Recruitment Announcement for Japanese Foreign Teachers at the School of Foreign Languages Jiangnan University 江南大学外国语学院日语外教招聘公告
Recruitment Announcement for Japanese Foreign Teachers at the School of Foreign Languages Jiangnan University....- WentChina Jobs
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2024 Announcement of Guangxi University of Foreign Languages Recruiting Foreign Language Teachers
jobs 一、岗位需求 Job requirements 招聘英语、法语、西班牙语、德语、泰语、越南语、柬埔寨语、印度尼西亚语、缅甸语、日语外籍教师。 Job positions include: English, French, Spanish, German, Thai, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Indonesian, Burmese and Japanese foreign teachers. 二、招聘要求和条件 Requirements and Conditions 1.遵守中华人民共和国法律法规,身体健康,无犯罪记录。 Abide by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China , be in good health without any criminal record. 2.从事其母语国母语教学(母语国出身),并取得大学学士及以上学位且具有2年及以上语言教育工作经历。其中,取得教育类、语言类或师范类学士及以上学位的,或取得所在国教师资格证书或取得符合要求的国际语言教学证书的(如英语:TESOL/TEFL证书),可免除工作经历要求。 Applicants for teaching foreign language should be native speakers with a bachelor’s degree or higher degree, and possess at least two years of relevant teaching experience. The requirement for working experience could be waived for those who meet one of the following criteria: having a bachelor's degree or higher degree in education, language studies, or normal education; or holding a teaching qualification certificate from the host country; or having obtained an internationally recognized teaching certificate (e.g., English teaching certificate :TESOL/TEFL) . 三、工作量及薪资待遇 Workload and salary 1.教学时间:每周18节课。 Workload: 18 classes per week. 2.薪资:外教的待遇包括每月月薪、机票补贴等。工资标准具体按照外教专业技术职务或学历而分类确定。外教取得学术成果,可按照相关规定另计成果奖励。 Salary package: The remuneration of foreign teachers includes a monthly salary, flight allowance, etc. The salary standards are specifically determined based on the foreign teacher’s professional ranks and titles, or academic qualifications. For academic achievements, foreign teachers may receive additional rewards according to relevant regulations. 3.住宿:学校免费提供公寓,配有基本家具和电器。 Accommodation: Free apartment with basic furniture and household appliances. 4.保险:学校将按规定为外籍教师购买社会保险。 Insurance:…...- WentChina Jobs
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2025 Zhejiang Yuexiu University Foreign Teacher Recruitment
jobs 1.School Overview Zhejiang Yuexiu University is a full-time undergraduate institution approved by the Ministry of Education. The university is located in the historically and culturally rich city of Shaoxing , Zhejiang , enjoying a prime geographical position. It takes only one and a half hours by train from Shanghai and about 40 minutes by car from Hangzhou International Airport to reach the campus. The university currently has two campuses: Jishan and Jinghu, which are approximately 25 minutes apart by car. The university consists of 14 schools, including the School of English Studies, the School of Asian Studies, the School of European Studies, the School of International Business, the School of Digital Commerce, the School of Cyber Communication, the School of Chinese Studies, the School of Hospitality Management, EIT-DSCC, the School of Applied Foreign Languages, the School of Art, the School of Marxism, the School for International Chinese Programs and the School for Continuing Education. It offers 51 undergraduate programs across six major disciplines: literature, engineering, economics, management, arts, and education. The university provides courses in 17 foreign languages, including English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Indonesian, Thai, Czech, Turkish, Polish, Persian, and Hindi, making it…...- WentChina Jobs
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Preview of Shanghai’s talent activities in November
