2022 Beijing University of Chinese Medicine International School Admissions Guide for International Students 2022年北京中医药大学本科外国留学生招生简章

2022 Beijing University of Chinese Medicine International School Admissions Guide for International Students
2022 Beijing University of Chinese Medicine International School Admissions Guide for International Students 2022年北京中医药大学本科外国留学生招生简章

2022 Beijing University of Chinese Medicine International School Admissions Guide for International Students


一、申请资格/ Qualification Requirements


In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Nationality Law of the People’s Republic of China, non-Chinese citizens holding valid foreign passports, with good moral character, in good physical and mental health, and have high school or equivalent qualifications, may apply


Applicants should be eighteen (18) years old or above, as of 31 August 2022


According to Document No. 12 (2020) of the Ministry of Education of China: if either parent is a Chinese citizen who has settled in a foreign country, so that the applicant has foreign nationality at birth, the applicant does not have Chinese nationality. From 2021 onwards, applicants for entry into this University for undergraduate education as international students must, in addition to meeting the school’s other qualifications, hold a valid foreign passport that was obtained before 30 April 2018, or have a proof of nationality. In addition, the applicant must have a record of actual residence in a foreign country for more than two years between 30 April 2018 and 30 April 2022 (The actual residence in a foreign country for nine months of the year can be calculated as one year, based on the entry and exit stamps)


Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan residents who apply to enter our undergraduate level as international students, after emigrating and acquiring foreign nationality, shall hold a valid foreign passport or a proof of nationality that was obtained before 30 April 2018. Such residents should also have a record of actual residence in a foreign country for more than two years between 30 April 2018 and 30 April 2022 (the actual residence in a foreign country for nine months of the year can be calculated as one year, based on the entry and exit stamps).

二、申请流程/ Admission Process

  → 递交材料/ Submission of Application Documents

  → 审核资料/Assessment of Documents by BUCM

  → 录取/Admission

  → 寄发《录取通知书》和《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》JW202/Receive the admission letter and the Foreign Students VISA application form (JW202 form)

  → 到中国驻所在国使馆办理X1签证/Apply for VISA at the Chinese Embassy of the Student’s Country

  → 报到/Register at University

三、申请材料/ Application Materials

        1. 必交材料/ Must be handed in:

1《北京中医药大学外国留学生本科入学申请表》(国际学院网下载)/BUCM Application Form for Undergraduate Admission for International Student (downloaded on the official website of the College);

2)护照信息页复印件(护照必须是在递交申请之日起6个月内有效的普通护照)/Photocopy of the passport information page (passports must have a validity of at least 6 months from the date of submission of the application);

3)全日制高中及以上毕业学历文件(应届毕业生可先提供预计毕业证明),须为原件或公证件,语言为中文或英文;/Full-time high school or above graduation documents (incipient graduates can provide an expected graduation certificate), original or notarized documents, in Chinese or English;

4)成绩证明(至少包括以下之一),须为原件或公证件,语言为中文或英文;/Academic transcript (including at least one of the following), original or notarized documents, in Chinese or English:

  • 最高学历学校提供的全部课程官方成绩单(原件或中、英文公证件)/Official academic transcripts of all courses taken from the institution where the highest academic degree was obtained (original and notarized documents in Chinese or English);
  • 国家/地区统一高中毕业考试成绩单/Documentation of national or State high school graduation;

5)出生证明或入籍满4国籍身份证明文件/ A birth certificate or proof of nationality, including any naturalization that has occurred prior to the past four years

6)语言水平证明/Language requirements

  • 母语为非中文的申请者提交新HSK4级(含)以上证书/ Chinese program: Applicants whose native language is not Chinese need to provide HSK level 4 (inclusive) or above certificate;

7)面试录像(约3分钟自我简介录像资料),部分学生需要网上视频面试;/Video (about 3 minutes of a self-introduction video). Some students will be interviewed online;

8)报名费支付凭证或网上汇款成功的截屏;/ A screenshot of the successful payment voucher or online remittance of the registration fee;

*报名费一经支付,恕不退回。未被录取或误报不符合申请资格的学习项目等情况,报名费均不予退还。建议申请人在支付报名费递交申请前与国际学院招生办公室咨询申请资格及其他录取要求。/ Once the registration fee has been paid, it will not be refunded. If you are not admitted or had signed up for an item not eligible for application, the registration fee will not be refunded. Applicants are advised to consult with the Admissions Office of the International Academy for eligibility and other admission requirements before paying the application fee.

9)北京中医药大学要求提交的其他补充材料。/Other supplementary materials required by Beijing University of Chinese Medicine.

        2. 选交材料/ Optional Documents

1)自荐信/ Personal statement

2)教师推荐信/ A reference

3)特殊才艺相关证明(级别证书、获奖证书等复印件材料)/ Relevant certificates for talents and skills (photocopy of level certificates or award certificates)


2022 Beijing University of Chinese Medicine International School Admissions Guide for International Students 2022年北京中医药大学本科外国留学生招生简章

四、报名方式/ Application Information

  • 报名时间/ Application time202211日–71日/ From January 1 to July 1, 2022
  • 网上报名/ Official Website:北京中医药大学国际学院官方网站http://guoji.bucm.edu.cn

在线报名系统/Online Applicationhttp://stu.bucm.lxs.org.cn/http://guoji.bucm.edu.cn

  • 邮箱报名/ Email[email protected]
  • 电话报名/ Tel010-64286303
  • 现场报名/Address中国北京市朝阳区北三环东路11号北京中医药大学国际学院招生办公室/ Admissions Office, International School, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, North 3rd Ring East Road No. 11, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China

五、专业介绍/ Majors introduction

    1.中医学专业 Traditional Chinese Medicine

    授课语言:中文授课 Teaching language: Chinese


This program aims to train students to become Chinese medicine physicians with a systematic understanding of basic TCM theoretical knowledge, to be competent in professional knowledge and practical skills, and to be equipped with independent learning abilities. Graduates can engage in areas such as Chinese medicine treatment, health prevention and rehabilitative care, or Chinese medicine teaching, research, and administration in healthcare organizations.


