Best China Medical University Rank 2023

Recently, ARWU released the Best China Medical University Rank 2023.

Since its first release in 2015, the ARWU (Academic Ranking of World Universities) has won wide attention and recognition both inside and outside the field of higher education with the advantages of professionalism, objectivity and transparency.

It has become a leading brand in the ranking of Chinese universities with important social influence and authoritative reference value. The ARWU is guided by serving the development and progress of China’s higher education, adheres to the principles and policies of national higher education reform and education evaluation, and evaluates Chinese universities with Chinese standards.

The “2021 ARWU” targets more than 1200 universities at the undergraduate level in China, ranking them respectively with a differentiated index system.

Best China Medical University Rank 2023

The evaluation system of ARWU originates from the self-developed visual evaluation patent technology. Relying on the data support of “University 360 degree data monitoring platform”, it has set up ten evaluation modules, subdivided into 35 evaluation dimensions, embedded more than 100 evaluation indicators and involving hundreds of evaluation variables. It is a three-dimensional monitoring evaluation of the school running level of Chinese universities.

In order to respond to the national requirements for higher education reform and development and education evaluation in the new era and build an evaluation system that is in line with China’s reality and has a world-class level, on the basis of in-depth study of relevant national policies, actively listening to expert suggestions, and full research and discussion, soft science has optimized and innovated the index system of university ranking in China:

First, adhere to the correct guidance, Promote the implementation of the fundamental task of Building Morality and cultivating people;

Second, take value-added evaluation as the starting point, and actively explore the developmental evaluation of talent training in Colleges and universities;

Third, overcome the “hat only” of talent evaluation and take the actual contribution as the talent standard;

Fourth, respond to the suggestions of experts and schools and enrich and expand the evaluation indicators.

So here is the rank: (comprehensive universities not included)

Best China Medical University Rank 2021

(the form can be left slided.)

Medical RankEnglish NameChinese MameProvinceScoreNational Rank
1Peking Union Medical College北京协和医学院Beijing396.316
2Capital Medical University首都医科大学Beijing268.245
3Nanjing Medical University南京医科大学Jiangsu260.847
4Tianjin Medical University天津医科大学Tianjin243.961
5China Medical University中国医科大学Liaoning243.562
6Southern Medical University南方医科大学Guangdong222.478
7Harbin Medical University哈尔滨医科大学Heilongjiang222.379
8China Pharmaceutical University中国药科大学Jiangsu208.291
9Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine上海中医药大学Shanghai204.594
10ChongQing Medical University重庆医科大学Chongqing200.699
11Wenzhou Medical University温州医科大学Zhejiang200.4101
12Beijing University of Chinese Medicine北京中医药大学Beijing199.4103
13Hebei Medical University河北医科大学Hebei197.3105
14Dalian Medical University大连医科大学Liaoning190.5112
15Guangzhou Medical University广州医科大学Guangdong189.5114
16Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine南京中医药大学Jiangsu182.7122
17Anhui Medical University安徽医科大学Anhui180.2123
18Guangxi Medical University广西医科大学Guangxi166.6151
19Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine广州中医药大学Guangdong155.7169
20Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine天津中医药大学Tianjin153.4177
21Zhejiang Chinese Medical University浙江中医药大学Zhejiang149.7184
22Fujian Medical University福建医科大学Fujian147.7189
23Shenyang Pharmaceutical University沈阳药科大学Liaoning145194
24Xuzhou Medical University徐州医科大学Jiangsu138216
25Shanxi Medical University山西医科大学Shanxi137.1219
26Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine山东中医药大学Shandong135.2225
27Xinjiang Medical University新疆医科大学Xinjiang135.1226
28Jinzhou Medical University锦州医科大学Liaoning131.8234
29Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine成都中医药大学Sichuan130.2238
30Liaoning University Of Traditional Chinese Medicine辽宁中医药大学Liaoning129.9239
31Ningxia Medical University宁夏医科大学Ningxia128.6243
32Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine江西中医药大学Jiangxi124.4258
33Hunan University Of Chinese Medicine湖南中医药大学Hunan122.4273
34Xinxiang Medical University新乡医学院Henan120.8276
35Henan University of Chinese Medicine河南中医药大学Henan119.6282
36Hubei University of Chinese Medicine湖北中医药大学Hubei119.2286
37Southwest Medical University西南医科大学Sichuan117.3293
38Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine黑龙江中医药大学Heilongjiang115.8302
39Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine福建中医药大学Fujian112315
40Anhui University of Chinese Medicine安徽中医药大学Anhui111.9316
41Inner Mongolia Medical University内蒙古医科大学Inner Mongolia111.4319
42Kunming Medical University昆明医科大学Yunnan110.8324
43Weifang Medical University潍坊医学院Shandong110.6327
44Changchun University of Chinese Medicine长春中医药大学Jilin109.7331
45Hubei University of Medicine湖北医药学院Hubei109.3333
46Zunyi Medical University遵义医科大学Guizhou109.3333
47Guizhou Medical University贵州医科大学Guizhou105.4346
48Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine陕西中医药大学Shaanxi104.8347
49Shandong First Medical University山东第一医科大学Shandong104.3352
50Guangdong Medical University广东医科大学Guangdong104.2354
51Binzhou Medical University滨州医学院Shandong103362
52North Sichuan Medical College川北医学院Sichuan102.6367
53Shenyang Medical College沈阳医学院Liaoning102.5369
54Guilin Medical University桂林医学院Guangxi100.9376
55Chengdu Medical College成都医学院Sichuan99.1385
56Bengbu Medical College蚌埠医学院Anhui98.4387
57Wannan Medical College皖南医学院Anhui97.9390
58Jining Medical University济宁医学院Shandong97.8391
59Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine广西中医药大学Guangxi97.4395
60Gansu University Of Chinese Medicine甘肃中医药大学Gansu96.5404
61Guangdong Pharmaceutical University广东药科大学Guangdong96.2408
62Hangzhou Medical College杭州医学院Zhejiang95.2415
63Hebei University of Chinese Medicine河北中医学院Hebei94.5421
64Hainan Medical University海南医学院Hainan92.9430
65Chengde Medical University承德医学院Hebei92.6433
66Xi’an Medical University西安医学院Shaanxi92436
67Gannan Medical University赣南医学院Jiangxi90.2444
68Guizhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine贵州中医药大学Guizhou86.7467
69Yunnan University of Chinese Medicine云南中医药大学Yunnan83.9496
70Hebei North University河北北方学院Hebei78.1528
71Mudanjiang Medical University牡丹江医学院Heilongjiang76.8535
72Shanghai University of Medicine & Health Sciences上海健康医学院Shanghai75.3548
73Qiqihar Medical University齐齐哈尔医学院Heilongjiang74.3559
74Youjiang Medical University For Nationalities右江民族医学院Guangxi73.5564
75Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine山西中医药大学Shanxi72.7571
76University of Tibetan Medicine西藏藏医药大学Tibet70.2587
76+Changzhi Medical College长治医学院Shanxi/600+
76+Gansu Medical College甘肃医学院Gansu/600+
76+Hunan University of Medicine湖南医药学院Hunan/600+
76+Jilin Medical University吉林医药学院Jilin/600+
76+Nanchang Medical College南昌医学院Jiangxi/600+
76+Baotou Medical College内蒙古科技大学包头医学院Inner Mongolia/600+
76+XinJiang Second Medical college新疆第二医学院Xinjiang/600+