shanghai 上海 Preview of Shanghai's talent activities in November Visit to North Bund by postdoctoral talent from universities We invite leaders from the management offices of Shanghai's universities and research institutions, as well as young PhDs and postdoctoral researchers, to participate in this event. Activities will include a tour of the Digital North Bund's Hall, project presentations, and recruitment sessions for shipping and financial enterprises. Our aim is to establish a platform that connects local talent-seeking organizations with postdoctoral candidates from universities. Organizers: Talent work bureau and talent development service center of Hongkou district, Hongkou branch of the National Science and Technology Park of Tongji University Date: Nov 1 (Friday), 2024 Time: 9 am - 2:59 pm Venue: Digital North Bund's Hall (No 668, Dongdaming Road) Contact: Mr/Ms Sheng Ming, 021-2565-7422 Seminar on work and residency policies for overseas talent Organizer: Pudong International Talent Development Center Date: Nov 1 (Friday), 2024 Time: 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm Venue: 3rd Floor Roadshow Hall, Building 5, Alley No 999, Huanke Road, Pudong New Area Schedule: 1:30 pm - 1:55 pm: Sign in 1:55 pm – 2 pm: Opening remarks 2 pm - 2:40 pm: Overview of facilitating policies for foreign talent…... -
Announcement of Recruitment of 1 Japanese Language Foreign Teacher in 2024 by the School of Foreign Languages, Jiangnan University
江南大学外国语学院2024年招聘1名日语外籍教师公告 (江南大学外国語学院における日本語外国人教師の募集要項) 江南大学外国语学院因工作需要,经研究决定,面向社会公开招聘1名日语外籍教师。 一、岗位职责 1.完成不少于每周12课时的教学工作量,及相关考试命题、监考、阅卷、录入成绩等教学工作; 2.协助中国教师完成教学及科研工作 3.指导学生参加日语相关竞赛。 二、招聘条件 1.热爱教育事业,具有高度的教师责任心,遵守教师职业道德规范和行为准则; 2.母语为日语,年龄在55岁以下; 3.具有学士以上(含学士)学位,且具有2年以上语言教育工作经历; 4.能够教授《日本文学概论》《日语会话》《日语写作》《日语演讲与辩论》等课程; 5.取得国籍国教师资格证或取得符合要求的国际语言教学证书者优先考虑;。 6.通过汉语水平考试(HSK)或汉语水平较高者优先考虑; 7.身心健康,品行良好,无违法犯罪记录和不良嗜好;无其他可能对学生安全和身心健康造成影响的疾病、行为; 8.满足办理来华工作签证和来华工作许可的各项条件。 三、相关待遇 薪酬面议,提供具有竞争力的薪资待遇。 四、联系方式 联系人:崔明姬 联系电话:(86)13506197636 Email:[email protected] 江南大学外国語学院における日本語外国人教師の募集要項 江南大学外国語学院は日本語外国人教師を1名募集します。 一、職責 1.毎週12コマ(1コマ45分)以上の授業、及び試験問題の作成、試験監督、採点や成績入力 2.中国人教師の教育及び科学研究への協力 3.スピーチや作文などの日本語関連のコンテストの指導 二、応募条件 1.教育事業を愛し、強い責任感を持ち、教師としての道徳規範を遵守する者 2.満55歳以下の日本国籍所有者 3.言語学や教育関係の学位を有する者、或いは日本語教育の経験が2年以上ある者 4.『日本文学概論』『日本語会話』『日本語作文』『日本語スピーチと弁論』などの授業を担当できる者 5.国籍教員免許や、要求に合致する国際言語教育証明書を取得している者を優先 6.中国語検定試験(HSK)に合格した者、または中国語レベルが高い者を優先 7.心身ともに健康で、犯罪歴のない者。学生の安全と心身の健康に影響を与える可能性のある疾病、行為のない者 8.中国への就労ビザの取得と中国への就労許可の諸条件を満たしている者 三、待遇 給与は面談にて決定。応募者の満足のいく給与待遇を提供。 四、連絡先 連絡人:崔明姫(サイメイキ) 電話:(86)13506197636 Email:[email protected] 信息来源于网络,如有变更请以原发布者为准。 来源链接: http://foreign.jiangnan.edu.cn/info/1035/3799.htm...- WentChina Jobs
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Recruitment Announcement for Foreign Teachers of English, Japanese, and German at Hebei Foreign Languages Institute Affiliated Middle School 河北外国语学院附属中学英语、日语、德语外籍教师招聘公告
Job Description 一、外籍教师招聘信息拟招聘5名外籍教师,年龄不超过60周岁,从事母语教学,具有硕士及以上学位并在取得学位后有两年及以上与现聘用岗位相关的工作经历。其中取得教育类、语言类或师范类学位的,或取得所在国教师资格证书或取得符合要求的国际语言TEFL证书的,可免除工作经历要求。The basic information of employing foreign teachers for teaching in China:* 5 Foreign Teachers to be recruited;* under 60 years old;* having obtained Master’s degree (or above);* having teaching related working experience for no less than 2 years;* working experience could be exempted if one hasobtained the degree of Education, Language, or Pedagogy, or has obtained theinternational qualified teaching certificates of TEFL(Teaching English as aForeign Language).(一) 招聘教师英语三名外教、日语一名外教、德语一名外教Candidates needed: three in English, one in Japanese, one in German(二)薪酬福利1、待遇从优;provide decent benefits2、带薪休假;paid vacation3、报销往返机票;reimbursement of the international travel expenses4、免费提供校内外国专家公寓住宿,补贴校外自租房。free on-campus apartment provided and a monthly subsidy provided tothose who live off campus(三)联系方式联系人Contact: 王老师 Mr. Wang电子邮箱(简历投递)Email:[email protected]电话TEL:0311-66607333 学校简介河北外国语学院附属中学是依托河北外国语学院成立的,这是一所特色化、国际化、现代化的寄宿制普通高级中学。河外附中依托学院雄厚的外语教学师资,以及来自母语国家的外教优势,开齐了英、日、俄、德、法、西六大高考语种。多语种特色课程为英语基础薄弱或学习英语有瓶颈的同学开辟了新的高考提分途径。国际合作学校与多个国家的驻华大使馆建立了友好合作关系,与英国、美国、西班牙、德国、意大利、韩国、俄罗斯、匈牙利、罗马尼亚、波兰、捷克、立陶宛、塞尔维亚等国家的高校签订了友好合作协议。合作大学覆盖亚洲、欧洲、北美洲、南美洲、大洋洲等五大洲。每年近两百余名优秀学生可获得我校或国外大学颁发的全额奖学金、半额奖学金、成绩奖学金或享受留学国家的国民待遇等各类留学奖学金。同时,我校为来华留学生以及语言爱好者提供丰富多彩的课程,如书法、茶艺、太极等。外籍教师学校广泛聘请国际知名学者来校访学、担任荣誉和客座教授并开展各种学术交流活动,在课题研究、教学方法、文化交流、自编教材、课程建设、教师培养等方面,充分发挥外籍专家的作用,促进我校教学、科研的全方位提高。未来,我们将积极探索,不断扩大国际交流与合作,引进国外优势教育资源,借助国(境)外高校优势及社会力量,提升办学质量,向着国际化大学的目标迈进。Introduction to The Affiliated High School To Hebei InternationalStudies UniversityThe Affiliated High School To Hebei International Studies University is aninternational, characteristic and modern boarding senior high school affiliatedto Hebei International Studies University. The Affiliated High School To HebeiInternational Studies University offers six language courses for the collegeentrance examination, including English, Japanese, Russian, German, French,and Spanish. There are talent foreign language teachers that teach their mothertongue.International CooperationHFSU has established cooperation relationships with several foreignembassies in China, and also signed cooperation agreement with foreignuniversities from countries such as United Kingdom, United States, Spain,Germany, Italy, Korea, Russia, Hungary, Romania, Poland,…...- WentChina Jobs