Students will learn more than 2000 hours of compulsory Chinese Medicine courses and general education that is integrated throughout the curriculum.

Chinese medicine main courses include: Basic courses of Traditional Chinese Medicine (including Fundamental Theory of TCM, TCM Diagnosis, etc.); courses of the Classics of Traditional Chinese Medicine (including Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Cold Damage); Jin Gui Yao Lue (Prescriptions from the Golden Coffer) etc.); Basic Medical Courses (including pharmacology, pathology, etc.); Clinical courses of Traditional Chinese Medicine (including Chinese Internal Medicine, Chinese Gynecology, etc.); and Clinical courses of Western Medicine (including Internal Medicine, Fundamentals of Diagnostics).

General education courses include: Traditional Chinese Culture, Chinese Language and so on. Based on the learning content, course teachers will use different teaching and learning strategies, including classroom lectures, group discussion, bedside teaching, demonstration, practical skills training, clinical internship, and community service.

    2.针灸推拿学专业 Acupuncture-Moxibustion and Tuina

    授课语言:中文授课 Teaching language: Chinese


This program aims to train students to master systematically the fundamental theories, professional knowledge, and practical skills of acupuncture, moxibustion and tuina, as well as be equipped with independent learning ability. Graduates can engage in clinical practice in Acupuncture, Tuina or Chinese medicine departments in healthcare organizations, or in areas such as teaching, research and administration.


Students will learn more than 2000 hours of compulsory Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Tuina courses and general education that are integrated throughout the curriculum.

Acupuncture specialty courses include: Basic courses of Traditional Chinese Medicine (including Fundamental Theory of TCM, TCM Diagnosis, etc.); courses of the Classics of Chinese medicine (including Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Cold Damage); Jin Gui Yao Lue (Prescriptions from the Golden Coffer, etc.); Acupuncture-Moxibustion and Tuina courses (including Meridians and Acupuncture points, Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy, etc.); Basic Medical Courses (including pharmacology, pathology, etc.); Clinical courses of Chinese medicine (including Chinese Internal Medicine, Chinese Gynecology, etc.); and Clinical courses of Western Medicine (including Internal Medicine, Fundamentals of Diagnostics).

General education courses include: Traditional Chinese Culture, Chinese Language and so on. Based on the learning content, course teachers will use different teaching and learning strategies, including classroom lectures, group discussion, bedside teaching, demonstration, practical skills training, clinical internship, and community service. The focus will be on developing the student’s basic professional skills in Acupuncture needling and Moxibustion, as well as Tuina manipulation techniques.



Application Fee




Tuition Fee

 (Per academic Year)


Chinese Medicine ;  

Acupuncture-Moxibustion and Tuina


Start date: Every September*



Preparatory Chinese Language Course


Start date: Every March and September



Preparation Program for the National Physician Qualification Examination


Start date: Every August



On-campus Accommodation


Single Room


Pay by semester




Double Room





(Per academic Year)


Covers basic accidental injury and hospitalization fees


*实际报到时间、开课时间及授课形式以学校具体通知为准。/The actual time of reporting, the opening time and form of the courses shall be subject to the specific notice of the school.

2022 Beijing University of Chinese Medicine International School Admissions Guide for International Students 2022年北京中医药大学本科外国留学生招生简章


     【银行账户信息/Bank Account Information】

       账户名称/Account Name:北京中医药大学


       开户银行/Bank Name:中国银行股份有限公司北京房山支行


    账号/Account №:335069045265


    银行联行号/CNAPS CODE:104100004843

    银行地址//Bank Address:北京市房山区良乡拱辰北大街3 102488

 No.3 Gongchen North Street, Liangxiang,Fangshan District, Beijing,102488

    银行电话/Telephone Number:010-89356347


*Please attach the words “Applicant’s passport name + International College registration fee” at the time of remittance.

七、可申请的奖学金/ Scholarships

    1.中国政府奖学金/Chinese Government Scholarships

    申请时间/Application time每年1月初至4月初/Every year from early January to early April.

    申请方式/Application references中国国家留学基金委员会网站/Applicants may refer to the official websiteshttp://www.campuschina.org/or http://www.csc.edu.cn/laihua/获得最新的奖学金信息并申请。申请人也可咨询中国驻外使领馆了解相关信息。Applicants can also consult Chinese Embassies in their home country for relevant information.

    2.北京市外国留学生奖学金/Beijing Foreign Students Scholarship

    申请时间/Application Time202221-630/ From February 1 to June 30, 2022

    申请方式/Application description: 符合报名资格的自费留学生可申请经专家评审后成绩优秀的学生可获得奖学金。/Self-funded students who meet the registration qualification can apply for the scholarship. After expert evaluation, students with excellent performance will be awarded the scholarship.

    3.优莎纳新生奖学金/USANA Freshmen Scholarship

    申请时间/20222-6 /Application Time: From February to June, 2022

    申请方式/符合报名资格的自费留学生可申请经专家评审后成绩优秀的学生可获得一年奖学金。/Application description: Self-funded students who meet the registration qualification can apply for the scholarship. After expert evaluation, students with excellent performance will be awarded one year’s scholarship.

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