2022 Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
Admission Guide of International Chinese Teachers Scholarship

Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
In order to promote the development of Chinese education in various countries, the Chinese foreign language exchange and cooperation center of the Ministry of Education has established an international Chinese teacher Scholarship (referred to as the scholarship) to train qualified overseas Chinese teachers. Confucius Institutes, independently set Confucius Classrooms, some Chinese language examination sites, Chinese teachers / Chinese departments of foreign universities, relevant foreign Chinese teaching industry organizations, Chinese embassies (consulates) abroad, etc. (referred to as recommenders) can recommend excellent students and Chinese teachers already in-service to Chinese universities (referred to as receiving institutions) to study and further study Chinese International Education and related majors.
Jiangxi University of Finance and economics is a high standard University of Finance and Economics jointly built by the Ministry of finance, the Ministry of education and the Government of the Province Jiangxi. It focuses on economics and management, and also has different major such as Law, Engineering, Literature, Science, Arts and other disciplines. The University adheres to the principle of open education and has established stable cooperation and exchange relations with more than 160 universities in more than 40 countries and regions.
In 1997, JUFE enrolled its first group of international students from the Vienna University of Economics in Austria. Since then, JUFE has established a matured education system for international students, and opened English taught programs for undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate studies.
In May 2016, JUFE and Coventry University partnered to build the Confucius Institute, which was officially inaugurated and has been operating till today. In 2018, JUFE was granted an official certification for quality international students’ education by the Ministry of Education of China. In 2019, JUFE enrolled more than 500 international students from over 80 countries and regions such as the United States, Canada, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, Russia, Pakistan, Morocco, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and other countries.
JUFE has developed a recruiting system with expertise services and professional management teams for international student. It regularly organizes academic conferences, international cultural festivals, local cultural tours, summer camps and many more interesting activities for international students. In addition, there are various student associations also available for international students to enrich their campus life and promote mutual exchanges between Chinese and international students, such as international student volunteer teams, football teams and volleyball teams for international students to participate in.
Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics Enrollment category
Chinese language study for one academic year/ half academic year
二、资助对象 Eligibility
5.年龄为 16-35 周岁(统一以 2022 年 9 月 1 日计)。在职中文教师放宽至 45 周岁,本科奖学金申请者一般不超过25 周岁。
All applicants should be:
a) Non-Chinese citizens;
b) Abide by the laws and regulations of China and the rules and regulations of the schools;
c) In good physical and mental conditions, and with good academic Performance and conduct;
d) Committed to the Chinese language education and related work;
e) Between the ages of 16 and 35 (as of September 1st, 2022). Applicants currently working as Chinese language teachers shall not be over 45, while undergraduate student applicants shall not be over 25.

Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics Types of Scholarship and Qualifications
一学期研修生:2022 年9月、2023 年3月入学,资助期限为5个月。不录取护照上有X1、X2签证者。
Scholarship for One-Semester Study: The program starts either in September 2022 or March 2023, and provides scholarship of a maximum of five months. Applicants’ passport with holding the X1 or X2 visa are not eligible.
Scholarship for One-Academic-Year Study: The program starts in September 2022, and provides scholarship for a maximum of eleven months. Applicants who have similar scholarship are not eligible.
汉语研修方向,汉语考试成绩达到 HSK(三级) 210 分,提供 HSKK 成绩者优先。
Chinese Language Study: Applicants shall have a minimum score of 210 in HSK test (Level-3). Applicants with HSKK score would be considered favorably.
Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics Application Procedures
2022 年3月1日起,申请者可登录国际中文教师奖学金报名网站(cis.chinese.cn)申请国际中文教师奖学金。登录奖学金网站,查询推荐机构与接收院校,接受院校请写江西财经大学;在线提交申请材料,关注申请进程、审核意见与奖学金评审结果;奖学金获得者与接收院校确认办理来华留学手续,在线打印获奖证书;按录取通知书规定的时间入学报到。
Online registration will be available from March 1st, 2022 on the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship website (cis.chinese.cn). Please log on to search recommending institutions and host institutions (Please find Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics), upload application materials online, and track the application progress, feedback of review and admission results. Scholarship holders need to confirm with the host institutions to go through the procedures of studying in China, print out CIS certificate online, and register shall enroll at the designated date and time as per the letter of admission.
1.4 月 15 日(7 月入学)。
2.5 月 15 日(9 月入学)。
3.9 月 15 日(12 月入学)。
4.11 月 15 日(2023 年 3 月入学)。
The application deadlines:
a) April 15th (for those commencing in July)
b) June 15th (for those commencing in September)
c) September 15th (for those commencing in December)
d) November 15th (for those commencing in March 2023)
The Confucius Institute Headquarters will complete the scholarship review funding and select the best for funding, the results will be published three months before enrollment.
Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics Documents Needed
A Scanned copy of passport photo page
2.HSK、HSKK 成绩报告(有效期两年)扫描件。
A scanned copy of the HSK and HSKK score tests (within the two-year validity).
A Recommendation letter by the head of the recommending institutions.
Applicants currently work as Chinese language teachers should provide the proof of employment as well as a recommendation letter from the employer.
5. 未满18周岁的申请者,须提交在华监护人署名的委托证明文件。
Applicants under the age of 18 shall provide certified documents of designation signed by their entrusted legal guardians in China.

Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics Others
Applicants should be aware of the detailed application requirement and deadlines of their target institutions and submit application documents as instructed.
Students shall submit other necessary documents according to specific requirements from the host University.
3.未按时报到、入学体检不合格、中途退学、休学者, 取消奖学金资格。
Students who fail to report on time, fail to pass the admission physical examination, drop out of school or leave school will be disqualified from the scholarship.
Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics Contacts
Program Manager: Mr. Wang
Address: No.169 Shuang gang East Street, Changbei National Economic and Technological Development Zone, Nanchang, Jiangxi, China.
电话Phone number:0086-79183807960
邮箱Email Address:[email protected]/[email protected]
International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship Coverage and Criteria at Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
The scholarship provides full coverage on tuition fee, accommodation fee, living allowance (four-week study students are excluded) and comprehensive medical insurance expenses.
Tuition is under the overall planning and utilization of host institutions to provide teaching and management of scholarship students organizing cultural and social activities, as well as organizing Chinese language proficiency tests. Tuition fee does not cover the textbook expenses and tourist tickets.
2.住宿费由接收院校统筹使用,为学生提供免费宿舍,一般为双人间;经奖学金生申请、接收院校批准,选择校外住宿者,由学校按月或季度发放住宿费,博士生标准为 1000 元人民币/月,其他类奖学金生为 700 元人民币/月。
Accommodation fee is under the overall planning and utilization of host Institutions to provide students with in-campus apartments (usually double rooms). Students may also live off-campus upon application and getting permission from the host institutions. Students who live off-campus are entitled to accommodation allowance of 1000 CNY per person/month for doctoral students and 700 CNY per person/month for other students paid on a monthly / quarterly basis from the host institutions.
3.生活费由接收院校按月发放。本科生、一学年和一学期研修生标准为 2500 元人民币/月;汉语国际教育专业硕士生为 3000 元人民币/月;汉语国际教育专业博士生为 3500 元人民币/月。
Living allowance is granted by host institutions on a monthly basis. The monthly allowance for undergraduates, one-academic-year study students and one-semester students is 2,500 CNY per person. For MTCSOL student, the monthly allowance is 3,000 CNY per person. For DTCSOL student, the monthly allowance is 3500 CNY per person.
奖学金生按接收院校录取通知书规定的时间入学报到,否则取消奖学金资格。9 月 15 日(含 15 日)前到校注册者,当月发放全额生活费;15 日以后注册者,当月发放半月生活费。奖学金生在学期间(不含寒暑假)因个人原因离开中国时间超过 15 天者,停发离华期间生活费。奖学金生因个人原因休学、退学或受接收院校纪律处分者,停发自休学、退学或接到处分通知之日起的生活费。毕(结)业生的生活费发放至学校确定的 毕(结)业日期后的半个月。
Students are required to complete enrollment procedures for every semester within stipulated period; otherwise, their scholarship may be canceled. Students who are enrolled before the 15th (or on the 15th) of September are entitled to the full- month allowance, while those enrolled after the 15th of September are only entitled to half of the amount for the first month. During the study period, for any student who is absent from China due to personal reasons for more than 15 days (excluding winter and summer breaks), the allowance during absence will be suspended. For students who suspend study or drop out of school for personal reasons, or who are given disciplinary punishment by the host institutions, allowance will be terminated on the date of such suspension, dropping out or when the decision of such punishment is announced. The living allowance for the month of graduation will be granted half a month after the date of graduation or expiration day of the study confirmed by host institutions.
4.综合医疗保险费参照中国教育部来华留学有关规定执行,由接收院校统一购买。四周研修生标准为 160 元人民币/人,一学期研修生为400元人民币/人,一学年以上标准为 800元人民币/年/人。
Comprehensive medical insurance is purchased by the host institutions in accordance with relevant regulations of studying in China stipulated by the Ministry of Education of China. Insurance fee per person is 160 CNY for four-week study students, 400 CNY for one-semester students, and 800 CNY per year for students engaged in program longer than one academic year.