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Recruitment of Foreign Teachers at the School of Foreign Languages, Beijing University of Technology 北京工业大学外国语学院外教招聘 (2024年11月3日截止)
Position: English Language TeacherJob type: Full timeDepartment/Unit: School of Foreign Languages, Undergraduate English Teaching DepartmentJob Responsibilities: Undergraduate English courses or oral English courses for English majors, with no less than 16 class hours per week; Revise and polish the papers and some English documents of teachers or students; Participate in the construction of English websites and the polishing of brochures; Do some other work, such as collaborating with Chinese teachers to conduct research; Participate in additional activities to promote understanding of campus culture.Job Qualifications: Master's degree or above; Major in English linguistics and applied linguistics, language education, English literature, higher education, etc;More than 3.3 years of English teaching experience in China is preferred; Native English speakers with language teaching qualifications are preferred.Position: International Student Academic and Student Management PersonnelDepartment/Unit: School of Foreign Languages, Department of Chinese International EducationJob type: Full timeJob Responsibilities:In terms of public management and services:1、 Academic affairs for non academic international studentsMainly responsible for the academic affairs of non degree international students, with specific responsibilities as follows: Communicate with relevant departments to collect and organize educational information, use relevant educational systems to input and process data, and complete daily educational management. Assist students in communicating with relevant…...- WentChina Jobs
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Recruitment Announcement for Foreign English Language Teachers at International College, Zhengzhou University 郑州大学国际学院英语语言外籍教师招聘公告
Job Description Due to work requirements, after research and decision, the International College is now recruiting several foreign English language teachers from the society. The specific matters are as follows:1、 Recruitment positionsForeign English language teachers2、 Job ResponsibilitiesEnglish oral teaching3、 Application requirements1. English as the first language;2. Bachelor's degree or above;3. 2 years or more of language teaching experience or TEFL/TESOL certification;4. Patient and responsible, with good teaching and communication skills;5. No criminal record, abide by relevant policies and regulations of the People's Republic of China, rules and regulations of the school, and respect the customs and ethics of the Chinese people.4、 Welfare benefits1. The employment contract shall be signed from one year;2. During the teaching period, the after tax salary is 10000-12000 yuan/month; Salary for non teaching periods (winter and summer vacations) to be discussed separately;3. Housing subsidy: Provide a housing subsidy of 1800 yuan/month;4. Transportation subsidy: Provide an annual transportation subsidy of 10000-14000 yuan based on international round-trip airfare;5. Vacation and benefits: Enjoy Chinese statutory holidays and winter and summer vacations;6. Organize at least one cultural experience activity within the province every semester.5、 Relevant supporting documents1. Entry and exit records within 5 years;2. Copy of all visas or…...- WentChina Jobs
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Recruitment of English Foreign Teachers for Lianyungang Foreign Language School in 2024 2024连云港外国语学校英语外教招聘
