records, no unresolved legal and case disputes; 2. Applicants for Language Teaching should be engaged in the teaching with mother tongue as well as with at least a degree of Bachelor and 2-year teaching experience. However, they are not required to provide working experiences so long as they have Bachelor’s degrees or higher in pedagogy, language teaching or education, or they have national or international language teaching qualification certificates like TEFL or…- 34
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Recruitment of Foreign Teachers of Nanning University in 2024
Recruitment of Foreign Teachers of Nanning University in 2024 Job Description 根据工作需要,现将南宁学院2024年公开招聘2名外籍教师公告如下:一、学校简介 南宁学院是南宁市人民政府与民革广西区委合作共办的本科高校,为国家首批应用技术大学试点高校、广西立项建设硕士学位授予单位、广西新建本科学校转型发展试点学校自治区首批深化创新创业教育改革示范高校。学校地处“中国绿城”——广西首府南宁市,坐落在南宁市五象新区。学校现设有二级学院12个,开办本科专业38个,覆盖工学、管理学、艺术学、经济学、教育学等5大学科门类,全日制在校生近22000人。现有教职工1000余人。 2021年《南宁市国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和2035年远景目标纲要》明确指出:“高水平办好南宁学院,对标推进南宁学院创建为南宁大学。”当前,学校抢抓发展机遇,贯彻“应用型、开放式、新体验”的办学理念,以“质量发展、特色发展、创新发展”为主题,上下一心、凝心聚力投入加强内涵建设各项工作,力争早日实现升格南宁大学目标。 Nanning University in 2024 二、招聘计划 本次公开招聘英语方向外籍教师2名。 三、招聘(录用)条件 (一)基本条件 1.遵守中华人民共和国法律和法规,尊重中国人民的风俗习惯; 2.遵守教师职业道德规范; 3.有强烈的事业心、责任感和敬业精神,善于团结协作,愿为学校发展、学科专业建设和人才培养做贡献; 4.具有履行岗位职责所需的知识、能力和素质; 5.具有与岗位相适应的身体条件,心理素质良好; 6.遵守劳动纪律和学校规章制度,服从单位管理和工作安排; 7.诚实守信,个人材料无虚假情况、无隐瞒信息; 8.无劳资纠纷和不良从业记录,无违反国家法律、法规的其他情形,无犯罪记录。 (二)岗位条件 1.年龄在60周岁以下; 2.具有学士及以上学位,有2年以上英语语言教学工作经验; 3.原则上母语为英语语言; 4.取得教育类、语言类或师范类学士及以上学位的,或取得所在国教师资格证书或取得国际语言教学证书的,可免除工作经历要求。 Recruitment of Foreign Teachers of Nanning University in 2024 2 四、招聘程序 (一)报名 1.报名时间:即日起至2024年9月30日,招满即止。 2.报名方式:采用网络报名,应聘人员将以下报名材料打包发送至东盟学院邮箱[email protected],邮件主题及打包材料统一命名为:“姓名+外籍教师+专业”。 3.报名材料: (1)个人简历; (2)护照扫描件; (3)经中国驻外使领馆认可的外国卫生医疗机构或中国政府指定的卫生检疫部门出具的健康证明; (4)学位、学历证书扫描件; (5)经中国驻外领事馆公证的学历证书; (6)经中国驻外领事馆公证的无犯罪记录证明; (7)白底免冠照片电子版; (8)由申请人原工作过的单位出具英语语言教学工作的工作经历证明,包括职位、工作时间或曾经做过的项目,需申请人原工作单位加盖公章或负责人签字,并留有证明联系人有效联系电话或电子邮件; (9)所在国教师资格证书、国际语言教学证书等证书扫描件。 (二)考核 东盟学院根据应聘人员提供的报名材料,审核应聘人员与招聘岗位是否匹配。对与招聘岗位相匹配的应聘人员以面谈等方式开展考核,考核内容主要包括应聘者的师德师风表现、学术背景、教学能力和岗位胜任能力等方面的情况。 (三)聘用 经东盟学院考核通过的外籍教师,由人事处审核后报校长办公会审议,审议通过后按照程序聘用。五、岗位职责(工作任务) 1.按时按质按量完成教学任务;每周课堂授课课时与第二课堂活动参与课时总和不少于16学时(40分钟/学时); (1)课堂授课是指大学英语高级班口语训练、公共选修课等课程; (2)第二课堂活动是指以下活动的参与和指导: ①英语角; ②协助学校外事资料翻译校对; ③英语广播电台播放内容或各类竞赛(如演讲比赛等赛事)的指导; ④担任学科竞赛评委; ⑤开设英语讲座; 2.做好教学相关准备(有合作教师协助); 3.协助学校开展国际教育和留学生外语课程及培训等工作。六、福利待遇 (一)学校与拟聘人员签订劳动合同,聘期1年,期满经双方同意可续聘。 (二)薪酬待遇实行年薪制,薪酬12万元/年,学校依法为受聘者缴纳社会保险。 (三)享受与学校教职工同等标准的伙食补贴、节假日福利。 (四)聘期内由学校提供独立的住房一间,房租按学校标准确定。七、联系方式 通讯地址:广西南宁市邕宁区龙亭路8号南宁学院人事处 联系人:东盟学院黄老师0771-5900906人事处邱老师、李老师0771—5900834 Related: Jobs in China.- 38
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Dongguan City University Foreign English Teacher Recruitment
Dongguan City University Foreign English Teacher Recruitment Dongguan City University (CityU DG) plans to recruit 2 full-time foreign English teachers for teaching work. Details are as follows: About CityU DG CityU DG is an independent undergraduate-level private higher education institution. With a green campus of 1228 mu (equivalent to 82 hectares), CityU DG boasts its convenient transportation and beautiful landscape of a typical South China Lingnan architecture style near Songshan Lake adjacent to Shenzhen, which provides a conducive environment for teaching and learning experience. CityU DG consists of 14 academic units and offers 45 undergraduate programs with more than 1,080 faculty and staff members and over 15,000 full-time students. Adhering to the student-oriented principle, CityU DG has put greater efforts into teaching and research innovation, and made remarkable achievements in the areas of program development, whole-person education, and scientific research. Up to now, CityU DG has won a number of teaching excellence awards and over 200 funded research projects. In addition, more than 2,500 awards of disciplinary competition have been granted for our students both at national and provincial levels. Dongguan City University Foreign English Teacher Recruitment CityU DG cherishes the vision of building a first-class innovative, application-oriented, and…- 30
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2024 Recruitment notice for English teachers at the School of Foreign Languages, Beijing Forestry University 北京林业大学外语学院2024年外籍教师招聘
2024 Recruitment notice for English teachers at the School of Foreign Languages, Beijing Forestry University- 91
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