About Academic Ranking of World Universities

The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) was first published in June 2003 by the Center for World-Class Universities (CWCU), Graduate School of Education (formerly the Institute of Higher Education) of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, and updated on an annual basis.

Since 2009 the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) has been published and copyrighted by ShanghaiRanking Consultancy. ShanghaiRanking Consultancy is a fully independent organization on higher education intelligence and not legally subordinated to any universities or government agencies.

ARWU uses six objective indicators to rank world universities, including the number of alumni and staff winning Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals, number of highly cited researchers selected by Clarivate Analytics, number of articles published in journals of Nature and Science, number of articles indexed in Science Citation Index – Expanded and Social Sciences Citation Index, and per capita performance of a university. More than 1800 universities are actually ranked by ARWU every year and the best 1000 are published.

Although the initial purpose of ARWU was to find the global standing of top Chinese universities, it has attracted a great deal of attention from universities, governments and public media worldwide. ARWU has been reported by mainstream media in almost all major countries.

Hundreds of universities cited the ranking results in their campus news, annual reports or promotional brochures. A survey on higher education published by The Economist in 2005 commented ARWU as “the most widely used annual ranking of the world’s research universities”. Burton Bollag, a reporter at Chronicle of Higher Education wrote that ARWU “is considered the most influential international ranking”.

One of the factors for the significant influence of ARWU is that its methodology is scientifically sound, stable and transparent. The EU Research Headlines reported ARWU work on 31st December 2003: “The universities were carefully evaluated using several indicators of research performance.” Chancellor of Oxford University, Chris Patten, said “it looks like a pretty good stab at a fair comparison.”

Professor Simon Margison of Institute of Education, University of London commented that one of the strengths of “the academically rigorous and globally inclusive Jiao Tong approach” is “constantly tuning its rankings and invites open collaboration in that”.

ARWU and its content have been widely cited and employed as a starting point for identifying national strengths and weaknesses as well as facilitating reform and setting new initiatives. Bill Destler, the President of the Rochester Institute of Technology, drew reference to ARWU to analyze the comparative advantages that the Western Europe and US have in terms of intellectual talent and creativity in his publication in the journal Nature.

Martin Enserink referred to ARWU and argued in his paper published in Science that “France’s poor showing in the Shanghai ranking … helped trigger a national debate about higher education that resulted in a new law… giving universities more freedom”.

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