Job Description 邮箱: [email protected]微信/QQ号: 404185240单位名称: 连云港外国语学校职位名称: ESL英语外教(VCE EAL)职位信息: The EAL teacher will be supporting the needs of the schools’ English Language Learners in our VCE (Victoria Certificate of Education) program. Teaching at Lian yungang Foreign Language School requires teachers to be engaged in the life of the school and prepared to contribute to the VCEp rogram. Teachers should be life long learners and embrace technology andi nnovation in their teaching. Lianyungang is a seashore and tourist city which locates in Jiangsu China. It is an attractive and habitable city offeringteachersacozy lifestyle. Lianyungang Foreign Language School, locating in the city center, is a fully affiliated public secondary school directly under the Municipal Education Bureau. Since the establishment of the VCE program in 2011, our school has achieved outstanding results with over 75 percent VCE graduates admitted into top 100 universities in the world and is preferred by parents and students who are willing to study abroad in the city. Job Duties:1.Teaching VCE EALcourse for Yr 10 to Yr 12 students.2.Work and cooperate with Australian mentors to make teaching plans.3. Carry out trail SAC exams and SAC exams and mark both of them according to the criteria provided. Qualification:1.Specification: Native English Speaker2.Employment…...- WentChina Jobs
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Korean Teacher and Italian Teacher required: Teaching-oriented Overseas Teacher Recruitment for 2024~2025 School Year (Second Batch)
Teaching-oriented Overseas Teacher Recruitment for 2024~2025 School Year (Second Batch)...- WentChina Jobs
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Classifications of foreigners’ employment in China
The State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (SAFEA) has set the classification standards for foreigners to work in China, established a feasible and pragmatic foreign talent assessment system concentrating on foreign personnel's ability, performance and contribution with an emphasis on market feedback, international peer evaluation and other market orientations. Policy instruments – including a points system, a catalogue assisting foreigners working in China, a labor market testing mechanism and a quota system – will be utilized in a comprehensive manner in order to establish an assessment mechanism featuring real-time adjustment and positive guidance and enhance classified management. I. High-end talents (Category A) Foreign talents in Category A include scientists urgently needed by China to fuel its economic and social development, leading scientific and technological professionals, international entrepreneurs, and special talents who possess skills in high technology or top notch sectors that are in urgent need in China, so long as they meet one of the following requirements: (I)Selected candidates for China’s talent introduction programs (II) Individuals who meet internationally recognized standards of professional achievement (III) Foreign professionals who meet the demand for market-oriented jobs encouraged by China (IV) Innovative entrepreneurial talents (V) Excellent youth talents (VI) Professional talents with accumulated scores over 85 A level can automatically be granted to international award recipients, Fortune Global 500 company senior managers or technicians, intellectual property holders of high profile companies, and…...- alpha
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BiUH Recruites German Language Teacher 海南比勒费尔德应用科学大学2024年德语外籍教师招聘
Job Description About BiUH Hainan Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences (BiUH) is an innovative, high-performance and international university of applied sciences in Danzhou, Hainan, China. It is the first independent university in China to operate outside of China and the first independent higher education institution of a German public university to operate in mainland China. The university adopts the work-integrated study programs from the Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Germany and works closely together with the industrial and business communities, social and cultural institutes in Hainan Free Trade Port of China and worldwide. The university vigorously implements the strategy of strengthening the university with talents, and provide preferential treatment for the introduction of outstanding teachers from the world. We shape future-oriented research, innovative teaching and the active transfer of knowledge to society and offer our new employees in research, teaching, technology, and administration a lively, family-friendly, and opportunity-oriented working environment with short decision-making paths and a wide range of options. Warmly welcome outstanding talents over the world to join our university and create a great future for Hainan Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences. Job Location At the beginning, the campus is temporarily in Hainan Lingshui Li’an International…...- WentChina Jobs
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BiUH Recruites English Language Teacher 海南比勒费尔德应用科学大学2024年英语外籍教师招聘
Job Description About BiUH Hainan Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences (BiUH) is an innovative, high-performance and international university of applied sciences in Danzhou, Hainan, China. It is the first independent university in China to operate outside of China and the first independent higher education institution of a German public university to operate in mainland China. The university adopts the work-integrated study programs from the Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Germany and works closely together with the industrial and business communities, social and cultural institutes in Hainan Free Trade Port of China and worldwide. The university vigorously implements the strategy of strengthening the university with talents, and provide preferential treatment for the introduction of outstanding teachers from the world. We shape future-oriented research, innovative teaching and the active transfer of knowledge to society and offer our new employees in research, teaching, technology, and administration a lively, family-friendly, and opportunity-oriented working environment with short decision-making paths and a wide range of options. Warmly welcome outstanding talents over the world to join our university and create a great future for Hainan Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences. Job Location At the beginning, the campus is temporarily in Hainan Lingshui Li’an International Education…...- WentChina Jobs
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Recruitment of Foreign Teachers in Business School of Shandong Normal University 山东师范大学商学院外教招聘启事
Job Description 1. Introduction of Business School The Business School of Shandong Normal University is located in Changqinghu Campus of Shandong Normal University. The School adheres to the campus spirit of "Respect for the virtuous, Strive for success" and the university motto of "Uphold morality, fortify your dream, pursue knowledge, and then put them into practice", consciously inherits the innovation of the Qilu culture. It consistently adheres to a student-centered approach, emphasizing the quality of talent cultivation. It has gradually become a window for the university's external openness and a cradle for the cultivation of application-oriented talents. 2. Recruitment Positions One foreign teacher, teaching English listening and speaking, Business English and other language courses, and Management, Strategic Management, Organizational Behavior and other professional courses. Working location: Changqinghu Campus of Shandong Normal University. 3. Recruitment conditions: (1) Qualifications: under 65 years of age, a doctoral degree in the management field and at least two years of teaching experience in a relevant institution, with preference given to native English speakers; (2) Workload: 12-18 teaching class hours per week; (3) In good health, and passing the medical examination. 4. Salary Salary negotiable 5. How to apply for the job Candidates should provide the…...- WentChina Jobs
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Shanghai invites global talents to ‘shine together’
Shanghai invites global talents to 'shine together' english.shanghai.gov.cn| August 30, 2024 Excitement is in the air in East China's Shanghai as the Grand Finals of the 4th Shanghai Global Talents Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition opened on Aug 24. On that day, the 2024 "We Shine Together" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Activity Month was inaugurated, featuring 30 activities, including forums, pitch sessions, and training programs, leading up to the "We Shine Together" Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship Summit scheduled for late September. Starting from Aug 26, these activities fall into five categories – Talent Gathering, Talent Innovation, Talent Competition, Talent Talk, and Talent Sharing. Talent Gathering Date Location Activity Organizer Sep 25 Headquarters of Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank "Select Huangpu, Shape the Future" investment promotion and talent recruitment Huangpu district Sep 25 Shanghai University of Engineering Science (Songjiang campus) Songjiang Campus Presentation of 2024 "Shanghai Talent, G60 Intelligence Hub" Songjiang district Sep 28 Swissotel Grand Shanghai 2024 International Talent Job Fair (Shanghai) Foreign Talent Research Center of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Shanghai Municipal Talent Work Bureau Sep 30 Hongqiao International Talent Chaolian Space 2024 International Talent Conference Minhang district Talent Innovation Date Location Activity Organizer Aug 27, 30 New…... -
Foreign Teacher Recruitment Announcement of College of International Exchange of Hankou University 汉口学院国际交流学院外教招聘公告
Job Description Responsibilities: 1. Daily teaching work, subject research, and teaching research; Test paper setting and homework grading; 2. Identifying and filling in gaps for students based on their different situations, and patiently answer questions; 3. Complete English teaching according to the course design and lesson plan. 4. Part of you will serve as class teachers. Requirements: 1. Native speakers of English. 2. Bachelor degree or above. Teaching experience preferred. 3. Good at communication, seriously to finish the teaching task. 4. Open-minded, easy-going, patient, responsible and like to share western culture with students. 5. Additional salary rewards will be given to those who hold teacher certification or TEFL/TESOL/TESL/CELTA/TKT certification. 6. Respect Chinese values and customs, with no criminal record. Only you are native speaker, and if you are interested,please send your CV with recent pictures. email: [email protected] 岗位职责: 1、日常教学工作,授课,学科研究及教学研究;试卷出题及作业批改; 2、针对不同的学生情况,为学生查漏补缺,耐心答疑; 3、按照课程设计以及教案的要求完成英语授课; 任职要求: 1、来自以英语为母语国家,发音标准,口齿清晰; 2、本科及以上学历,本科毕业后拥有两年及以上对外英语教学经验; 3、具有本国颁发的教师资格证书或TEFL/TESOL/TESL/CELTA/TKT证书的给予额外工资 奖励; 4、具备思维开阔、有耐心、好相处、负责任的特点,愿意与学生分享西方文化; 5、具备良好的沟通表达能力,认真完成教学任务; 6、尊重中国价值观及风俗习惯,无犯罪记录。 投递邮箱Email:[email protected] Source: https://gjcn.hkxy.edu.cn/2024_07/20_18/content-59392.html...- WentChina Jobs
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Recruitment Announcement for English Foreign Teachers at Nanchang Institute of Technology in 2024 南昌工程学院2024年英语外教招聘公告
Job Description In order to further promote the internationalization process of our school and cultivate applied talents with an international perspective, in accordance with relevant regulations of the country and Jiangxi Province, as well as the teaching needs of our school's relevant teaching units, we plan to recruit one English language foreign teacher. The specific information is as follows:English language foreign teacher Job details: English language teacher Number of people required: 1 person RequirementsAge: Under 60 years oldNationality: Native English speaking countryEducation and degree: Bachelor's degree or aboveQualification requirements: Native speaking country, with at least two years of language education experience. Those who have obtained a bachelor's degree or above in educational language or teacher education, or have obtained a teacher qualification certificate in their home country or an international language teaching certificate that meets the requirements, are exempt from the work experience requirement.Classroom location: On site teaching Job ResponsibilitiesAn average of 16 class hours per week in classroom teachingOther related work, such as Office Hours, extracurricular projects, English corners, English competitions, and guiding students. Salary and benefitsThe salary shall be implemented in accordance with the "Management Measures for the Salary of Foreign Teachers at Nanchang Institute of Technology", and…...- WentChina Jobs
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School of Foreign Languages of Shanghai University Recruitment Notice for Foreign English Teachers in 2024 上海大学外国语学院2024年招聘英语外籍教师启事
Shanghai University is a comprehensive research-oriented university in Shanghai. Jointly established institution by the Ministry of Education and the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government, the university is a key construction institution of the national “211 Project”, a pilot institution for constructing high-level local universities in Shanghai, and a part of the national “Double First-Class” university construction initiative. Formally founded In 1995, the School of Foreign Languages (SFL) was authorized in 2010 to offer a master program of the first-level discipline in Foreign Language and Literature (including 4 sub-fields: Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Foreign Literature and Comparative Literature, Translation and Dissemination of Chinese Culture, and Country and Area Studies) and to award master’s degrees in Translation and Interpreting (MTI in English, Japanese and French). In 2014, SFL was authorized to offer a doctoral program of the second-level disciplines in Language Culture and World Civilization. At present, 3-5 doctoral students and more than 180 postgraduate students are enrolled from both domestic and international sources annually. For undergraduates, SFL now offers programs in English, Japanese and French. The enrollment of undergraduate students reaches 80 every year. Job Description Location: Shanghai Job Duties: -Teach undergraduate courses relevant to English linguistic, literature or culture for…...- WentChina Jobs
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Hongkong Progam: Vocational Professionals Admission Scheme (VPAS)
The Vocational Professionals Admission Scheme (VPAS) is an initiative promulgated by the HKSAR Government in support of the Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VPET). This new measure would provide more skilled manpower to meet the needs arising from the economic restructuring and technological advancement of Hong Kong. By putting in place the diverse training modes and programmes, it can nurture high-caliber vocational and professional talents to expand the talent pool for Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area and even our country, thereby enhancing the comparative advantages of VPET in Hong Kong and driving economic growth at both the national and local levels. The VPAS will run as pilot for two years. Under the scheme, non-local students (including those from the Mainland, other countries and regions) enrolled in designated full-time VTC Higher Diploma programmes in Hong Kong for the 2024/25 and 2025/26 academic years will upon graduation be eligible to apply for employment in Hong Kong. These graduates can enter different professional industries related to their study programmes, including Aviation, Transport and Logistics; Innovation and Technology; Electrical and Mechanical Services; Building, Civil Engineering and Built Environment; and Maritime. Highlights of VPAS: 2-year pilot scheme (admission for the 2024/25 and 2025/26 academic years) Applicable to non-local students (including those from the…...- alpha
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Heilongjiang University Recruits Korean Foreign Teachers 黑龙江大学招聘韩语外教
Heilongjiang University Recruits Korean Foreign Teachers. Job Description 黑龙江大学是教育部与黑龙江省人民政府共建的强特色、高水平、现代化综合性大学,坐落于北国冰城哈尔滨。黑龙江大学东语学院朝鲜语专业创立于1996年,是黑龙江省内第一个开设朝鲜语专业的高等院校,在全国范围内也属于较早开设朝鲜语专业的高等院校。 黑龙江大学朝鲜语系因学科发展需求,现招聘韩语外教2名,具体要求如下: 一、基本要求 1、遵守中华人民共和国法律法规,尊重中华民族的风俗习惯,无法律纠纷,无犯罪记录。 2、拥有韩国国籍,韩语为母语且发音标准,持有硕士及以上学历。 3、原则上年龄在40周岁以下;特别优秀者及专业类外籍教师,年龄要求可适当放宽。 4、能按学校要求承担线下教学任务。 5、服从领导安排,热爱教育,对中国友好,无宗教信仰。 6、优先考虑事项: (1)具有1年及以上在正规院校或教育机构韩语教学经验; (2)专业为文学类、语言学类、翻译类、韩语教育类; (3)持有韩国语教员资格证。 7、居住在哈尔滨市的外籍教师优先。 二、岗位要求 1、工作地点:黑龙江省哈尔滨市黑龙江大学东语学院。 2、每周14-18个课时,每学期17个教学周,每个教学年包含两个学期。 3、指导学生参加各类比赛,听从教研室安排,承担系里安排的其他工作。 4、聘期为一年,且一年一聘;聘期内不得无故离岗或单方面终止聘用合同,若有以上违约情况,负相应法律责任。 三、相关待遇 1、薪酬:根据学历、职称、相关工作资历等条件,面谈。 2、住宿:黑龙江大学向外籍教师提供外教公寓(若在校外居住,则提供房补)。 3、其他福利如果面试成功可与我校国际交流处了解。 四、申请方式 邮件题目务必标注:姓名-黑大外教应聘-日期(如 洪吉童-黑大外教应聘-2024.5.22) 联系人:李老师 邮箱:[email protected] 申请材料包括以下内容: 1、中韩文简历 2、有效护照页复印件 3、工作经历证明(若原版为韩文,请提供中文翻译版) 3、学位证书及其他相关证书复印件 4、相关证明或其他参考资料 五、招聘工作时间表 1、8月18日-8月24日:接收简历及相关材料 2、8月25日-8月26日:公布试讲人员名单(个别通知) 3、8月28日-8月29日:试讲(哈市内人员线下试讲) Related: Jobs in China....- WentChina Jobs
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